VN - Others - Whispers of the Sirens [v0.1.1] [_BræinWayves]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic art and music. Really eerie and unique atmosphere, really going heavy into the cosmic horror vibes. The main character's super hot on top of it. The entire premise of it is fantastic and it's a really interesting and novel game. Can't wait to see where it goes.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is hot. The hypnosis elements seem to be going in the right direction, although i hope the two other characters are going to get some action as well. Looking forward to future updates.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting one.

    Artstyle is of course probably it's biggest talking point. It looks DeviantArt as fuck at first glance, and it's banner art probally isn't the best showcase, but the actual in-game CGs comes off as very much more charming and expressive than bad. There's definitely some skill behind it, the bodies actually have a solid amount of volume to them and the poses are quite dynamic and overall pretty well done, it's really only the heads that are 'bad'. It's heavily stylized, but very fappable. Overall, I like it. Way more interesting than just some mid Daz renders.

    As for content, it's pretty unapologetic in it's fetishes. The MC is an ultra-curvy sweaty hairy girl with a hentai tongue and fuck nipples who gets banged by tentacles and erotic hypnotized by sirens, and that's what you're getting. If none of that's your cup of tea then it's probably not your game, but if some of that appeals then here's one of the rare games that has em. I personally appreciate it, both because I'm a card carrying member of the thick hairy girls enjoyer club, and also just in that I think more games should embrace being niche. Make your game, not another generic boy-in-college mass appeal product.

    As for gameplay, it does have room navigation which I'm usually biased against, though it doesn't try to go full sandbox with it and it smartly uses the setting of an abandoned ghost ship so it feels more like exploration rather than navigating a generic suburban home. Imagebuttons are also laid out fairly well so you have a pretty good sense of how rooms connect. However, as with all sandbox-like navigation, the risk of becoming stale and just pointless extra navigation between content is gonna be there. Too early now to tell if it'll overstay it's welcome or not, but it didn't annoy me yet.

    Engine wise, going with Godot is a mixed bag, on one hand I support it for being different and it's nice to see Godot used more, but on the other hand this of course means a lot of missing QoL features that RenPy has by default. I very much found myself missing RenPy's scroll rollback, text speed options, and especially my right click to save menu (not being able to save during dialogue before scenes is just brutal). And stuff like the web chat session in the intro would have benefited highly from using RenPy's NVL-mode too, as reading an entire discord log slowly line-by-line is not fun. I like Godot, but I'm not sure all the effort it's gonna take here to reinvent the wheel just to match half the features a bone stock renpy template has will be worth it.

    Overall, an interesting one to keep on eye on. Unique sexy art and cool little paranormal setting. I'm perhaps being a bit too generous giving it a 4 for the limited amount of content it has currently and it's QoL limitations, but it is interesting and polished well, so seems promising enough to future-proof this review.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's alright. Not much content so far, and I'm pretty sure I've missed a scene or two given the preview images, but I have no idea how to reach them. There is a log system to keep track of what to do, but I've reached a point in the story where there was nothing left to do, so... I guess that's it.

    The sketchy-looking artstyle works relatively well to give that scribbly-handdrawn effect to the backgrounds, but I'm not a fan of how it looks on the characters, and they can lookk quite off-putting at times. Thankfully the sex scenes are better on that front, but the artstyle can sometimes make it hard to gauge some parts of the MC's body.

    The story is nice I guess. I'm a bit dissapointed the mystery about what happened to the NPCs didn't linger on for too long; we still don't know who's behind their dissapearance nor why, so that's a minor gripe.

    Sounds promising, kinda gives me those Teraurge vibes I've been craving for a long time, so hopefully this game keeps on going into that direction so we see more monster content.