Others - Unreal Engine - Completed - Whorecraft: The Chronicles Of Alexstrasza [XMas 2024] [Auril]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Anonymous fapper98

    As of 2023 this game(not just as a porn game) is one of the best. The animation quality is excellent, has a fuckton of content, is funny and an overall great time. Thanks for this absolute gem. I am on my second full run now. The sheer amount of quantity and quality it has had my jaw dropped after the FIRST Game(the remake) I Highly recommend this game if you have anything better than Intel HD graphics. Because even at low-medium it looks nice. I am not even a WoW player but the character model and the humor made me LOVE it. Thank you again it's incredible.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    These are some strange games.
    First, from a game development point of view, you can tell this comes from humble beginnings and gets gradually more expansive. The dev surely learned a ton while they made each episode (although it can't be said that they just get better and better, no.) That said, these are still in a decidedly "buggy" state almost all the way through. Some are just suffering from broken interactions with characters or objects, some lack a save feature(terrible), some are basically okay. Still, I would not recommend these to people who hate bugs or basic solving of game issues.

    As for the "fappability" of the content here, I'm gonna say, if you're the kind of guy (or gal) who was creaming their pants while playing WoW, this will probably scratch some of that itch for you. However, each episode (imho) is quite different in terms of scene quality and inspiration. I'm not a big WoW nerd at all, but the main character (for many of the games) is still quite appealing to me, so that's what made me play the whole thing.
    If you don't care one way or the other, and don't care to play through the story (which is quite "all over the place"), I would recommend playing only chapter 2, episode 2. It has the most user friendliness and I would consider it the best of them (but of course nothing will make any sense whatsoever story-wise).

    I rated the whole thing 3/5 'Average', because some of the bugs and issues and general annoyances in many of these games were just too infuriating for anything more.

    That said, I also wrote down some remarks on each individual episode:

    Chapter 1, Episode 1 of 5
    From the start, I *really* like the main character's visuals (there's just something about a big boob blue girl.. and the hooves and tail actually don't change that at all). The H scenes in this one are "early days", i.e. a bit repetitive. My main issue here is the world is not small, and the quests make you run around *a lot* (without really knowing where you're supposed to go). A walkthrough is absolutely necessary to use, otherwise lots of optional scenes (only available at certain times during the story) will be missed -- by the way, this is true of almost all the episodes! Use a walkthrough if you want to see everything!! The graphics are alright given the time/engine it was made in/for. 6/10

    Chapter 1, Episode 2 of 5
    This takes place in a slightly smaller game world and uses a different (human) MC. So, on the one hand, it's a bit less annoying as far as getting through the quest goes, on the other hand it has some fairly crippling bugs and the human is just not as hot (imho). 5/10

    Chapter 1, Episode 3 of 5
    We're back to the first MC with this one (Daemia) and she is in a different plane of existence (or whatever). Much more concise (indoor) game world, which means all the quests are much quicker / less annoying to resolve. The story seemed slightly less strange/idiotic to me, compared to some elements in the previous episodes, but that may just be me. Either way, a marked improvement over eps 1 and 2 imho. 7/10

    Chapter 1, Episode 4 of 5
    This is where my gripes really started. Not only is it buggy in general, it is also incredibly easy to get stuck on any number of polygons and polygon holes while running around the absolutely HUGE game world. Tons and tons of walking around, for what I would call relatively little payoff. The scenes are "alright" but they don't make up enough for the annoyance here. 5/10

    Chapter 1, Episode 5 of 5
    This episode takes place in an overall smaller game world, but it replaces scale with detail: we're playing in a middle-sized town, and your main task will be to find the right door (unlabeled) for any given task/quest/plot line. I keep having to say this word: ANNOYING. Even with a walkthrough, this is anything but straightforward, and the payoff is still just "alright". Another annoyance: there's a crippling bug with the save games that means if you save in the wrong spot, you will break your game upon reload. Moreover, this game has two decision points where you decide each time which of the two player characters you want to play (each with their own route and scenes, so if you want to see it all, you basically have to play the whole damn episode twice.) 5/10

    Chapter 2, Episode 1 (yes, Episode 1 is before the Prologue in the story,.. don't ask me why they did it this way. I played it the other way around and nothing made sense). This is the game that is most like a "modern" RPG. Huge fuck-off game world, very pretty nature graphics, and of course, a metric fuckton of running around for quests and scenes! The most tedious part about this one isn't even the running around, but the fact that the UI seems to have changed a little, so if you're trying to find an object, say, on the forest floor, this is extremely difficult to make out now, unless you're literally standing in front of it. The H scenes in this one seemed worse (less interesting, less inspired) than some previous episodes to me. They weren't fantastic to begin with, and this one's using shorter scenes, poor viewing angles, less variation. Not great. True to form though, the final step of the game, you reach a ship to take you away, and as a final quest you need to fetch some shit from the other end of the map. So you do, and you run across the map for a few minutes, getting the thing, then bringing it back to the ship, and ... that's where the game ends. No scene, just a line of dialogue. A bigger fuck-you to the player I've not seen in these kinds of games, I have to say. 5/10

    Chapter 2, Prologue
    Did I mention this one takes place between episodes 1 and 2? Yeah. Makes total sense to call it that. Anyway, this one is actually decent for once. The "game world" is one ship, so spaces are tight and running around is minimized. Good. It's just a short interlude though. Still, less annoyance is good in my book. There is an added feature they were apparently experimenting with in one scene, whereby users can control viewing angle and zoom with the mouse. Great. If only that scene weren't bugged and made the game crash. Still, 7/10

    Chapter 2, Episode 2
    This is the best episode in the run. Huge improvement in graphics. Many scenes now feature "free" mouse control. Good! Most importantly maybe, while this one also has a relatively large game world, we get fast travel by means of mounts. Oh thank Christ!!! Saving is done on fixed save points throughout the world, which is fine. I also felt the H scenes were markedly improved in this, not just because of mouse control. Story is a bit of a step down, lots of character changes make the whole thing a bit convoluted. 8/10

    Chapter 2, Episode 3
    A step down. There's something not quite right with the textures in these final episodes. (Yes I did do the "delete settings folder" thing. The settings for the textures do not change the actual visuals, and they look "low-res" and washed out, especially those on the characters. Fast travel is gone again (!"%(&, and worse, this one still has "save points" present in the game world, but the actual saving feature was never implemented it seems! NO SAVING, NO QUICKSAVING. To top this off, this episode features the oh-so-popular "three different endings at the very end" thing. So, if you wanted to watch all endings, you'd have to play the whole fuck-off game three times all the way through. I did not. I will say, there's some of the best H scenes in the entire run in this episode, but the *average* quality is still a bit lower than other episodes. 5/10

    Chapter 2, Epilogue
    Once again, no saving in this one, but at least it's another short one to finish the series out. We are once again on a ship and we get a new feature in one or two of the scenes: voice lines. It's not much more than "let me suck your cock", but it's not nothing. Scene quality is once again below average for the series. (For example, why bother having a scene with two taurens, but still only one penetrates? Silly.) This game has a choice at the start (tying into what happened at the end of the previous episode), that lets you determine how many scenes there will be in this final bit. I recommend picking the "they're alive" option, as this has the most scenes. The other two have one or two unique scenes and the rest is either the same or just missing as a result of certain characters not being there.