there are many reasons to try cheating...
first there is curiosity, what is in the game, what could be done... show me the content
second take quicksteps, if there is only boring or waiting time
third the author designs "his" way of playing... but this is not "my" way... can I change it (thats the best reason in my opinion, to enhance the game... look at skyrim... the original game is something you play 3-5 times... but a modded skyrimgame you play years after years... and "modding" would be like cheating (sometimes)... so, after trying to cheat your char and you like the game you start to enhance it, make it better and better... maybe for yourself, maybe you share it with others, too and give back, what you gained (pirated) in the first time
most cheats will be give you "godmode"... and therefore killing the fun after some times... so there is a natural cap to cheating... common sense... you can do it in steps... light advantages at start, respect triggerpoints, some ingame-functions instead of full cheat-code... and the game is much more fun as the original one