I generally like sandboxes, but it's hard to find the balance. Too many options with too little payoff just feels like clutter. And that often goes paired with a few options that have like 95% of the content, meaning that people that want to see the content are still sort of forced into linear pathing.
Ignoring the grind and clunky UI for the moment, I think Son of a Bitch for example did this balancing quite well. Almost everywhere you go you can do something to progress your stats or progress with/towards a girl. There's cute girls in your home, or on your street, or a different street, or hell, a different neighborhood, at work, at school. If you were in it for one specific girl it was a bit of a mess to move around but if you got lost it wasn't often entirely pointless.
And yeah, I don't mind incremental progress (kiss on the first date, passionate kissing on 2nd date, feeling her up on the 3rd date, getting a blowie the 4th date and then fucking her the 5th date) kind of grinding, as that makes sense to me. Knowing the girl you want to seduce is more into muscles, going to the gym a few times also makes sense to me. But when you are just grinding stats and doing the same thing 20-30 times with little to no change except for the number going up it doesn't feel rewarding to overcome, it's just annoying.
Games like Milfy City and Midnight Paradise I'd rather label as 'non linear VN' because you get just enough freedom to choose which order you do quests in or you can even fully ignore a character you don't like usually. It's a nice balance of keeping progress happening and having some freedom of choice, but it doesn't really feel like a sandbox to me.
So for me it's in this order: Balanced sandbox > Unbalanced sandbox > non linear VN > Linear VN > text based only > not playing a game > Kinetic Novel.
Yes, I'd rather not play than "play" a KN. If I get to have no impact at all, I'd rather just grab one of the videos I keep in my spankbank.
Sorry for the long post, hope it at least answered the question!