Seeking Which is better koikatsu party or sunshine?


Apr 9, 2018
Hi, I am thinking of downloading koikatsu but I don't know whether to download party or sunshine. Which one do you recommend? I see that the party is easier to find characters, but the last one is sunshine, is it better? Does it add anything else?


Corruption lover
Game Developer
Apr 25, 2018
I suppose when you're talking about party, you mean the standard koikatsu because the actual party version isn't modded and sucks compared to the standard one. That said, they're basically the same. Personally I like more the sunshine version because it's a bit more polished, but that's it. The standard version has a basic dark mode dlc with a little bit of MMF content but it's very standard, you can't even change the second man who is a standard janitor. Now, if you don't care about the Studio and the free mode, you might care about the story and the gameplay.... I never played them to be honest, but the first one is set inside a school while the second one is set inside a resort or something like this.
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Apr 9, 2018
Yes, I meant the standard, thank you. On my previous pc I had both, but I have a new one and this time I only want to have one. The sunshine feels more polished and there are characters that I like, but the standard has even more characters and more mods, the mechanics are similar, just changes the location and some additional things that make the sunshine feel more worked. That's why I'm undecided and wanted to hear other people's opinion.


Jul 20, 2018
Original is better. Sunshine ripped out a bunch of features, has a far worse map, less mods and characters and is overall a dumbed down version of a game that was already a dumbed down version of something else.
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Apr 9, 2018
Original is better. Sunshine ripped out a bunch of features, has a far worse map, less mods and characters and is overall a dumbed down version of a game that was already a dumbed down version of something else.
Oh thank you for telling me. The truth is I'm very unaware of those things, and the truth is that I liked the sunshine because there are certain characters that I had there and the refreshing air that the beach gives. I will consider it


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
Actually that is not really true,

Koikatsu BetterRepack RX20
School setting
mapping is
school building 3 floors with a few rooms per floor,
a sports field,
a courtyard,
a cafeteria,
a pool
a gym
front entrance (school gate)

Around the school there are 3 icons that appear randomly and allow you to increase your stats
(learning = book, fitness = dumbbell, erotic = pink heart)

events are character driven with stars appearing on the map

side events include sex with teachers

Basic idea, add characters to game, interact with them through chatting to increase their affection level, convince them to join the Koikatsu club and gain score to unlock extra option / positions etc.

Koikatsu Sunshine EX BetterRepack R10
Vacation / resort setting
Mapping is
1 of 3 building to stay in, hotel, sport center or house/cottage like
little town
river bridge
light house
house / cottage like
sports center
path way with access to hidden beach (if bought with points)

Around the island are icons that appear randomly to give you topics of discussion allowing you to increase affection quicker when used.

Basic idea is to chat to characters and gain affection and have sex.

Side event is with one local girl/woman

with dlc's new private / exclusive areas are added.

Koikatsu is slightly more story driven and has slightly more mods
Sunshine is more free roam and quicker to get to the H scenes

Sunshine has more character because you can import character from Koikatsu to sunshine but not from sunshine to Koikatsu.

Points are also easier to get in sunshine and give you more freedom in your game play by allowing you to spend them in a shop in town, such as unlocking the hidden beach, unlocking toys, unlocking special services etc. plus it has more minigames and "date options", while Koikatsu requires you to go to the club room before the end of each time period to register your points in the club book and there are new date options with dlc but they can only happen on weekends limiting you time with each girl.

hope this helps and have fun playing.