What's your favorite character type?

What type of female body style do you prefer for your VN's? (Select all that apply)

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Oct 30, 2020
Hey all,

I want to get an idea of what kind of models/characters and their body types people prefer in their VN's.

(I searched for some other threads to see if they asked similar questions but didn't find any that asked for this kind of information. Let me know if you know of others)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Gonna stick with type of girls I usually date, generally older than me and toned to muscular.

I have a severe thing for women with muscle, dampens the panties every damn time.

Helps that i'm tiny so having an Amazonian goddess pin me down and do what the hell she wants to me is awesome.

I do like a bit of hair on the pussy too. Bald pussy is a mega turn off.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
As far as age goes, anything between 20 and 60 is fine. If they are presented as milfs, they should be visibly 40+, unless there is an explanation why they look younger. They should be curvy, but not in a comically exaggerated way. Muscular is fine, if they dominate the other women. In the best case there is some variety in body shapes.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
for gaming purposes, I do like variety. there are several games where the female models are pretty much cosmetically adapted versions of the same body type, which usually reflects the type the dev likes most (nothing wrong with that).

I quite enjoy the variety presented in some games, for instance, Personal trainer, where you have the toned asian, the body building blonde, the older chubby black woman, and a few more characters with a variety of shapes and sizes and ages too. it was a refreshing experience, compared to many other games which I still enjoy, but which tend to present more of the same things, sometimes giving raise to in game comments from one character saying "god, she's an absolute stunner"... whilst their own arm candy in that very frame is pretty much a solid 10/10 herself according to the same metrics.
I've mostly grown out of the anime style.

Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Hmmm... probably 20-something (so on the younger side), and if in a fantasy setting then definitely a spellcaster!

So something like a sexy sorceress who's just finished her training and is stepping into the wider world in search of adventure. Muscle amazons are also fun, but only if they're not too exaggerated.
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Oct 30, 2020
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.


Nov 5, 2016
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.
I can't speak for most since muscular women aren't actually a fetish of mine, but in both real life and in a game I have been attracted to a muscular woman before, though it was nothing to the extreme levels of muscularity some people prefer. For me it was never to do with the muscles themselves, it just came down to a personality thing. Given generally most people don't find muscular women attractive, those that actually go through with it tend to have a truer kind of confidence than the type of confidence you get from knowing you are attractive and they know what they want and are generally less judgemental of any flaws other people have. Simply put, you can tend to be comfortable around them, I know it doesn't translate well into games but in real life I've always found myself more attracted to women who I can relax around regardless of looks.
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Jul 11, 2017
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.
I'm not sure I'm really the best to answer this, as I'm not into the super muscular types (e.g. Schwarzenegger with tits), but I can certainly enjoy particularly athletic/fit builds (to an extent) on women.

For me, I think it's several things working in tandem. For one, bodyscapes and the shapes/forms/movement of the musculature beneath the skin can be really sexy (again, to an extent). You can only get that effect from women who are particularly fit and lean. The lithe/lean/fit look also tends to convey a sense of flexibility, durability, and ability to perform, which gets the imagination going. I suspect it also may communicate a sense of vitality and fertility at a subconscious level--so it's like stimulating those lizard brain stimulators that program us to want to reproduce.

For me, I guess why overly muscular isn't attractive despite all that is mostly an aesthetics issue, and perhaps to some extent a dominance issue. I'm not into femdom, and I'm not into chicks that look like they could bench press or manhandle me. I want to be doing the manhandling.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.
I think it depends on how you define muscular. I would bet for women, most people are thinking well toned and athletic, not someone with bigger muscles than most guys. For instance in my case I think this is hot:


But I don't find this remotely attracitive:



Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.
the bodybuilder physique does nothing for me.. from the aforementioned game Personal trainer, the bodybuilder is otherwise a cute blonde, but if muscle girls are a concern, I much prefer the toned physique of the asian girl, who is just shy of having a sixpack but is still athletic (she's a competitive swimmer in the game).
from The intoxicating flavour, the elder sister Katie is a definite looker, she's a martial artist and has a toned and muscular physique whilst still remaining very femminine and not having bulked up. that's a pretty good look.
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Oct 30, 2020
So you are saying that while you don't really like bodybuilders (overly muscular), a fit or toned body is attractive? (Just making sure I understand what you are saying)

Maybe I'll make another poll regarding the various muscle tone levels and see what are preferable as it seems that the "Muscular" option here can encompass a wide range of various looks that may not be on the same level with each other.

I'm thinking if I add "Muscular" females in future VN's, they'll most likely be in the fit/toned category and not in the Ms. Universe category.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
So you are saying that while you don't really like bodybuilders (overly muscular), a fit or toned body is attractive? (Just making sure I understand what you are saying)
it definitely is, especially so if it makes her stand out in the rendering, compared to other girls in the same game. again, have a run through Personal Trainer... the manager of the gym is runway material with large hooters, the japanese girl has a fairly toned physique, there's a chubby elderly, one that is definitely on the obese side, and more "run of the mill" standard hotties and even a few that I would not find attractive IRL, so every "shape" has a chance to shine, and in that game in particular, that makes the japanese girl and the gym manager stand out to me.
IRL, you could think of pro volleyball players, who tend to have great looks and a fairly athletic build, but being rather tall this athletic build is spread thin, so to speak, rather than bulky.
I've seen plenty pro crossfit athletes that I thought were too bulky and muscular, to the point of becoming masculine. did nothing for me, but they did have their own following of drooling guys..so it remains a very personal thing.
That said, if I were to pick between a hot volleyball player and, say.. Monica Bellucci or Jennifer Lawrence, the athlete would not be my first pick. But in a game with variety (which I always encourage and appreciate), there is definitely room for a more athletic build. Too many games have a selection of characters that vary solely in hairdo, skin colour/texture, or at best facial expression. So much can be obtained by adding a slightly more plump character, or one with, dare I say it stretch marks, or one with a larger (but credible) bootie/frame in the mix.
In the end, most of the appeal of the character, quality of the rendering aside, will be depending on context and dialogue anyway...
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
pretty much all except granny (although that sometimes depends) and futa
but i suppose what i picked is just bog standard for many games
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
My favorite character type is one's that fit the role and story they have been cast in.
I hate plot holes because some idiots improperly casts a character in a story and creates countless plot holes.
Example: Special Request the MC is cast as the best Marketing Strategist she is supposed to be smart and talented.
Yet, she acts like a complete idiot / moron from the get go. She could get a simple speeding ticket and get out of the contract with them the lead villain even points that out and she doesn't bother getting herself a speeding ticket. She doesn't use any of the potential ways to turn the blackmail against the moron of a villain.

They would have been better off casting her as an internet thought who was failing and that was the only person who fell for their shit. That would have been 10 million times more believable.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
There aren't enough pudgy characters and homely characters in these games, especially females. Also, tomboys that could pass for the opposite sex. Also, nerdy characters with questionable hygiene. I guess what I'm saying is, I like variety and have relatively few dealbreakers in terms of body type.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
The results (so far) are very interesting. I wasnt aware that muscular women were so popular. I have to admit, it’s not one of my fetishes but I’m not opposed to including this character type in future stories.

Would someone mind explaining what they find attractive/turn on about muscular women? Since I don’t understand the appeal, I’ll need some help with how to write them so they work for others.
While I'm not a fan of women on steroids, I think a certain amount of muscle mass is just fine, as long as it doesn't make the character too masculine. Warrior women wielding heavy weapons should have the muscles to do so in an at least somewhat realistic way and women who dominate other women should also have a physique that emphasizes their dominant role.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
40yo pilates crazy stern soccer moms. uncomically big asses and tits. the second proportions go unrealistic something is lost. the monkey brain just stops responding to it.

about "what is muscular", even the most beautiful women look kinda meh without a healthy muscle tone. the musculature defines the shapes our brain is hardwired for, and being model thin and pretty is a poor substitute for it. fat or thin, the underlying musculature decides whether you look good or not.
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