fair enough, but i don’t think i’m moving goalposts here. just adding more nuance to my original argument
Statement 1: There are less games
Statement 2: numbers are steady. quality isn't what it used to be.
Firstly, the second statement contradicts the first, ending the original argument. Admitting there are NOT less games.
Secondly, moving from quantity to quality is moving the goalposts because they are two separate things. You are in fact creating a new argument.
i.e. There are only 500 games
No there are 1500 games
Ok, there are 1500 games but only 500 are worth playing....
the main thing i was saying is that it feels like there are fewer ntr games worth paying attention to now, whether that's due to visibility, quality, or just how saturated the market is with other stuff.
This is your personal opinion and it is not supported by the facts. One, there is a steady flow of games. Two, there is a steady flow of pirating these games. This means that they are not only visible on the few buying sites but now also visible on the many pirating sites.
The mistake you made and many others make is you made a generalized blanket statement instead of keeping it personal.
If you had said, "There are a lot fewer ntr games for me to play because many/most don't suite my tastes." your point would have had merit. Instead you made a factually incorrect blanket statement.
sure, the stats show a steady flow of games, but if most of them don’t stand out or get enough attention, it creates the impression of a decline
No it doesn't, going off you what you described it would / should create two different impressions, one, that there are fewer GOOD games and two, that there are more BAD games. You are actively ignoring the bad games and focusing on the good ones, fewer good games then becomes fewer games, which is factually incorrect because the bad games exists even if you don't want them too.
on the "it's just you" argument, but i don’t think it’s just nostalgia or overexposure. when i said ntr used to feel “bigger,” i wasn’t talking about me being newer to it; i’m talking about the community buzz and the consistent hits that made an impact. it wasn’t just about tropes feeling fresh, it was about devs taking risks and delivering stuff that got people talking.
It clearly is nostalgia and overexposure, given that you would include in your statement, "
community buzz and the consistent hits that made an impact." There is only a handful that made an impact, like
scars of summer which spawned a large number of copy cats. Claiming that this was consistent is just factually wrong.
the stats don’t lie, but they also don’t tell the whole story
They do tell the whole story for everyone because they involve the numbers from everyone, not just you. Again this is the problem when making blanket statements instead of personal ones.