Google Analytics - you can block each game in your firewall
->Unity Analytics, Google Analytics only if is an Android game and dev has link it.
for the OP,
As a Unity game dev I can tell you...
If you don't pay for the Unity license, you have no opinion on Unity sending analytics (you can deactivate it if you pay, a thing that only a successfull dev can afford)
What data is sent? Nothing personal, things like in what resolution are you playing, how many ram "you" have, and hours of gameplay, how many people play. etc.
I put brackets on the "you" because there is no "you" saved in any respect
(Google analytics on the other hand, has demographic data, because it tells the dev if you're a man or female, if you like to see sports or news.... although of course is not like it stores your name..., but is normal because google analytics is all about user spending money and how to make him spend more XD)
if the dev doesn't even activate the ability to see the analytics, Only unity receives it.
Then the dev may use the analytics too, if he integrates it into the game, in order to see if players prefer to fuck victoria or jessica, or how many times he cleaned the garden to earn some bucks. and that sort of things.
Usually analytics is a stuff very needed when making games with in-app purchases, AAA games, etc, little use for other thing.
So yeah anyone that is bothered for any reason, just block it on firewall and good to go.