Mostly I'm just waiting on updates to current projects.
I suppose that's pretty much it for most people here who are interested mostly in
games with porn, or at least something as close to games as it can get around here. Currently i have just 11 pages in my bookmarks, after digging through the entire game section just eleven pages of decent and half-decent stuff. But i'm also rather picky i guess. Well, can't really be satisfied with sub-par stuff once you tasted quality, and that's just fine by me. Instead of downgrading my standards, i simply partake in another activity while i wait.
I think the last time I was genuinely surprised by a new projects was
Hah, i can't even remember when this was for me. Probably a decade ago or so, maybe even longer.
... Kinda miss those days ngl, that euphoria of discovering something amazing for the first time felt like ambrosia.
It was enough to keep me wide-awake and playing non-stop for days, even without eating. Ah shit, now i'm in sentimental mood.
There are very few hits among an ocean of misses around here
That's true, sadly.
Lately i fear that my thread-ignore list may hit hard cap soon and i won't be able to ignore threads anymore, now that would be quite annoying.