VN - Ren'Py - Where the Heart Is [S1 v2024-09-06 BETA] [CheekyGimp]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best MC in this type of game. Massive props to the writer to present a smooth operator who actually acts like one, usually it's varying degrees of cringe.

    The dialogue is very organic and rarely seems forced.

    All the girls are awesome and even if you dislike some girl's personality, it's hard to dislike the character itself. Not to mention the fact that they more or less act like real people. Something sadly missing from a lot of dating sim type VNs, where the MC is basically playing Pokemon to try and "catch'em all" .

    The main plot of the VN is also intriguing and makes you ask yourself a lot of questions, which will be hopefully answered by the end of the game. At that time, it'd be fun to read the story all over again armed with all the knowledge.

    All in all 'Where the Heart is' is in a class of its own when it comes to EVNs. It should be a definite read if you like dating sim type VNs with interesting characters and an emphasis on the plot.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Where The Heart Is is somewhat difficult to rate. If you know nothing about the game and go in blind you may be taken aback by how outdated and bad everything looks early on. And you may be tempted to quit.
    Early on many character models range from unattractive to ugly - of course this is subjective, but Zarah for example will probably be considered unattractive by many people. The quasi aunt Monica (this is not a family game though!) also has a face that is not really pretty. Her character model has been used for various "milf" characters in other games and she is easily one of my least favorite character models.
    Then there is no music. And once you see the first animation things are really pitiful, they are bad. As in, really bad. There are massage / sunscreen scenes early on where there are no renders for the actual massage, you read how the MC puts his hands here and there... and just see the back of the woman... but never the hands/arms of the MC. It's a bit surreal. There are also times when oral sex happens... and all you get is a render of the female's private parts... and nothing else. Which is a bit bizarre. Those POV renders can look really dumb.

    BUT - if you ignore the outdated graphics and animations and maybe several less than pretty characters and just play the game - you will quickly realize that WTHI possesses something few other games have.
    Actual charm, very well written characters, fun interactions and a slice of life story that is actually pretty interesting. So don't let the dated graphics or character designs deter you, graphics are not everything, where WTHI excels is in the writing and later the graphics and animations receive significant upgrades. Eventually you will get more third person perspectives for several things like kissing or oral sex (with the MC's face still mostly hidden, but you can see him). Animations become pretty good and the character models are upgraded to newer DAZ models.

    Central premise of WTHI is that the MC's father died and that the father was a sick psychopathic bastard who left behind a will that puts the benefactors like his ex partner, his son and a mysterious third figure in a bind. There are certain conditions in the will that are less than pleasant. Not to spoil things too much, but the MC, for example, will only get his part of the multimillion inheritance if he severs all ties and avoids any contact with three people he may actually love a lot.
    And those three people are the ones who have taken the MC in after the he was thrown out of his father's house by the girlfriend.

    This main story is slowly developed over the entire length of the game and interwoven with that are the various character arcs, some of which are directly connected to the main story.

    What you will also soon realize, once you accept how rough everything looks early on, that WTHI is exemplary when it comes to player choice. Very early on the game goes somewhat overboard with that, since there are several choices with just one option, no one needs that, and there are a few fake choices as well. As in: the game presents you with 10 options or so but it turns out it really wants you to pick this one choice and when you choose something else the MC is being told "nah, not possible".
    But the devs apparently learned a lot while developing the game and these things don't happen too often and eventually they don't happen at all anymore.
    Instead you are given lots of choices which more or less affect everything. Do you like bi-curious love interests? You can try to convince characters to explore that and you may succeed. You like foursomes and threesomes? Go ahead and knock yourself out... there are options for that! You hate sharing and bi-curious characters with a passion? No problem, you can easily have each and every love interest only to yourself and you can even get the self-professed lesbian character only for yourself and in that case she won't even have a scene with her female crush.
    There are no forced kinks, at times there are even options for "dirty talk"... you like that, choose it... you don't like it... well, don't. You will really appreciate the scope of choices in this game, it's something virtually no other game (I have played) has.

    And it's even more impressive when you see that there are so many characters in this game and that the game is long, it's one of the longest I have played, there is tons of content. To maintain such a high flexibility throughout the game when it comes to character interactions is impressive.

    But let's return to some of the things I did not like:
    Debbie the "lesbian" is not a lesbian. I wish games would stop including "lesbians" like her. You see, Debbie is one of the first main love interests the MC can have sex with in the game. And she's also one of the few really pretty characters (even early). And that immediately tells you that Debbie is many things, but at best "bi-sexual" and certainly not a lesbian. It's nothing major but still noteworthy, because otherwise the writing for the characters is really good. The LIs in this game behave more realistically than in many other games. So why Debbie says she's "lesbian" when she's clearly not is a bit stupid.
    Another thing I didn't like too much was the inclusion of random potential sex partners even late into the game. Why do that? The game already has 10 or 11 main love interests, you really don't need (very pretty) random side characters so late in the game. They are of course entirely optional (as most other things in the game), but why spend resources on random flings when you can instead give players more scenes with main characters instead?
    And that's another thing that may (or may not) bother you a bit... since the game has more than 10 potentially romanceable characters you will never get enough scenes with the characters you like the most. You can absolutely go on a solo path from the very start (only exception is Debbie, you need to set her up with her potential girlfriend, because she has to make up her mind up about either wanting to be with her or with the MC, if you tell her you want her for yourself) and ignore everyone else. But it also means you may not get all that many scenes.

    This game is also mostly of the slow burn variety. Early on there is super thirsty (and unattractive) neigbor Zarah... you can have fun with her pretty easily, in fact, if you reject her the game will keep throwing her at you early on. So you will have to keep rejecting her.
    But almost all characters are slow burn characters, where the relationships develop gradually.
    The MC can first have sex with Katie in episode 11 for example, with Jenna in episode 14 even, Jolina as well, chapter 14. Of course there are scenes before that, teasing etc. but things usually take time here and develop gradually.

    A word again about the character design... things are really rough early on, as mentioned, but around episode 10 or so things improve significantly and in later chapters (ca episode 18 or so) things look actually great. Character models were updated to the latest generation of DAZ models, faces improve as well, there are no actual redesigns, the characters still look the same, just more attractive overall. Jenna's corpse like skintone (that has story reasons!) also improves a lot in later episodes, so don't let that detract you. Jenna is a fun character, don't ignore her, even if you may think she looks odd.

    WTHI can also be a somewhat misleading game, again, if you go in blind... since it will present itself as a happy go lucky harem game early on. You can easily go after everything that moves, like in any other typical harem game. And there are also no consequences... at first.
    But the writing is really good here and the characters / story will begin dropping hints that they are 100% absolutely not ok with sharing (you can try to convince select characters that sharing is ok). The game also offers you various friendly (or unfriendly) exit points for all love interests. So once you realize that romancing Monica (the milf who takes the MC in after he becomes homeless) and her two daughters Katie and Jenna at the same time is absolutely not a good idea, you can easily break things off with any of them.
    And when something entirely blows up in your face... no worries, the game has a unique feature that allows you to start the game from any of the episodes and you can set relationship statuses and a few other things manually. So you can explore things a bit and see what happens... if you don't like it... it's super easy to change that. And there is no need to start from scratch even if you realize a decision made 10 or more episodes ago comes haunting you.

    My advice is: don't go after everyone. It will result in a world of hurt. Even if things can become quite funny and intense for a while. A movie night scene later in the game is the equivalent of juggling chainsaws if you romance Monica, Katie and Jenna at the same time... the scene is hilarious... until things blow up if you make a bad choice and mushroom clouds appear everywhere. So I would say some restraint is absolutely advised in this game!

    As mentioned the writing for the characters here is a lot better than in most other games... and that also means characters more or less behave like actual humans in certain situations. And they will let you know how much the MC (via you, the player) has hurt them, they can get angry, they can be devastated, it's very likely they will make you feel like the sleazeball you are when you think the women here are Pokemon. They are not.

    There is one scene with love interest Jolina that can actually make you feel like a real douchebag and sleazeball even if no cheating is involved... of course you can apologize and things smooth over, but at times you may feel actually guilty about doing certain things. Jolina, for example will discover spyware on her laptop, planted (more or less accidentally) by Jenna, and Jenna is a somewhat naughty privacy nightmare with a voyeuristic streak... so when the MC and Jolina have a close encounter of the 3rd kind... let's just say things don't end too well. But don't fret, things will get better again. But Jolina will tell you in very clear language how much she is hurt. A LOT. And you may actually feel guilty about the entire thing.

    A few words about the love interests... many of them are more or less your typical tropes, only much better written.

    Monica is the milf. That defines her, she's mother of two girls, she was good friends with the deceased mom of the MC and is kind enough to accept him in her home when he's thrown out of the house. She's your standard aunt/mom type character (even if she is not related by blood, none of the characters are). But she also has a life of her own, she has a business, she is struggling a bit with it and that part of her life is an important part of her character arc.
    Katie is the sporty and somewhat foul mouthed older daughter. Her banter with the MC may be something you don't like - there are options for that (to a degree, you can't change her character) though, I think the banter is hilarious though and the insults Katie and the MC throw at each other are fun. And it's always obvious none of the insults are serious. And for less observant players there are also several scenes in which Katie explicitly tells the MC that nothing she throws at him is actually meant that way and just silly banter. You also very quickly realize that Katie's swagger and bravado, that all that talk about being a "goddess" etc. is just a facade and that deep inside she's sweet, loving and actually quite romantic. She hides her insecurities behind a somewhat potty mouth. It's even more sweet when that other side of her shows every now and then, if you are on her path you will feel like you make real progress with her.
    Jenna is the seemingly innocent, super shy nerd. But as with literally all major love interests in the game there is so much more to her and as you engage with her you find out about her secrets and hidden traits. Jenna is a a naughty nerd with great hacking skills... and also a complete privacy nightmare and voyeur. She can also become quite adventurous (if encouraged, you can choose not to!).
    Jolina is the owner of a coffee shop that is in dire straits, the business is in shambles, she has put her life savings into it, she may lose her home because she can no longer afford her rent... when first introduced Jolina is pretty hostile but later on, when things improve, you learn a lot about her struggles and she's yet another one of the main love interests with actual depth.

    And these are just four of the many love interests... what I am saying is: in many games "progress" means you make progress on the sex route... while that is also a thing here the progress you make with characters will actually reveal more about the characters themselves, like with Katie, she will reveal facets of her character if you get closer... so if you are on her path you will eventually discover her sweet side and how vulnerable she really is deep inside and it's the same with all the main love interests. It's not just about unlocking achievements or gallery scenes... it's about getting to know the characters better.
    So while there are only so many sexual interactions with the characters there are many meaningful interactions with them where you just learn things about them. And you will most likely enjoy these less sexual interactions nonetheless because the characters are all interesting and fun. Of course things often do get a bit more steamy, but it's never just about that.

    Even a character like Wanda, who first comes across like a real nasty character with racist tendencies... receives more complexity as things progress and chances are, if you decide to put up with her, that she will grow on you more and more as you realize that she's really not all that bad and that previous life experiences shaped her mean behavior. But especially late in the game she improves a lot and that is actually quite rewarding to see when you put up with her despite all her shortcomings. And the interactions of the MC with her become less mean and degrading (the MC can be nasty with her at first) and actually a lot more respectful and even loving.

    So who will enjoy Where The Heart Is?
    People who like story driven games with well written and (more or less) realistic characters will love it. Just accept that things look substandard early on, but you will soon realize that having fun characters and fun interactions with them (not talking about sex here even, the day to day banter and dialogue with them is just great) is much more important than graphics and animations. And both of them improve a lot as the game progresses. The one thing you usually can't improve is story, and the story is absolutely worth your time.

    You may not enjoy Where The Heart Is if attractive characters are your main priority. Several major love interests can look pretty rough. You may also not enjoy the game so much if you look for instant gratification or lots of scenes with any particular love interest.
    If you want a happy go lucky harem power fantasy you may also be very disappointed. WTHI is anything but, it pretends to be a harem early on but you will soon realize that a massive harem is entirely out of reach and that several characters are 100% not ok with that.

    But if a well written plot that keeps you guessing, well written characters with more depth than in most other games and choices galore that can significantly shape your playthrough are things you put first... then Where The Heart Is is one of the best VNs, maybe THE best. In many ways it's a 5 star game. Only the technical shortcomings in early episodes and a few minor things like random flings even in later chapters keep it from being truly excellent all the way through.
    Still, chances are very high that you will truly love this game if story and characters are your top priorities, not visual bling - and as said, that is added later.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great if you like story-driven games.

    The game is very linear, but let's you make several decision as the story progresses. Some decisions are very minor, but others are huge. It's actually surprising how much impact you have on the story. The story is a very slow burn though, so be warned.

    The characters are very nice, but I had issues with one character in particular: Katie. She is just annoying and not interesting. Other than her, most characters receive enough attention and develop in a believable way.

    Since this game has been in development for quite a while, the renders improve in quality over time, but overall they are very nice.

    This is a solid game for anyone who likes story-driven experiences.

    - Interesting story
    - Nice renders
    - good sex scenes
    - Mostly interesting characters

    - Sometimes there are uninteresting parts in certain episodes
    - Katie
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    One of humanity's mysteries. Ancient renders, characters posing are unnatural, main character's name is "NoName". The first character that appears in the game (Monica) simply dumps the main character for no reason after several episodes building a romantic relationship with her and being faithful to her, never cheating on her. Monica's relationship status simply gets locked and we can't even try to pursue her ever again, we do not have a chance to talk to her and try to understand what happened, she simply says: "No" and that's it, we never see her again on this path. Are you serious? And still, this game gets 5 stars rating review and $7k on patreon. What...?
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Entire Game Review:

    The graphics are bad. Like really bad. Doesn't hold upto today's standards. Dialogues are cringe and bad. Monica and her black MILF friend, forgot her name as she's so forgettable, ugliest MILFS in the AVN world. The only ONLY saving grace of this game is Katie. Take every other girl out and keep Katie in, that could save this game from the garbage fire dump that it is. Fire the writers and hire new ones. If Cheeky is the one writing this game, then he needs to hire new writers.

    No music,. Seriously. you're raking in $7,000 a month and 0 music? Garbage renders, bland as fuck story, and nothing interesting except for Katie.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This was my favorite game, up until episode 22. I've stopped playing.

    It wasn't intentional, I didn't actually realize I'd stopped.

    Near the beginning of episode 22, I couldn't bring myself to reject one of the characters that really needed help, but I knew it was going to be a disaster if I didn't. I left the game running, but switched to another game... and just never came back.

    This game has the best banter of any VN that I've seen. And the art is great.

    But... What I enjoyed most was seeing the MC bring happiness to the lives of the people around him, while juggling the secrecy with ever increasing stakes and antics.

    The writing was so clever that I couldn't wait to see the magic trick that would Kobayashi Maru the impending catastrophe. When it actually turned out to be zero-sum, I lost interest, I guess.

    Oh, well. The game is still very good, and there's a lot of fun to be had in 21 episodes of content. Just be aware that there's a sharp turn onto gravel before the end of the road.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I only played the first hour and realized it wasn't for me. The beginning is a huge dialogue dump without much excitement happening. As for the character models, Monica, her friend, and her youngest daughter looked like scary porcelain dolls to me. The faces and expressions were a bit to unnatural.

    Overall, this game was recommended multiple times in other threads, so the high expectations kind of killed my chances of liking this game. I'm sure it gets better as it progresses, but I just couldn't vibe with it enough to continue.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    - The story is long and of average quality
    - Dialogues are average
    - Some girls are kind of interesting but not too much
    - The rejection choices do not matter - even if you are rude as hell all the time the girl will still come at you (tested on Monica), it breaks the immersion
    - Graphics is weak and some girls are really ugly and some look like wax dolls, there are some average ones also
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    In a crowded market where devs can easily release a successful game and then mysteriously disappear for months or years, Cheeky, Ace and Cell have not only continued to release a great game, but also further build up on good will (despite April 1st!) with each release. Their communication with fans is something other devs severely lack and I look forward to each new release, along with their future games to come. 5*s

    P.S. If any of them happen to read this, please think of including chars from WTHI universe in your next game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story. Girls are very hot. Some are nice and some are total bitches. Just like in real life. I would like to see more choices, but I can see where the branching would be too difficult to maintain after a certain point in the story. I can't wait to see where the next stage goes. Congrats and keep up the good work.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok. The game is pretty fun and can be really hot at times as long as you try to bang everyone. The minute you try to turn someone down, things fall apart. You turn her down...and she comes back...and you turn her down...then you go visit her for no reason since you already turned her down...and she rips off her clothes...and you turn her down...ugh. Basically, the game pressures you into banging everyone and the characters don't adapt. Basically, the women in this story only exist to fuck and if you don't fuck them, they become pointless, pathetic and weird. This wouldn't be a big deal - you could just follow the man-ho path and have fun with it, but it is strongly hinted throughout the story that you can't successfully maintain relationships with them all, so you either have to break the game or be prepared for a "bad ending". It's also extremely long. The whole thing just feels exhausting.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    this game is very old and the quality does not hold up to todays standard of game in this genre. the renders are very bad, the characters skins all look plastic and there is not enough choice. A lot of content but most of it is boring and not worth reading. If you want to play a long ass game and not too bothered by the quality, you should try this.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I honestly dont mind the terrible renders if there is actual story including loveble characters.
    But no, dialogs are bland, most times renders look like La Noire facial expressions %500 videos.
    as of ch22 there is only 2 decent human beings in the game.
    Im not a milf fan but i dont mind, what annoys me is dev really pushes you to monica,
    like i literally rejected her advances multiple times yet she kept throwing herself at me, so i downloaded the mod to check if im doing something wrong, her affection was negative but she was still pushing my buttons.
    So yes choices dont matter in this game, even tho there is so many of them to my liking.
    Most girls has that "sLay quEEn!" wibe in the game, its kinda cringe.
    Last-ly dont be fooled by high rating of this game. Its dog poop.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The first 21 episodes build up to something great. Worth playing. Granted the first 10 episodes have ancient renderings. It's pretty bad. But it gets better. The animations on the other hand don't really get much better, lol.

    But be warned, if you play it and enjoy all the romances in the first 21 episodes... You'll be abruptly confronted with a sudden change in the writing And no longer be smashing all the hawt chicks and following their stories. Instead you'll be confronted with ultimatums from most of them. "Become my sole interest or i'm abandoning you, forever"LOL

    Kind of heart breaking at the end of it. Not enjoyable for me, but i'll give it 3 stars because it's still a decent game. For the first 21 episodes............ :ROFLMAO:

    5 stars if it ended better, lol.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4791008

    [EP 22 Review]

    This game has great graphics and leading up to Ep 22 the mix of defining choices and overall depth of fun with the MC and all the different characters is well balanced. However, what made me rate the game so low is the DEV has created a ridiculous amount of choices for each interaction that sucks any fun or enjoyability out of the game.

    In the most recent Episode every interaction gives you 6 or 7 unnecessary choices that either ends a relationship or not. I couldn't even enjoy the game at that point it just became infuriating. For example
    The graphics have greatly improved but the DEV is just trying to do way to much right off the bat. In the beginning of the new chapter he said "we're not going to make this easy for you some choices will impact future relationships and sometimes we won't tell you what they are" well sweet you just sucked all the fun out of the game.

    Paradox of choice is alive and well in this game. Having alot of choices is great if done sparingly and in the right way. However, this can also be a large detriment to the games enjoyability and this new update had so many choices I ended up quitting the game after about 5 minutes into it. This didn't feel like a game more like a multiple choice quiz.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I am super impressed guys! This is exactly what I hoped an AVN would be. The pathing variables left me in awe. I love the attention to detail not only in NPC actions but also their dialogue and demeanor towards the MC.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Still one of the very best VN's out there, definitely one of the best written, and the characters are memorable, which is very rare around these parts. It's worrying though how the updates seem to be getting shorter.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game but suffers in my opinion from big downsides to be considered as a good or great game.

    The good traits are :
    - A simple and consistent story.
    - Some hot female characters. (Mainly Monica, AAA milf).
    - A good amount of teasing.
    - MC is some kind of alpha male (important in my opinion as it adds for the consistency of harem like porn game where Female characters are lusting after the MC).
    - Late game updates which greatly improve the graphism of the game.

    But those very few good points are shadowed by annoying traits :
    -Up to episode 15/16, rendering is very poor. Some characters look weird (Katie has dead fish eyes, and Jenna is literally grey). Only Monica looks OK. And MC penis looks like something a 6 years old would draw. After episode 18 only, graphism starts to be good.
    -Sex scenes are kind of underwhelming and animation is extremely bad.
    -Dialogue, probably the biggest problem of this game. What's wrong is not the content (as I said, the scenario is consistent), but the form. There are so much dialogues for a very few progression in the game, I started skipping dialogues at episode 14-15 as it started to become really boring. It can be so much optimized.
    But another huge problem with the dialogue is the amount of dialogue interaction required from the player... You have more than 1800 choices to make up to episode 18 (counted it from the available walkthrough), so to episode 21 (current update when I made this rating) must be around 2000. It is just extremely annoying and almost game breaking. AND note those are only the choices which are giving you the most points or the best options, sometimes you have between 3, 4, 5 or even more choices with of course proper dialogue lines and reaction from the characters. In my opinion, the time wasted here is tremendously gargantuan. I mean the amount of work done on that case is amazing, props to the developer but if only more time was spent from the beginning on rendering/graphism and animation, the game could have been a masterpiece !!!

    Rate : 3/5.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There is no such thing as a perfect game, and WTHI is no exception. It's a game I should not like; there are a lot of LI, the MC can be kind of an ass and there are parts of the story I just want to get through as fast as I can. Some of the early renders sucked and OMG clingy Monica scared me away from the game the first time I played it. I could not get rid of that clingy, ugly, desperate MINLF not matter how much of an ass the MC was. Despite all the flaws, I have spent WAAAYYYY to many hours playing the different paths, and each time I was pleasantly surprised. It was like a different game each time.

    This really is a wonderful little gem of a game/story. There are parts I didn't like, but you are never going to find a game, with this many paths, that you are going to like from beginning to end. But let’s start by talking about the bad things.

    While I liked a lot of the dialogue, the banter between Katie and the MC got a bit old after a while. It was fun and playful, but it also seemed to drag on way too long. Then you have the LIs that just won’t go away. You reject them, and they come back. You reject them again, and they come back. At one point in the game, the dev asks if you want to end the romance and you click yes and then the dev asks you the question again “Are you sure?”. Yes… ffs I am sure. Then a day or two later, the MC gets another option to fire up the romance again. There are other aspects to the dialogue that were frustrating; for example, the girls are really forgiving. The MC can be a total ass hole but the girls, while they acknowledge he is an ass at the time, they seem to have a short memory.

    There were also some scenes I didn’t like. The party scene was one. It was just too cruel for me, although the MC does have a way out of doing all the bad stuff. Also, the interaction with Dogboys mom was just… idk… uncomfortable. The whole thing.

    Now let’s talk about the good stuff. The renders. As the game has progressed, the dev has worked hard to improve the renders and the animation. So while some of the early scenes are meh, it is nice to see the dev wants to improve and is doing so.

    The content. Dudes and dudettes… there are hours of content and a lot of good content. As I mentioned, the early stuff was meh but the later scenes are really well done. Lots of options and each LI brings something different to each encounter. I was really pleased with the Elaine content and it was a nice buildup.

    The story. Okay, so the story is nothing earth shattering, but there is a compelling story running throughout the game and it keeps you guessing about the motivation of all the characters. There are also individual stories running for each of the LIs so no matter what path you have the MC take, it feels like an entirely new game. Like Jenna… OMG the way that story progressed was really interesting and fun to discover. Her character is like the Jam of the Month Club… it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

    I could go on, but you really need to play it. If Monica weirds you out like it did me, just stick with it. It will be worth it. The game is getting close to wrapping up, which is sad, but I am hopeful the dev moves on to a new project as I am looking forward to seeing what they can do in the future.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Fap-able game.

    The characters look rough in the first chapters but it gets better.

    It has some really hot scenes and you have the option to avoid girls you dislike.

    If you stop to read everything, the game will become slow.

    There is replay-ability value so you can spend many nights in it.