White matter Women into porn


Mar 11, 2024
Men have white matter and estrogen just like women, but in much much smaller quantities. In a way you could understand 15% of how a woman thinks and vice versa. Rule63 Twilight.
Personality+education/culture will still be a million times more powerful than anything, since nature & nurture is biology+experience/perspective. White matter & estrogen play a very unconscious part of it.
The way and the quantity/severity women enjoy porn is 180 degrees from a male ,but a different side of the same coin.
Women usually aren't into video games and people who are into video games aren't in it for the porn since vidya games cannot replicate more than audio visual + limited interaction.

Studies have shown that women naturally want to take care of small cute things ... unless they've been taught since a young age to hate it such as rednecks with 12 family members taking care of the their siblings and getting sick of it. Or her antisocial personality is so powerful it overwhelms even her brain which often times isn't the case when talking about default biology & demeanour. Usually lack of empathy, psychopathy and low IQ is associated with hating cute defenseless furry creatures such as kittens, puppies, birds, etc. which women are very capable of, they just don't act on it.

What do women actually look for in pornographic content? | F95zone
To pander to women when it comes to porn, especially a hentai video game is swimming against a tsunami. Still if you're insane enough to do the impossible then let's get down to it.
Harvest Moon/Animal Farm/Stardew Valley, Bejeweled, Candy Crush, Adventure Clickers, Puzzles, Detective games, sandbox building & customization.
Focus on clean hands & feet, clean men who still look & behave masculine but look clean, reading, imagining, fantasizing. White matter often is about social-emotional connections, the thinking matter but only for theoretical things that are all about social status and emotions rather than pure abstract math and physical grunt work as opposed to getting your hands dirty cleaning after the pet or baby.

Women can be just as if not even more annoying, obsessive, creepy, pathetic, ridiculous than men, but in an even more delusional way and boring way since they're all about the theory. The sickest fetishes are done by women. "Luckily" they are not very physical about it neither do the majority intend to approach such matters. Usually the more primitive/dumber the person the more they'll feel the need for sex, hence all those stats even if they don't show specific countries and biology might show IQ level indirectly. The warm climate can impact this as well. Often times people who are horny act annoying and doubly so someone with white matter and estrogen. Estrogen leads to making one feel submissive which one should never mistake for benevolence and empathy, rather cowardice, subservience, pleasing, passiveness, playfulness, etc. women would make great maids and babysitter but not very good leaders. This contradicting "surrender yourself to someone who cares about you ... and maybe he won't kill you and maybe you'll get to kill him later" can lead to a lot of mood swings among other reasons. The lack of power, the lack of control will always lead to a Napoleon syndrome, natural angry geeks, women naturally feel weak all their life and not in control which leads to mental issues present in a lot of males of today. Playing support will never allow you to play leader and feel like a leader. A lot of males these days are very feminized just like a lot of teen girls these days are incapable of being nurtured into acting feminine, they actlike boys, worse than traditional tomboys. Lewd stuff is normalized while the sex is ironically frowned upon into puritanism and lack of experience. This is a very inversely contradicting swinging generation in terms of standards. All theory and no experience. White matter is all about the theory, never about doing it in practice by hand. White matter with testosterone or grey matter with estrogen would make for interesting combinations, it actually happens without most realizing. Africans, Indians, Asians have an imbalance of them among other things that shouldn't be there. Californians were nurtured to behave a certain way, by default they are actually the most cowardly and degenerate and just like a spoiled richkid they require to be put in their place.

Testosterone is what makes you aggressive and makes you feel the need for sex, women do not have a lot of it unless they biologically ruin up their bodies through injections of it.
White matter is the non-physical, non abstract way of thinking and emoting. It is not visual & auditory, at least not as much as grey matter.
Sadly even their genitalia is weirdly structured, while it has 10x times more nerves(no shit, it's 10x times bigger)unfortunately the clit is positioned like dogshit,hidden beneath all the epithelial cells. No shit a female has trouble climaxing and a male has trouble not climaxing in 2 minutes. Try cutting the head of the dick and then try to put a male to cum with the rest of the shaft, even with the foreskin he will have trouble.
Not to mention the societal culture of not being called whores , which today's generation gives no shits about or rather gives a shit by dressing exactly like a whore but yelling out loud they're not. This generation enjoys contradicting itself, not taking responsibility and victimizing themselves by wearing their special snowflake status on top rather than hiding it.
So in a way the entire biology of women makes it nearly impossible for them to be into porn to begin with. Their form of porn is through text, through fantasizing, everything around it, the opposite of the audio-visual medium and seeking satisfaction/reward since even their genitalia denies them that.

Very few women are programmers, but those who are blow it out of the park. Similar to most good fashion designers being men.
The old generation would never be into lesbian stuff and overly feminine men, neither into goth stuff. They also would have a bad reaction towards gay porn just like today's proper men still would which is the equivalent feel of watching maggots.
Women have a much more narcissistic unaccountable way of thinking compared to average men. As such they see a rival in other better-looking women rather than a role model especially after menopause when they get more testosterone. At the same time they are incapable of ignoring, they merely feign ignorance and try to get over it quicker. You don't see as many cases for revenge out of nothing as you usually see in men.
A woman doesn't try to murder you because she doesn't want to, but because she can't. In fact she can fantasize much more vividly about how she'll murder you, luckily she lacks both the physical strength and the drive(the testosterone) to do it, but make no mistake women are just as abusive as men towards their children and small kids. That ability to fantasize is what often leads to a much more twisted "thinking" mind than most males. Luckily at the same time their thinking is very anti physical, anti visual. The meaning and how it feels is more important to them.
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Mar 11, 2024

You may now post.

Let's put this reserved post to use, shall I ?

I will try replicating the sick twisted mind of some teen girl or grown ass woman in her 30s who read Twilight. For I too have been affected by staring at a screen all day, but my education and my personality greatly differs.
A rough realistic down to earth woman would give no shits for romance novels, they'd be just like a guy. However most who do not have the inclination nor education for "Physical stuff only" will give a damn about affection, caring, etc. albeit today's teen girls give a shit to look older for some rich old dude to take care of them through money, not affection. They behave like pragmatic realistic 50 year old women, but fail at it cause they only do it in theory, in practice they're pathetic failures. "I need a man who gives me MONEY, affection? blegh, I can get a cat or a dog for that, they're just as annoying but at least a cat I can pick up... oh course when it starts shitting it's yours, I hate responsibility, I want to stay a young golddigger forever" except gold diggers are smart and experienced, these morons aren't.

Let's see... how can a man or a woman love me? affection? only if he/she looks good and does it in a non clingy way that annoys the shit out of you like a toddler, a toddler is at least cute with that voice. The man or woman for me needs to have a mature controlling friendly voice that doesn't creep me out or annoy me. She needs to at least pretend to give a shit about me. She needs to at least behave like a friendly babysitter who has your best intentions in mind, not a retarded 5 year old trying to scam me by playing victim and going "daddy, daddy" I'm not your fucking father.
If you truly love me you'll; die for me, kill a man, sell your house for me, oh I'm asking for too much? then tough luck and bye, not a good bye. I'm staying a bachelor for life.
And that's assuming I don't leave you cause you're too cold, indifferent, dumb, creepy. Usually it's the guy who wants to control, not the woman, the woman wants to control passively via playing support, never to become a leader, that's why most women suck at life. They play support and only control via support, never by leading. Teachers don't really lead you, teachers just like psychologists merely offer you passive guidance often times not even guidance they just come at you and tell you "your fault, let me tell you why it's your fault" and done. Physical stuff? Hah. you wish. Go to the Godfather if you want physical help.
Reading rule63 Twilight it's a fantasy bullshit about a hot appealing vampire woman and a hot female werewolf about 5-8 years older than you who wants you/indirectly cares about you regardless of how incompetent she is at it. Most teen girls don't think "Wait this rich guy is only using me as a pet... I like being a pet" the second part comes later after coping and acceptance, in reality what they first think is "Wow i'll be like Robin to Batman, playing support, i like playing support. Batman truly gives a shit about me, he's on my side" he's on your side till he isn't and kicks you out the mansion or kills you like all psychopaths or richdudes. Well except in Twilight it isn't a rich dude, it's a degenerate that's all about corruption and a shitty intimacy "us against the world" some XX chromosomes are that theoretical, sappy, assuming and dumb, but most are pragmatic and cold as frozen hell(or at least today's generation pretends to be). Their indifference comes from always expecting somebody else to lead them. Some don't, some try to approach, but only some, never most. The indifference and lack of accountability and opportunistic demeanour comes from their brain biology wanting to play support.
Women in theory give a shit especially about your appendages; your feet & hands. They care if you're clean looking. Being clean at a primordial level shows you don't have any parasites/sickness. Having smooth clean hands shows you're noble, not a redneck. Having clean feet and good shoes also shows respect that's how women think, just like negros. At least smart women, not this weird generation that wears snickers with dresses, these things aren't really estrogen-drive women, they're something dumb, inversed and inbetween or perhaps rednecks who don't even pretend to not be rednecks.
A lot of girly girls also might have an inclination with sharing something in common together with those clean hands, clean bodies without chest hair and back hair, yet at the same time might enjoy hairy legs on a man.

I too theorize and fantasize about a young-looking leader woman who's actually appealing cause average women are boring, but when coming face to face my biology wakes up and demands a chill calm woman that doesn't screech, that won't nag me like a mother in law/a granny/a pseudo man. That will shut the fuck up before I rip her ovaries out. That behaves like a grown ass woman and not a retarded toddler I want to strangle to death. That's how women feel about other women. "I'm cute" no, you're a fucking retard, also I'm the cute one so don't create a rivalry between you and me. If I catch you trying to wear high-heels again and try to look as tall as me I'll cut your legs in half you tiny skinny bitch, know your place. A support that doesn't know her place disgusts me, it's a pretender who wants to be a leader but only in name, a geek who wants to be a nerd. Know your fucking place or I'll make you know it you tiny ass bitch. This is why I don't date people tinier or taller than me. Opposites attract my ass, only a very immature and sick mind tries to covet and tries to make up for their shortcomings via others, we do not have fusions, the child could end up small and ugly cause you never opened a biology book in your life. Einstein and that one woman were funny; with my looks and your smarts we'll have great children ... Einstein: and what if he inherits my looks and your smarts?
I personally do not consider Californan women to be "women" they're men in disguise. They behave like fat men, fat men have a lot of estrogen in them that's why most turn gay(along with the fact they can't land women). I cannot respect a woman who drinks beer, it's the mark of a redneck and a dumb man in women's clothing. I'd sooner murder a Californian woMan than live under her, it's not a real woman, it's a fat tranny in disguise pretending to be a woman. At the same time they're not submissive like Indian women despite most having indo genes in them. American women just like Mexicans/Indos(since that's what they are) are naturally screeching bastards who will murder you for a piece of bread or for pride. Weak people or indo people are very prideful in their delusion and degeneracy, scamming is their pride. A whore woman controlling you passively by eating all your money in her book is a win and something to be prideful and show off to like a trophy. The strangers/men who aren't their husbands are also equally dumb and do not know how to put them in their place, let alone other men in their place. At the same time they either fuck up sensitivity or have none. Even a dog is more sensitive and affectionate than them at that point, I think an American man is more like a dog ... he's capable of being lead but he constantly tries to steal your leader role cause that's his instinct. Normally a functioning woman also starts behaving like a man and starts protecting physically and aggressively if it's her children(albeit a lot of people also do not give a shit about their own children, often those are defunct people from boring broken abusive household that constantly yell "we don't owe you anything, you owe us for making you" I've seen mammals and humans alike who would rather save themselves than their own children. She can protect, but she never excels at it like a twisted manipulative mind who's all about torture rather than a one time thing. Men normally are also all about one-time things since they're lazy cunts. A man in theory and in practice would be far more suited to protect, at least in theory. I personally am disappointed there's not enough differences between a man and woman when it comes to psyche. There is a difference, but it's not 180 degrees and they often turn kinda grey into the 50% even 25% which I do not enjoy when things get grey and they start contradicting each other or you have to split hairs and employ different perspectives to understand what you're looking at. Their differences are physically and cultural through their psyche, like wanting to take care of dolls and dress them up, looks and emotional personality. A man wants to lead and puts the doll in a vehicle to drive it around. That isn't to say I deny biology I just gave an obvious example, that is to say that there's nobody forcing a woman to try to be a leader from a leader's perspective and vice versa. She will pick the doll, but what if she had no dolls to pick? and what if you even forced her to play like a boy? If society/the goverment would force them they'd do it, but society doesn't want to force women to become plumbers, welders, electricians, drivers, etc. just like society/the government doesn't force them to be smart and to force them to breed with who they want, unless we count Hollywood+propaganda.
I was disappointed how few women are in programming despite the fact they'd be very capable if they focus on linguistics and building/planning. If it was physical work there'd be even less since lack of muscles, society not forcing you to and your brain indirectly telling you to not do it.
However at the same time there's another problem ... nobody is forcing men to be 100% masculine and nobody is forcing women to be 100% feminine. Goverments are irresponsible like that. A goverment can often dictate a society... not through laws necessarily but through the people in charge who dictate what schools teach and who's in charge of the sheeple.

Men if given the opportunity would also turn into whores and then reclusive nutcases that hit the age crisis at 40 ... this generation often gets ruined by a bombardment of knowledge and their lack of intelligence and experience doesn't allow them to put that knowledge to good use. Plato's Cave allegory. At the same time women if they had the muscle would constantly get into aggressive fits, but when you're a skinny bitch fighting with toothpicks and you also sometimes feel more pain than usual or you're not used to it ... you don't feel like fighting regardless of your level of testosterone demanding it. Physical brawls don't feel good if you can't even land a punch to put him on the ass, same if you take too many injuries that don't clear up after an hour. Men are also sheepish with pain, but not if their pain clears up after 30 mins. Women are obsessed with "oh god oh god what if I die?" a man is more insane, he gives no shits, especially gypsies. "I almost died? nice. Let's do it again." at least the really dumb one... and there is a lot of indo genes to go around. As much as they say indos are cowards compared to spartans ... not so much cowards as just very realistic like a mammal, they don't fight losing battles, at the same time they also refuse to surrender cause they're stubborn cancer cells, indos do "tactical" retreats. Give an indian a weapon that gives him the illusion he has the upperhand and he'll keep on fighting, give him an equal match and he's getting second thoughts, give him an inferior fight and he'll run for the hills. Less-so cowards more-so opportunistic "fighters"who enjoy an easy win, they enjoy to scam, enjoy to do things the "smart" way by staying in numbers.

Sensitivity is being capable of understanding emotion and showing empathy, Californian women have no such thing, they can't even cook, they don't even feel the need for babies, a woman who doesn't feel the need for babies is defunct, it's an obvious man not a woman.
When a woman asks you to be sensitive she isn't asking you to show your weaknesses/flaws, she's asking you to show that you are capable of emotional intelligence, which most women today are not. I love luring them into a false sense of security and then educating them about psychology and sappy movies which most americans have the mental fortitude of either a 5 year old or a cancer cell like most chinese and indians. Americans do not have the mental fortitude of understanding psychology and taste. Their men behave like women and their women behave like men, to the point men end up cooking. How are Americans similar to Indians or gypsies? Americans are obsessed with showing off, with entertainment and having the mental fortitude lesser than an European 5 year old. They're very superficial with the senstivity, that's what lack of education and too much good does to you, you get bored and bored people require entertainment rather than realistic practical things. Those who work everyday require affection but cannot give affection beyond a basic mammal's understanding of affection, even their hugs feel shallow. Americans cannot hug worth a shit.

I've met a lot of men who behaved like women, I've never personally met women capable of manipulation as well as men. HR women are a joke compared to the fucked up psyche of a HR man. A HR man behaves exactly like a diva. It is the mental intelligence paired with the leader role ... as opposed to an emotional support you get an emotional leader, you're fucked. You'd rather be literally fucked than metaphorically fucked by a HR man. This is where hatefucking comes into play, if he's good looking and has a suave voice, not those nenenenne he's a fucking teenage girl with a nasal voice so he's neither masculine nor feminine, he's a tranny stuck in transition, stuck in traffic.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
you write like you might be having some kind of a psychiatric breakdown. if you have a history of those, this might be one of those times when you stopped taking your meds a month or two ago and feel fine, but for us on the outside you're rambling through homespun theories about 'how the world really works'.


Mar 11, 2024
I fail to see what relevance your genitalia has to the subject matter.
The white matter has relevance in passiveness, playing support, appreciating cute things. Hence why fat men gravitating towards anime art styles, cats, deer and similar might behave more like a woman or at least a man pretending to be a woman.
The reproduction organs can produce more estrogen or testosterone if you have testicles or if you still have ovaries but enter menopause.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
The white matter has relevance in passiveness, playing support, appreciating cute things. Hence why fat men gravitating towards anime art styles, cats, deer and similar might behave more like a woman or at least a man pretending to be a woman.
The reproduction organs can produce more estrogen or testosterone if you have testicles or if you still have ovaries but enter menopause.
Fascinating if true.


Mar 11, 2024
I've met fandoms, especially from the anime side for a few years which have shown countless times both negative feminity and negative masculinity, as opposed to positive versions of said traits. I even lived with one.
When talking to a feminine man it is like talking to a fat woman. A very aggressive antisocial fat woman who either hides herself out of fear of not being found out or shows her share of testosterone in full swing to make others accept it as the norm.
Feminine men are often emotional wrecks who try to drag men down just like a woman would try to drag another woman down, but just like an antisocial without experience would immediately pander and cater to a potential girlfriend till that potential partner asks to be a partner and not a slave and then their privacy is invaded. They're also not very fun people to hang around with. Unfortunately feminine men are men, and just like men they feel the need to lead rather than support. They will never play a proper support role, they can try to mimick it but just like a man screaming at a rat it feels phoned-in. It's a very prevalent problem in current times. Young adult & teenage girls behaving like boys and young adult men behaving like girls. Not even grown up ones or positive role model ones at that.
The women take all the bad personality traits of the men and the men take all the bad traits of the women.
I am actually disappointed there aren't more differences between men & women since the 1960s, so you can imagine how disappointed I am right now in how they hybridize so awkwardly together. The perfect hybrid in everyone's minds is a feminine woman who can do technical engineer jobs and can talk about technical stuff and a masculine man who can talk and practice non-technical stuff such as poetry and cooking. So much for that.

Girls with the behaviour of boys, but still the interests of women; make-up, appearances and often times they can't even do appearances correctly anymore. Yet they also cannot cook worth a shit. (Exactly what you don't want out of tomboys, men are known for their technical interests as a good thing). Summer dresses in sneakers? seriously? you'd think girls would have a natural fashion taste and ignore social constructs, but nope. Also today's girls haven't been taught to cook and neither did the guys. Also girls drinking beer and smoking, seriously? Men vaping like douchebag journalist pussies. Liberal men, disgusting. Luckily once they reach age of 30 the teenage girls at least get a better fashion taste... they still can't cook worth a shit. And the guys don't mature up till they're 40 nowadays.
Meanwhile teenage boys dress like they're girls, covering everything up like a bunch of boarding school girls. Meanwhile they behave like emotional women, even screeching like one or yelling like a spoiled 5 year old that got the wrong flavor of ice cream. And Jesus Christ they won't shut the fuck up, they just keep talking your head off for 3-4 hours.
Needless to say I am glad I don't associate nor desire to follow this generation of misfits.
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Stalker Seducer

Active Member
Sep 22, 2021
Men have white matter and estrogen just like women, but in much much smaller quantities. In a way you could understand 15% of how a woman thinks and vice versa. Rule63 Twilight.
Personality+education/culture will still be a million times more powerful than anything, since nature & nurture is biology+experience/perspective. White matter & estrogen play a very unconscious part of it.
The way and the quantity/severity women enjoy porn is 180 degrees from a male ,but a different side of the same coin.
Women usually aren't into video games and people who are into video games aren't in it for the porn since vidya games cannot replicate more than audio visual + limited interaction.

Studies have shown that women naturally want to take care of small cute things ... unless they've been taught since a young age to hate it such as rednecks with 12 family members taking care of the their siblings and getting sick of it. Or her antisocial personality is so powerful it overwhelms even her brain which often times isn't the case when talking about default biology & demeanour. Usually lack of empathy, psychopathy and low IQ is associated with hating cute defenseless furry creatures such as kittens, puppies, birds, etc. which women are very capable of, they just don't act on it.

What do women actually look for in pornographic content? | F95zone
To pander to women when it comes to porn, especially a hentai video game is swimming against a tsunami. Still if you're insane enough to do the impossible then let's get down to it.
Harvest Moon/Animal Farm/Stardew Valley, Bejeweled, Candy Crush, Adventure Clickers, Puzzles, Detective games, sandbox building & customization.
Focus on clean hands & feet, clean men who still look & behave masculine but look clean, reading, imagining, fantasizing. White matter often is about social-emotional connections, the thinking matter but only for theoretical things that are all about social status and emotions rather than pure abstract math and physical grunt work as opposed to getting your hands dirty cleaning after the pet or baby.

Women can be just as if not even more annoying, obsessive, creepy, pathetic, ridiculous than men, but in an even more delusional way and boring way since they're all about the theory. The sickest fetishes are done by women. "Luckily" they are not very physical about it neither do the majority intend to approach such matters. Usually the more primitive/dumber the person the more they'll feel the need for sex, hence all those stats even if they don't show specific countries and biology might show IQ level indirectly. The warm climate can impact this as well. Often times people who are horny act annoying and doubly so someone with white matter and estrogen. Estrogen leads to making one feel submissive which one should never mistake for benevolence and empathy, rather cowardice, subservience, pleasing, passiveness, playfulness, etc. women would make great maids and babysitter but not very good leaders. This contradicting "surrender yourself to someone who cares about you ... and maybe he won't kill you and maybe you'll get to kill him later" can lead to a lot of mood swings among other reasons. The lack of power, the lack of control will always lead to a Napoleon syndrome, natural angry geeks, women naturally feel weak all their life and not in control which leads to mental issues present in a lot of males of today. Playing support will never allow you to play leader and feel like a leader. A lot of males these days are very feminized just like a lot of teen girls these days are incapable of being nurtured into acting feminine, they actlike boys, worse than traditional tomboys. Lewd stuff is normalized while the sex is ironically frowned upon into puritanism and lack of experience. This is a very inversely contradicting swinging generation in terms of standards. All theory and no experience. White matter is all about the theory, never about doing it in practice by hand. White matter with testosterone or grey matter with estrogen would make for interesting combinations, it actually happens without most realizing. Africans, Indians, Asians have an imbalance of them among other things that shouldn't be there. Californians were nurtured to behave a certain way, by default they are actually the most cowardly and degenerate and just like a spoiled richkid they require to be put in their place.

Testosterone is what makes you aggressive and makes you feel the need for sex, women do not have a lot of it unless they biologically ruin up their bodies through injections of it.
White matter is the non-physical, non abstract way of thinking and emoting. It is not visual & auditory, at least not as much as grey matter.
Sadly even their genitalia is weirdly structured, while it has 10x times more nerves(no shit, it's 10x times bigger)unfortunately the clit is positioned like dogshit,hidden beneath all the epithelial cells. No shit a female has trouble climaxing and a male has trouble not climaxing in 2 minutes. Try cutting the head of the dick and then try to put a male to cum with the rest of the shaft, even with the foreskin he will have trouble.
Not to mention the societal culture of not being called whores , which today's generation gives no shits about or rather gives a shit by dressing exactly like a whore but yelling out loud they're not. This generation enjoys contradicting itself, not taking responsibility and victimizing themselves by wearing their special snowflake status on top rather than hiding it.
So in a way the entire biology of women makes it nearly impossible for them to be into porn to begin with. Their form of porn is through text, through fantasizing, everything around it, the opposite of the audio-visual medium and seeking satisfaction/reward since even their genitalia denies them that.

Very few women are programmers, but those who are blow it out of the park. Similar to most good fashion designers being men.
The old generation would never be into lesbian stuff and overly feminine men, neither into goth stuff. They also would have a bad reaction towards gay porn just like today's proper men still would which is the equivalent feel of watching maggots.
Women have a much more narcissistic unaccountable way of thinking compared to average men. As such they see a rival in other better-looking women rather than a role model especially after menopause when they get more testosterone. At the same time they are incapable of ignoring, they merely feign ignorance and try to get over it quicker. You don't see as many cases for revenge out of nothing as you usually see in men.
A woman doesn't try to murder you because she doesn't want to, but because she can't. In fact she can fantasize much more vividly about how she'll murder you, luckily she lacks both the physical strength and the drive(the testosterone) to do it, but make no mistake women are just as abusive as men towards their children and small kids. That ability to fantasize is what often leads to a much more twisted "thinking" mind than most males. Luckily at the same time their thinking is very anti physical, anti visual. The meaning and how it feels is more important to them.
Your post is a lot of hot air and personal theories, i still don't know what your point is.

The only part i can really agree with is that education/culture is the strongest deciding factor in a person.


Mar 11, 2024
Your post is a lot of hot air and personal theories, i still don't know what your point is.

The only part i can really agree with is that education/culture is the strongest deciding factor in a person.
For an entity ostensibly characterized by masculine attributes, your comportment demonstrates a pronounced degree of submission, and your endeavors to manifest traits typically associated with feminine sensitivity are palpably deficient. You exhibit a proclivity for conforming to the societally prescribed norms instilled from a young age, reminiscent of the behavior exhibited by domesticated ruminants. However, when presented with assertions that challenge these ingrained paradigms, your reaction is reflexively aggressive, analogous to the vocalizations of Canis lupus familiaris or the defensive maneuvers of a decapod entrapped within a constrained space. It is noteworthy that the term "bitch," denotatively equivalent to a female canine, elicits in you a disproportionately intense emotional response, characteristic of those ascribed to the female of the species, notwithstanding your identification as male. Furthermore you exhibit duplicity akin to that stereotypically attributed to the feminine, despite your male designation.

"Your post is a lot of hot air and personal theories, i still don't know what your point is." Allow me to apologize; I shall endeavor to employ a lexicon of greater sophistication to better correspond with the erudition you purportedly advocate.

From an epistemological standpoint, and acknowledging your predilection for verifiable data, it is axiomatic that genetic endowments are as pivotal as the sociocultural and educational influences that sculpt the foundational attributes of a homo sapien. Despite the potential for geographical or cultural translocation, the quintessence of one's originary milieu is indelibly retained. My theoretical expositions, which I hold in high esteem for their novelty and idiosyncratic genesis, do not represent mere echolalia of extant doctrines but are the products of profound introspective deliberation. Moreover, they constitute a discourse of substantial gravity, in stark contrast to the often insubstantial prattle prevalent in both academic and colloquial dialogues.

I shall endeavor to articulate my discourse in such a manner that precludes any presupposition of parity between us, thereby obviating any misconception on your part that you possess the requisite comprehension to address me with the same familiarity and disregard that you customarily reserve for your own persona. I imperate you to confine your conformist cognition strictly within the bounds of your own intellectual sanctuary.
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