Why does everyone hate RPGM?


Nov 19, 2017
Apparently it uses java scripting for coding in new mechanics. I don't really have any experience with it, but from what I heard around the internet, java scripting is sluggish as hell.
I took a Javascript course in college. My roomates made me promise not to take the 201 version of the class so long as I was living with them after I got really frustrated and almost threw my computer out of a window.

I would rather have to learn sanskrit and code on parchment using my own blood as ink then ever touch Javascript again.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I think it's mostly because RPGM is intended to create actual ... games. With gameplay like fighting monsters, looting treasure, exploring maps, leveling your character. Everything that is good and important in normal games, but annoying grind in porn games. In porn games, the focus in most cases is telling a story that leads from sex scene to sex scene. After all, nobody jerks off to retro RP fights.


Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
There is no game on here (or not that I found) which uses RPG on it's best. If there was game and map in that game, with hidden quest, npc's, items, where you can roam around and discover stuff, lurking freely between quests etc...Ok than. For example, if you ever played Morrowind, that's what I'm talking about. Make world open as that one.
But using this engine to create linear walking simulator on Siberia sized map without giving any clues to players where to go, plus you add annoying elements as changing clothes few times a days, taking showers etc...it's sacriledge and it's preposterous...just use Renpy for that...


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
There is no game on here (or not that I found) which uses RPG on it's best. If there was game and map in that game, with hidden quest, npc's, items, where you can roam around and discover stuff, lurking freely between quests etc...Ok than. For example, if you ever played Morrowind, that's what I'm talking about. Make world open as that one.
But using this engine to create linear walking simulator on Siberia sized map without giving any clues to players where to go, plus you add annoying elements as changing clothes few times a days, taking showers etc...it's sacriledge and it's preposterous...just use Renpy for that...
Yeah, every time gets me, because I want to check every inch of the map to find hidden stuff... I wonder why they don't do it? Making extra stuff is fun, hiding stuff is fun, adding some cryptic stuff that is hidden is still fun.
Jun 20, 2017
I love RPGM games. I mean, I like RPG and I like porn, so to me the RPG gameplay adds to the experience, not subtract.

That stems from the fact that usually people want to enjoy their playtime as a single focused experience whereas people like me can compartmentalize our playtime experience into sub-parts that makes up the whole part.

It's like eating your favorite sandwich and drinking your favorite beverage. You take one bite of your sandwich followed by one sip of your beverage. Those are two different food with different tastes but are equally enjoyable.

I also don't expect a Metal Gear level of technical details or story creativity from them; so I don't mind that they all are similar, as long as there are enough small differences to make them apart, I'm good.

I've gone trough many RPGM games, most being obvious low value productions for a quick cash grab; yet, I'm completely mesmerized and addicted to them.

Though, I wouldn't complain if more RPGM games were like Noxian Nights, Ariadne or Thug Hero's Party.
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