Why do you like pregnancy in games?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
I also like the risk of it but I also like how it adds a new mechanic to the game (in the best case scenario that is) unless of course developers just use it as an ending or a quick one-and-done gimmick. But beyond the risk I just really love the aesthetics of a pregnant woman... I dunno there's just something satisfying about seeing that big baby bump. Pregnancy is also kind of the definition of a "successful creampie" and the reason sex exists in the first place. Pregnancy is my biggest kink but it's one that can only really be lived out within a game as you can't just recklessly knock up women in real life so I guess that's another aspect to it that I really appreciate.

In a game you can freely impregnate gorgeous women and most of the time they will take care of the kids themselves so you basically don't have to take responsibility but it's still nice to visit them and see how the lil guys and girls are doing. Of course there's also the case where you play as a female MC and I really love that as well but sadly pregnancy is often pretty superficial in those games and the kids often just get taken away so you don't have to think about it anymore. The best pregnancy system I've ever seen has to be the one from 'Violated Heroine' where the devs really went in and made the whole experience really detailed and somewhat realistic.

I might be in the minority with this but I also like having kids in a game because I'm often curious what a child of person x and person y would look like... It's kind of like a gacha game where you wanna see what kind of person comes out if you "mix" two others first.

But yea, that's about my thoughts on the topic and as a huge enjoyer of this kink I really wish more devs would implement it in their games (of course it should always be optional) because in my eyes every game gets more exciting with it included.
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Dagoth Urgers

Dec 12, 2021
It's all about adding consequence, which is something that tends to be lacking in porn. Western porn especially since it tends to be so "sex positive."


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
It's all about adding consequence, which is something that tends to be lacking in porn. Western porn especially since it tends to be so "sex positive."
I actually really enjoy in games where pregnancy is a sex positive consequence. Honestly, its the best one when the woman is begging the MC to knock her up because she's so into him and thinks its hot. For me, that's bascially the ultimate goal in a game relationship, and if my character can go through a process and achieve that in the end, its extremely satisfying.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
I actually didn't know how divisive this particular kink was until I started frequenting this site. There have been several threads over the years in general about it, some that have gotten close to getting out of hand with people on both sides. I personally don't care about the kinks a person has, this one being one that I definitely do not have. But it does surprise me how heated the debeate can get over this one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I actually didn't know how divisive this particular kink was until I started frequenting this site. There have been several threads over the years in general about it, some that have gotten close to getting out of hand with people on both sides. I personally don't care about the kinks a person has, this one being one that I definitely do not have. But it does surprise me how heated the debeate can get over this one.
It surprised me when I started here how so many people are really forceful that things that they don't like or want shouldn't be in ANY games. As far as I'm concerned, if I don't like something, then I just move on and ignore it.