Why do people come into threads just to complain?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 14, 2017
General question because I see this a lot. People will go into threads of a game they don't like with a fetish they don't like just to say they don't like it.

For instance, a person who hates furry will go into a game thread called "Furry Adventure" and complain that the game has furry content. Then there's others who just go into threads just to purposely leave hate comments. I've seen this on my threads and others. Someone will randomly come in and comment "Shit fucking game, waste of my time." then leave.
What's the intention or mindset behind this?


Jun 19, 2017
Some people love to show off how they are smart, others how they are dumb.
Or they just love to provocate others, sit in their sofa with pop corn seeing how the world burn.
Just ignore (and/or report) them and just keep constructives comments?
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Jun 24, 2017
I used to think people were all born innocent and it was their parents or people they hang out with that taught them to be assholes. Now I believe they are just born that way. If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all. Is that sentence no longer mentioned in anyone's upbringing anymore? Constructive criticism, especially from those who are fellow peers or have experience in the same programs, is far different than what appears to be pure hatred from someone who doesn't have a clue as to what it takes to make a game. If you don't like the game you played, play another! There are many to choose from.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2018
People make for terrible human beings. I think a lot of it...a ton of it is people who tend to complain have never made a game. They don't know what it takes and so don't appreciate the work behind it. Additionally, people throw you a dollar and they just expect you to be their bitch. But like coconut said its complex. Soup has good advice.

I would love for ratings to be done by former developers. Ebert made a film before he became a critic. But on here you've got every person with a key board acting like they're an expert and they've never rendered an image or written code in their life.

Good luck with your game. Stick to it. It looks nice.
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