Why people like BigBrother So much ? [DarkSilver]


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Apr 30, 2017
Hello every one ,
I have a question , Why people like BigBrother So much ?
I mean it's a good game I like it too but what makes BigBrother so popular ?
BigBrother doesn't have music or sounds , no animation ...
(but i should say the pictures are great :D )
I do not have a problem with the money that he makes ,
When you compare the money that DarkSilver makes and other creators the differences is to much :D
I think DarkSilver makes 30k - 40k in a month but for example Summertime saga hardly makes 11k .


Aug 15, 2016
The graphics are very good. Quite rare that I think the images in a game are hot; Summertime saga's actually repulse me.

The gameplay looked like it was going to be good - some grinding with decent rewards and an evil antagonist to throw a spanner in the works. Not so sure after the last update but we'll see.

As for the money it's really easy - you only have one choice to make, support a particular developer or not. If he's making a ton of cash creating something people want good luck to him.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Heh I think people like to angst over victor/eric. :FuckYea:


Aug 5, 2016
Honestly i also feel that the game is overrated. However i do agree that the 3d images are really good. But as said before, i think the NTR part of the game attracts people. I mean the storyline is not good really, but the whole NTR thing is huge turn on for some people. And that is probably the main reason.
Oct 13, 2016
It's kinda like that with all games with similar genres though, if you make an incest themed game with broken English and semi good images you're bound to be successful. I can name like 5 off the top of my head, Dating my Daughter, Lab Rats, Incest Story, The Artifact and A Zombie's Life. There are countless more.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
I think on one side alot of people was drawn in with the very good CG, and "promise" of a great incest game. And to top it of with a villain to beat. That made alot of people pledge that was into incest. Then when it was revealed that the villian could steal the girls from the MC. That attracted alot of people who like that fetish. People see a good concept, and what that can possible be a very good game. But for many has yet to deliver it. And now there is a eternal battle between the two core fetishes, inc and NTR. I pledged for the inc part of the game, so I'm with those guys. And want less of the other stuff. XD But the developer says there is no NTR. So there's that.
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Aug 6, 2016
It's like the 3D art Dark Silver does has soul and seems to draw you in. He's super skilled at 3D art and it shows. He's also one of the few who's had a decade of experience for a game dev and it shows. I'm mostly there for the GREAT ART.
I don't like the NTR aspect. AT ALL. I could agree with Eric "taking over" mom because of her vulnerability and even taking steps to "make her his" for all eternity. I would also agree if he was trying to keep your sisters away from you and not letting anyone fuck them (including himself). That would be a question to the player... how far do you want to take this?
But instead, Dark Silver has Eric as a "super alpha" who wants to fuck your entire family as a harem and send you to military school. Then, he makes it super clear that you're a beta who is limited in what he can do with his only quality being a longer dick. That's the stuff that rubs me wrong and if it escalates or Eric gets better, I'm walking away from this game.


Mar 28, 2017
It's worth noting too that the characters each have a bit of personality to them and some clear motivations. A lot of times (particularly in games of this type) there's not a whole lot of difference between the female characters and they tend to be rather two dimensional even so. That, combined with a decent English translation, certainly help it stand above several others.


Besides the nice renders it's an interesting concept and has actual interactivity (different routes, etc.). However I can't really say that I have high expectations for it considering what a cunt DarkSilver is. That and the whole NTR thing. Fine, I get it, he has a thing for Eric, but then last update he adds lesbian dominatrix Eric that has been secretly dating one of your sisters the whole time? Motherfucker.


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Aug 6, 2016
Personally I don't mind the challenge of turning a Lesbian "Bi" or "Straight" since it usually doesn't succeed in real life. I've said what gets my goat is Eric's "alpha" powers + Eric's motivations vs PC's "beta" weakness. IMHO it needs better balance and no sexy interactions between Eric and Kira/Alice/Liza.
I don't mind a good challenge- I relish it BUT only the MC may have a harem!


With every update DS keeps dangling the you can get rid of Eric for good carrot and I managed to keep him at bay by finally blackmailing him to leave my family alone. 0.4 gets released and using my "family safe" 0.3 save I walk in on Eric ploughing Kira and I start to taste vomit in the back of my throat. I am forced to give up Alice to save Kira who gives me nothing in return (not even a thank you) and manage to blackmail Eric an additional 5 times but he still keeps fucking Alice and scoring 40% dominance over her everytime he talks to her even though we were told that when you got a character to 0 they were locked on you side. To make matters worse Eric then takes all your money. (Yeah, he just happened to have $124,000 in his wallet)

I honestly feel like DS has just came in my face and was outraged enough to pull my patronage. I sincerely don't know if I will have either the stomach or desire to play 0.5...

Also starting to think that DS's real first name is Eric...


Mar 13, 2017
Like everyone said already, the appeal is definitely the renders. Some of the best looking CG I've seen from a game. Couple that with the mechanics of the game and it's definitely one of the better ones. That's the appeal.

But for some reason, on his latest post, DS seems to think that Eric and his story ideas are the appeal due to the number of patrons. All while ignoring the number of fighting and people complaining bout these very things in his comment section. Lol, I don't understand him.

EDIT: Instead of focusing on the number of patrons, he should focus on the very obvious backlash he knows he's receiving when it comes to Eric and these stupid situations we're caught in cause of him.
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Apr 19, 2017
I think the CG is one thing that drawing the attention and the rivalry btw Max and Eric is unique.Its in human nature to be a hero and get rid of evil antagonist. Protagonist can do so little in current version that the players are kept waiting in a hope to find some way in a new version. And yet they are kept waiting in future version. Most of the users are only coming back to turn that ALPHA GOD into SUB .


Nov 15, 2016
CGs, for sure.

But, please, don't say that DS is a great 3d artist. Most (if not all) of his 3d assets are bought in the Daz store. Anyone who knows it well will probably recognize a lot of the stuff sold there in the game.

I literally keep calling the names of the haircuts, Genesys 3 models, clothing, etc as I play the game.

DS is somewhat proficient at rendering. It's literally where the magic of Big Brother happens. He isn't great, by industry standard (A few ppl I know from my time in Gnomon literally thought it was garbage, technically speaking) , but he is EONS away from most renders done in patreon games (which are terrible). He also does use quite well Photoshop to finish his renderings, which is something particularly smart that most authors seems to forget, Patreon wise.

Also, he has great taste at choosing and accessorizing his characters (which all looks really good), and is very talented at composing his shots (camera angles, models posing, etc)

But perhaps, most importantly, is how Patreon itself works: It's almost impossible to find content there, if you don't use sites like this one, so, once an author gains momentum, as DS did, I believe it's only natural that his patrons will keep growing and growing, as more and more people gets to know his work through some sort of rough word-of-mouth marketing.
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Active Member
Respected User
Feb 19, 2017
Very good renders.

Decently written characters (by incest game standards), in decent English.

Reasonably interesting gameplay (if grindy)

So: it's not the best game in the world, but it's better than a lot of the competition (especially crappy RPGMaker games)
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Feb 3, 2017
Graphically it's nice. The story started out so good. Even the start with Eric. Then it spiraled. The premise of a horny teenager trying to get his wee wee wet. The eventual grind wasn't bad it had a focus. Then it went crazy with all the branches i.e either be cucked or try to be a major dick. Getting your sister spanked to get control MEH!!!!!. I didn't play .4 because just reading the forum, there is no win. Without cheats, there is no way to pay Eric back. I hope he can steer this trainwreck back on course.

1. Maybe make it where you can only get one girl and thats the focus. Like a typical Jap VN.
2. Then with all routes done then a harem mode.
3. Trying to stave off Eric from destroying the family from the Russian mob I can get down with that.
4. If you want to to be cucked then fine (not a big NTR fan)
5 Maybe add weight set so Max can get buffed so he can Kick Eric's ass!!! ( Would have to change renders, but hell he is getting rich)

I will watch and wait and see where this goes.
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