RPGM - Completed - Whispered Promises: 14 Days of Love with Anna [Final] [OMNIS]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game for an AI CG game.

    - A lot of scenes to collect
    - Lovey-dovey with no NTR
    - Covers a lot of fetishes/genres

    - Need multiple playthroughs to get all scenes
    - Quite a grind for some
    - Only 7 days per playthrough to work with

    Try it out, but if you don't want to replay it after the first playthrough, just cheat and get all the scenes.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    this is a very short mini game of date/roomate girl friend , it only took around 30 min or less than 1hr to finish , overall i like the art and the character which unlike most other game you have to start from the very beginning of dating ,they both in bed together from the start so it spares you emotional grind !
    Good art , well voice and good character even along with random event , i really like the FemC who is not a innocent-dull virgin type but very cheeky type .also MC is a chad !
    for a short game like this with a price tag somewhat 5-6 buck this is damn good , i rated 3 start because that all this game has !
    This is a very enjoyable game if you like to play
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Awkward. This is like a showcase where you can use RPGM engine to produce Ren'Py PowerPoint-ish-interaction stuff... sure you can, but, to which I wonder: WHY? It's like using a power drill to mix a cup of eggs.

    The result is an awkward reading-heavy game, like a visual novel, clicking a static image, then some texts/overlays/charts come out to report something about the image shown & your clicks... new static image come out, repeat the cycle.. etc-etc. Again, this is almost like a fancy PowerPoint slide show.

    If you expect a dynamic visual interactions in a cohabitation-romance story gameplay, then (to name a few) Happy NEET is a far-far better & relevantly made choice... while Demon's Stele is currently the best.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Whispered Promises: 14 Days of Love with Anna is a time management game about Anna, her senpai, and the spring break in which they live together and fuck like rabbits.

    The gameplay is less than stellar. Basically, you take actions during the four periods of the day in order to boost your stats with a goal of maxing them all by the end of spring break. At certain milestones, you unlock H scenes with the girl. There's very little in the way of finesse or calculation required to max everything, so in essence, it's all just a time sink to spread out the H scenes.

    The scenes and art are decent as long as you're into horny school girls and straight vanilla without the slightest hint of other flavors. The closest thing this game has to a kink is squirting, and even that isn't focused on too hard. While I do like the art and the voice acting is decent (if squeaky), it's not enough by itself to justify playing the game.

    The characters (Anna and the MC) have some decent personality, but it's hard to put it on display without anything in the way of a story. The game is straight slice of life whenever it bothers to have something resembling a progression of time. The occasional non H-scene really doesn't offer enough entertainment to justifying seeing anything outside of the gallery.

    Overall, Whispered Promises is a deeply vanilla game with decent scenes a poor gameplay. It's really not enough to make it worth your time, especially as the final scene is locked behind a SECOND playthrough. If you really enjoy the sample images, find yourself a full save and just watch the scenes. There's no real point to anything else in the game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Probably the worst 'Cohabitation' type game I've played. BUT I can see some people really liking it. TL;DR: Lazy dating sim design made in RPGMaker, Gameplay is just padding and it serves no purpose, Art IS good looking but it gives me an uncanny feeling and the writing is just reading an anime girl say "I love you" without any thought or weight behind it

    It's halfbaked and lazy, some thought was put to make it look good but there's a lot of RPGMaker stock assets that clash with the initial aesthetic, individual components look good but they don't meld together well. Enough effort was put so it wasn't just discarded as shovelware

    Gameplay loop consists on increasing 3 parameters and money over the span of 14 in game days. Sex scenes are unlocked by reaching certain numerical milestones. This is bad because doing various tasks has little to no writing or emotion behind it, it doesn't interact with anything so it's effectively a way to pad out game time, Sex also happens right away so there's no real incentive to pursue anything else since that's as exciting as things are going to get. There's also a "touching" minigame where you just mindlessly spam left click until the .pngs change, there's no failstate or any different ways to interact. Don't waste your time like me and grab a save file (I almost never recommend this)

    I find it wanting, coming from a dev that mainly did ASMR. Sex scenes have sound effects and are voice acted for the most part (No voice acting outside of that), there's plenty of misc. sound effects too, the voice actress does a decent job (imo) but there's really nothing standing out. Music is an afterthought like most games like this

    Visual Art
    Game's biggest strength, for me it gives me an uncanny, unnatural feeling. In one scene it looks like she doesn't have any arms and going scene to scene there are several inconsistencies with the proportions. Other than that it's pleasing to look at if a bit bland

    It's watered down vanilla, all the interesting developments in terms of characterization and relationship building happen offscreen before the game starts. In a lot of ways it feels like you are playing through an epilogue of something that was erased from existence. The main girl will throw mindless hollow platitudes at you of how much she likes you and how great you are. There's really nothing in the story to justify her thinking and mindset and it also doesn't matter that she is both your Kouhai AND Childhood friend. Dev is throwing all the clichés he can muster to see what sticks. Translation is passable with some odd phrasing.

    You can often gauge a game's quality by how soon they are willing to throw vaginal sex at you. In this case it comes almost immediately even before kissing(IIRC). Like the game itself all the porn scenes are disposable and self contained for the most part, there's no interconnection between them and there's no build up or weight behind anything. It's just something that happens, one could argue that there is build up with the final (pregnant sex) scene but that's just a slap in the face with how barebones everything is presented.

    If you are the type of gamer that likes inoffensive vanilla at it's blandest and that first thing you do when starting a new game is grab a gallery unlocker or a 100% save file... then I think you are going have a good time with this. For anyone else with a brain I think you ought to spend your time doing anything else but this, if you are still willing to give it a try don't be afraid to speed through it, you are not going to miss anything.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Stunningly beautiful art, excellent gameplay, unfortunately now a lot of fake, and this game although the demo, made at a very high level. I'm very interested to see what the guys will do, so I'm looking forward to the full version