VN - Ren'Py - Where the Heart Is [S1 v2024-07-10 BETA] [CheekyGimp]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done! This game is another gem along with only few others featuring on f95. Monica's character is definitely a treat that attracts more and more fans to the game. Although, game features other characters and dialogues that sustain steady lust along episode. :) Story has a lot of twist moments, which adds spice and charisma to artists.
    If other game devs read those reviews to learn receipt of popularity, well... it may sound simple, but somehow it is so hard to see in hundreds VN's/Game releases showing up continuously on updates page. Meantime, receipe is simple enough, but hard to achieve without genuine imagination. It stars with making MILF character realistic and it goes not only to render quality, before rushing to claim MILF tag, you should design real MILF character, which is mature enough to be distinguished from teens around (just adding big tits or calling her mrs/aunt/mom wont make it), it also should be supported by her outlook to things, as she has been for a while so seen a life.
    Story, yes, you need plot and relationship in VN, as you are not competing with porn, if you trying to compete with porn by quality of renders, you loose right away, CG is just not same league to be competitive there. Story, that is what what attracts people, so if you can't go beyond porno cliche, once you figure out CG, then it just wont fly.
    Once you figure it out, and wrap it around lewd but picante situations, you will be there.
    Good luck!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Levi

    Ok so this is my first review of a game , now I have played a lot of porn games over the years but this one is special imo .

    I really love the renders they are absolutely beautiful but that's not the only thing that makes this game great.

    This game has animation to an extent which is something I absolutely applaud creators putting in their games cuz it just makes the games feel more real and that's not a shot at creators who don't cuz I have seen a ton of games that don't have animation that are amazing.

    Next thing I love is the COMEDY I don't think I have laughed and enjoyed comedy in a porn game like this and that's not a genre I expected myself to really want when I first started playing porn games , the way the writer has made Katie and the MC is simply amazing they are just hilarious when they make fun of each other and I really enjoy the MC sarcastic options they are of high quality comedy to me.

    Now that leads me to my Next point the writing Which Is a big thing I stress in porn games cuz some porn games feel like shitty porn videos when I see the dialogue and it makes the story hollow and unrealistic to a fault but this game does a good job in making the game feel real like I am actually watching a show and dictating where it goes.

    Another thing I love seeing is how the characters feel REAL there is nothing I hate more then characters with no personality and this game I feel gives every character their own personality , Katie for example is funny , sarcastic , a take no shit girl and someone who wears their heart on their sleeve (someone who is open to speaking what's on their mind) unless it is about her affection towards the MC but you can crack that shell little by little which in turn makes her more real cuz you are not just getting a BJ right after you see her again .

    Also a worthy note is even though I personally play porn games for the porn and sometimes hate when creators wait to damn long for the sex scenes there is something good to waiting for the sex but that is only good if you can entertain the player with not just hand jobs along the way , but when you finally get there woooooh is it a turn on imo cuz all that work was not for nothing and it just make it so that I appreciate the game more (by the way there is a lot of good scenes in here regardless if you just want the sex scenes right away and it's not like the game is devoid of sex cause there is a hand full of sex scenes from the supporting cast early on and in the middle of the game).

    A thing to note is that the porn scenes are done pretty well and with the dialogue make the scenes sexy and fill me with interest instead of a boring ass scene.

    Alright 3 more things the story is intriguing and full of mystery imo about the MC's dad , the inheritance , and the bitchy gold digging step mom who you end up hating (cuz who doesn't hate gold digging bitches) and little by little it will unravel but as I said before the games strength is it's character's stories and personalities.

    Now for the body proportions I tend to lean towards big titties and ass for all but when you make a game with the female characters having realistic figures with some having ample tits and ass to further improve realism it's just stunning.

    Alright I'm done wooooh sorry for the long ass rating I just felt that small complements about the game was not enough for a game this great cuz it just deserves more and people should support this creator also if you were to ask me if there was a con to this game it would be the fact that I feel empty cuz I fully enjoyed an update and now I gotta wait for the next one :( but that's fine cuz I know the wait will be worth it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games currently on F95.

    The renders are gorgeous, the models are varied (though there is a distinct lack of smaller cup-size women), but all beautiful, the dialogue is at best riveting and never reached the low point of me just clicking through it. The story has some cliché elements, but also some nice twists to keep things fresh.

    Absolute high-points includes the fake casting for the bitchy model, the incredibly filthy mouth on the older sister, and the revenge-plot against her former boyfriend.

    Score: 5/5, and a place in my personal top 5
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I definitely liked it quite a bit and there's some scenes here that are top tier for me (the party). Each character is well developed and I like each of their qualities and stories. It feels like somebody thought about them before they put them in the game to be a "hot body". The only reason it's not five stars is in my opinion, the writing could use a bit of work in some areas, but that's simply a skill to be worked on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 PERFECTO!

    This game is an example of what others games should stride to be. Starting with a story. The overview sounds boring and similar to other games, but you play it, the game throws interesting curveballs of mystery into a main plot, not to mention amazing side character activities. Truly, you will never feel bored, because there is always something happening.

    Characters look gorgeous, but the best part about them that they are very well developed and each one of them feels unique and original. Its not just your typical shy younger sister, or an older bully sister which became a cliche with so many games having similar household. Dialogue makes them appear alive and the way MC interacts with them only builds them up into even better version of what they were when your first met them.

    Truly an amazing game going into favorites and I strongly recommend everyone checking it out!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to admit, when I started, I had a bad first impression with the writing. The story was cliche and I thought the first dialogue was bad.
    Well it's actually the opposite, every character is nicely written and have a distinct and coherent way of speaking, and a distinct relationship with the MC.

    It's an excellent, straightforward game with unique character designs, very nice renders and a wide variety of situations.

    good: + The variety in character designs
    + Not afraid to add a little bit of "ugliness", which just feels more natural and realistic
    + Character writing and developpement
    + Takes its time without being frustrating
    + The point system works well
    + The big sister storyline is especially good and deserves a mention; engaging, light hearted with just a tip of drama. Felt like I was in a teen movie... except R-rated

    Bad: - The little sister character however, is completely botched. The skintone is unnatural, her face too generic, and her story is not as compelling as the others.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorites VNs,i already stated this multiple times on posts, but the reason i say this is because the writing is so well done,in this one you can see that each girl has her own personality, the diversity of the models is also something amazing, different body types and faces to please all players, some people say that some of them are "ugly" but i call that realism, not every woman you meet in real life will have a pretty face or a perfect body,the plot is also great so far, you get curious you start to make theorys of whats gonna happen next and thats the kind of thing that happens when i read a good book or watch a good movie\ tv series,and each episode makes you crave for more.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Some of the models make me gag. Not an understatement.

    Now it wouldn't be much of a problem if I could avoid them like the plague, which is something most games allow, but this one keeps on forcing interactions with them, of the sexual kind no less.

    "Do you want to kiss this GILF?"
    "Do you want to kiss this GILF now?"
    "Still no."
    "...How about now?"
    "Okay, fine, I get it! ...But do you want to stick your dick in that tho?"

    It's one thing I do not find every character appealing. I don't mind that.
    ...But could you just fucking cease forcing it? Trying to guilt trip me? When I refused the offer at least 20 times before? 20 fucking times wasn't enough of a clue?

    A porn game shouldn't get on my nerves and kill my boner but here we are.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I've forced myself to make it through the beginning just to check why this game has such a high rate. And.. I didn't find out. Beginning is just dull and later on get's no better. I don't like the story - it's not involving (pretty silly IMO) and I really dislike most of the NPC. I can name just a few that I found interesting (like Debbie, Wanda or Natasha). Most of the models are just unappealing (like the matures for instance: nasty faces, huge hangers and clumpy booty eek, gross...). Some of the younger one are just as heavy as the matures. Interactions and texts are often wierd or embarassing. I think it could have been done better.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    - Good character options with added depths
    - nice storyline
    - graphics are pretty solid
    - love the fetishes and sex scenes
    - smooth transitions and gameplay music generally fits

    - Could add darker/hardcore options
    - hopefully characters will come to like the protagonist more over time (now it feels more like a physical r/s than emotional) but this is just a personal desire
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There's been loads of comments on the graphics (solid, if maybe not cutting edge) and animation (single frame animations that do the trick, but fall short of Milfy City or Betrayed). I wanted to touch on the game's real strength: It has truly superb pacing *for a fapping game*.

    Does it make a lick of sense to be sexing up relatives within a few days? No, but as a game, it's great. It moves relatively quickly from play kissing to deep kissing to heavy petting to more, with heavier scenes with peripheral characters spliced in. Other games could take note about not rushing to the sex or grinding overly long from WTHI.

    Ch. 9 update:
    Props to CheekyGimp as with the Ch. 9 update, the art and animations have been bumped up a notch. The newer renders look better, the models seem to have been tweaked, and the animations are multi-frame and smoother. All moving in the right direction.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The writing is really good. It's not generic like in a lot of porn VNs, it's not really based on stereotypes and if there is something stereotypical, it's handled well. The story is nice. It's not forced and handles the "MC's family, but not really" problem very well. I really like the character's personalities. I think those are the best asset.

    Now some criticism, because there is not much of it in the reviews I have seen, and even though the author won't mos likely read this, criticism is always useful if it's on point.

    There are some problems with grammar, but it's ok. It's not as immersion breaking as I thought it would be initially.

    The game could use better renders, though. The character models look really old, even in the newer episodes, the lighting is meh, and it's all still kinda grainy. Author probably doesn't have that great machine to make high quality renders.

    The poses are not that good and I don't like the facial expressions. They don't look natural.

    The models themselves could use newer hairstyles and textures. They are not really that pretty (for DAZ3D models), but the way they are written makes them appealing regardless.

    Overall a very fun experience, which is a bit dragged down due to the artwork's lack of polish.
  13. 5.00 star(s)




    -Sexy Models
    -Immersive Eye Blnking
    -No Rush with Multiple outcomes
    -Creative Plot with lots of twists and turns
    -Hot sex scenes with adequate single frame animations

    Its taken too long to fuck Monica.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... what a fucking amazing game this is. I have been entertained from start to finish without a single dull/boring moment. Good fucking job, you guys are unbelievably good at this. Every time you put out a new episode you top the previous one. This is easily in the top 5 best games in the genre, if not the top 5 best adult games in existence... period.

    Keep it up. This is such a great game. Draw it out as long as you want, seriously. Hell... feel free to go for 500 episodes like you're writing fucking F-R-I-E-N-D-S, you won't hear me complaining.

    Where The Heart Is is one of the very small handful of games that I give a full 5.0 out of 5.0 rating to. This game IS perfection.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game where the strongest part is the writing. All the characters feel like real people and how they respond to situations is always consistent with their personality. These characters draw you in and leave you wondering how they will respond to what is going on.

    Art style:
    The art in the game is clearly created by a single artist as all the charters and background images are in the same style with consistent quality. The detail in the images is high without having a photo realistic feel.

    Coding Quality:
    One play-through up to and including chapter 8 was performed, and there were no bugs or error messages encountered.

    The game does not appear to have background music or sound effects. (please note that I primarily play with the audio on my computer muted but for this review I replayed through chapter 1 to confirm the lack of audio)

    Most assuredly yes!
    This is a product of undeniable quality. The decision to release in episodically makes it more enjoyable as everything in the section of the story that you are playing is completed giving the product an undeniable impression of being polished.
  16. J
    5.00 star(s)


    Incredible. A hell of a lot of good fun. Hats off to the developers - it's so close to brilliant. You've really managed to build a great story arc with the characters, so much so that the build-up is where it is at (and should be). Five stars.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great great game. One of the best on the site.

    The graphics in the first couple of episodes are simply ok... not all that great. But they are greatly improvig.. to where they are one of the best looking games on this site.

    I love the slow build up with the main characters.
    The story actually has a plot...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game. The graphics are great. The women are fantastic. For some reason I'm really turned on most by the milf character. She can be such a tease yet she is also horny so this is great. The older "sister" is hot and the last episode was terrific with her at the party. Amazing ending. Can't wait to see where the relationship with the younger sister goes. She is turning into a butterfly before our eyes! Would be interested in seeing more of ALL the side characters, even the bitch at the coffee shop.

    Can't wait for more!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i update this page daily in hopes of an update!

    Overall 11/10
    Very good overall experience and a wide assortment of girls will make sure there is a girl fitting your preference for most people(except for lolis but for me thats a not a negative as i always disliked that sort of content) and most of them have atleast some sort of depth to them.

    Art 9/10
    Mostly great but sometimes(especially early on) theres the occational wierd expression.
    Some people hate on a certain character for not having a perfect face but honestly for me it adds a bit for realism, i mean do all girls you meet in real life have a great face?
    Nothing wrong with a little butterface, atleast her ass is golden!

    Story 10/10
    Great story, game really makes you care about the girls as opposed to them just being a task to complete so you can dipp. there are some very nice banther and i have laughed out loud multiple times.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like that game.I love to play that game better than most of the games ı had seen in f95 zone.Hope new updates goes like the way it is going like it goes.I am looking forward to play new updates .really nice game and really ı like