Where is the review button?

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Techdemo of game mechanics is already looking promissing but in my opinion its honestly to early to say something about it.
    at current stage its a set of puzzles not yet applied into one body. god damn if they are not well made and beautifull but still puzzles.

    but if we talk about animations... they are already worth a full game price on their own and it would not be exaggeration if i would say than its not only best animated porn game but they also beat most of animated porn movies.
    add to it really wonderfully made character models with multiple species and it is becoming a god tier experience for everyone.

    this package as a whole is a top tier raw diamond, all we need to do is to look at it to know that this wonderfull thing just need a bit of polishing and shaping to be shown at the most prestige place in an art gallery.

    and to end it all, i support only 5 creators in patron, and all of them i support only because i like their creators ;)