Why does patreon prohibit "fringe" sexual content?


Sep 8, 2020
I've always wondered why Patreon bans fringe sexual fetishes things like incest,zoophilia,necrophilia,etc. in AVNs/adult games (not real life of course).

I get that they don't want to be associated with things like "the site that has weird shit". But isn't it unnecessary when they're a privately held company and they get their money from pledges anyway.

It also doesn't make sense from the view of creating a site that isn't entirely filled with porn of weird shit when you browse creators since. most people usually see content they like somewhere and are then led to the creator's Patreon page. People rarely browse patreon looking for people to support since most of the content is locked behind paywalls anyway so it disincentivizes subscribing anyway.

And it's not like Patreon is a Christian site that gives 10% of it's earnings to the nearest church, it probably is where most porn creators get their money from anyways.

So why do they have such a large unlubed spiked stick up their asses when it comes to weird shit when it doesn't really affect their profits?
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Jun 19, 2017
I initially thought it was to evade secondhand legal action via payment processors, as this would apply to the ban on underage content and bestiality. Depictions of underage characters are illegal in many countries, and depictions of bestiality are illegal in a few. It is common for companies of all kinds to localize their content in light of regional law. For example, many video games limit data collection to comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

However, they have also moved forward to ban more innocuous content such as vore, rape, and a couple cases of diaper fetishism.

It is most likely just to move them out of the spotlight when "undesirable" content goes viral. Neither Patreon nor its associated payment processors want to be accessory to the production of gay furry vore rape hentai. If it doesn't hurt their bottom line too much, they will restrict it.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
the ban is coming from patreon's payment processors like paypal, visa and mastercard. patreon is forced to follow their demands or lose them.

so the question is why the payment processors have the policies to ban this kind of content. it could be because this kind of content has an even higher risk associated with it than porn in general when it comes to chargebacks (people don't want to be associated with having bought extreme porn). it could also be because of potential legal complications, pressure from conservative organizations, moral crusading, or a combination of things.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
I've always wondered why Patreon bans fringe sexual fetishes things like incest,zoophilia,necrophilia,etc. in AVNs/adult games (not real life of course).

I get that they don't want to be associated with things like "the site that has weird shit". But isn't it unnecessary when they're a privately held company and they get their money from pledges anyway.

It also doesn't make sense from the view of creating a site that isn't entirely filled with porn of weird shit when you browse creators since. most people usually see content they like somewhere and are then led to the creator's Patreon page. People rarely browse patreon looking for people to support since most of the content is locked behind paywalls anyway so it disincentivizes subscribing anyway.

And it's not like Patreon is a Christian site that gives 10% of it's earnings to the nearest church, it probably is where most porn creators get their money from anyways.

So why do they have such a large unlubed spiked stick up their asses when it comes to weird shit when it doesn't really affect their profits?
It's not patreon, it's the payment processors and they have been placing pressure on the porn industry for decades now.
They have targeted many companies and sites such as pornhub, onlyfans etc. etc. Sometimes with good reason such as in the case of revenge porn but in most cases the targets have been genres like incest, beasty and non con.

They have gone so far as to even deny some content creators bank accounts, all you need to do is use search and read through the MANY other "patreon sucks" threads to get your answers.....
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Nowhere in the Bible does it say rape is bad. Christ himself was a rapebaby by modern standards.
And why should law be dictated by the common book of the three monotheist religions ?

I am not. I have a disdain for all ideologies that are used to keep the populace submissive [...]
Roll on the floor laughing so hard that I piss myself.

Using the Bible to justify that rape shouldn't be illegal, then claiming that you have disdain for all ideologies that are used to keep the populace submissive is one of the most hilarious thing I've read those last two decades.

Nice try, and the worse is that it will works, incels will make you their king in no time with such charge against feminism.


Aug 6, 2017
Western made AAA games not allowed to show a hint of cleavage nowadays. That's on the feminists.
The saddest thing about people like you is that you actually believe this, when it is so, so easily debunked. Just googling "AAA games 2024 best female characters" pics would show you lots of cleavage, midriffs and bikini pics. But no, instead you're ranting like an incel on a porn forum.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The saddest thing about people like you is that you actually believe this, when it is so, so easily debunked.
Oh, but he can prove what he said...

I mean, if you except the fact that the game he think about is Korean, that Korea isn't a Western country, and that it wasn't related to anything feminist.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
I am not. I have a disdain for all ideologies that are used to keep the populace submissive and it just so happens that feminism is the current favorite at this particular moment in history.
then instead of rambling about the bible and jesus (which is not what i asked for a source about), point to actual things feminism is doing to "stick their noses in everyones's private business" that has a much greater impact than the christian conservative groups doing the same?

Death Panda

May 8, 2023
And why should law be dictated by the common book of the three monotheist religions ?
What does that have to do with anything? This is a thread about Patreon rules for fictional content.
incels will make you their king in no time with such charge against feminism.
No thank you. Just as you and I can hate Christianity without being satanist, so too can people hate feminism without being members of some shitty ass reddit cult.