
Others - Where Girls Are Made [v0.8.79] [HelloArisu Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    I have... quite a lot to say about this game, despite how simple the gameplay loop is. Let's start with the PROS, of which there are few;

    1) For the most part, where it matters, the art looks good. The girls are decently rendered and animated, the cutscenes are alright.

    2) Money isn't hard to earn, and progression for the character is fine. (energy and salary increments make sense)

    1) While the character art is fine, everything else is just... bad. Like really bad. Not only does the Background artist pay ZERO attention to line weight, color theory and details, but the palete... the goddamn palette is so bad. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to splash Neon pink, Cyan, and purple everywhere thinking it automatically makes a good Cyberpunk setting? WHO? In Cyberpunk games, those colors are used to help make the background POP, not as the primary colors for any scene. If anything, backgrounds are usually metallic grey and bluish to help set aside the bright colors for accents and highlights.

    2) Not only that, you also cannot zoom into the characters when engaging in sex. I'm not sure about most people, but I like the action to be up and center, rather and zoomed out and far away. There is also no climax animation, although I kinda(?) remember it being present in earlier versions of this game. I could be mistaken but regardless, it isn't present now.

    3) Gameplay loop is tedious and boring. Simple? Yes. But its not at all fun in any sense of the word. There is nothing interactive about it. Just watch the lines for red and green, and then accept or reject accordingly. It's simply too simple to keep the player from getting bored out of their minds, ESPECIALLY since there is no other avenue for earning money.

    4) And the worst sin of all; the Paywall. Look, I get it. You want to create an incentive for patrons to pay for higher tiers by providing exclusive content. but the problem is, all the content being withheld are part of the gameplay. You're essentially cutting out 1/3 of the game's content to justify an 'exclusive' version that should, frankly, not exist. Paywalls are meant for rewards that can only be obtained outside of the game, like Patrons asking for custom porn animation loops or something. But whatever, this is just a personal issue I have, and I'm sure most people are fine with this. I'm just not.

    TLDR; repetitive and tedious game that doesn't do its own strengths justice by not having zoom functions as well as hiding 1/3 of its content behind a paywall. Not recommended.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Painfully boring, an errand simulator that rewards you with porn. You could get the same experience by playing papers please and every time the day ends, play a short loop of porn. The main selling point is the setting and fetish content of girls being robots and this I find to be a poor reason to play Where girls are made.
    This game needs to make its core loop, the creation of the girls, more erotic in nature to keep the attention of the player.
    The animations are clean and look nice, the loops themselves are of quality but the implementation of them should be revised to better fit a game, not a gallery.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Usually games where men are the dominating force are shallow and make me feel like a total pos even reading about them

    This game has a semblance of the girl side actually standing some ground which is cool

    Other than that the gameplay is repetitive but the story is engaging enough for me to keep grindin

    Oh yeah the girls are hot too i guess
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The story is great and the art is wonderful. I can't wait for the next update ! I hope that in the future, the factory work will get harder or with more things to do at the same time
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A very interesting concept. I think it has a huge potential if it is combined with mechanics similar to Papers Please + making a harem. But the current state of the game is really bad in my opinion. The gameplay is extremely repetitive, boring, and ridiculously easy, as everything you need to check is either green or red. If you see anything red - reject it. This is so easy that even an ape would be able to do it. The scenes are basically one looped move. The art style is fine. Writing is terrible.
    So for now it's very poor, but maybe later it will be way better
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    As for 0.4.00 the game is very simple, even too simple.
    Every girl has 3 animation and there is no finishing. The bar with animation just loads into 100% and that's it. There is just a little bit of plot explaining to you where, what and who you are + some girl introduction dialogue after you acquire one. Your whole purpose in this game is to raise stamina by banging the girls, and using it for working.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's really a great game with very interesting gameplay, but I believe there needs to be more story about the game in the free version.
    Art: 8/10
    Story: 7/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    hmm... maybe we can find out more through new updates and with that we can see how long the game will go after all it is still in its early stages and has a lot of potential.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    should be called real time clickmania.

    not bad enough that the whole game right now is a grind for cash to purchase androids - of which only 2 are ready (the rest all say still in development), and that the grinding is observation based... and that observation once you figure out how is compare a growing and disorganized list of requirements (with a time limit for each) to a product then - if OK (because you can't look again after going into analysis mode) accepting if it also is working in all categories (otherwise reject) to get bonus or penalty cash...

    but you also have to click several times to do, well, anything.

    I want to go home. so I click on Apartment.
    ...are you sure you want to go to the apartment? yes. click again.
    ...ok, going to apartment. click to proceed.


    k. I have no idea whether there's any redeeming quality to the game, because after finding out that the grind led to only 2 possible androids for all that work, neither of which thrilled me I uninstalled.

    maybe others will be more amused where I was annoyed.