Here's my opinion on the matter with a possible worst case scenario theory.
That is not the worst case scenario.The problem is that (especially at the time of writing this) we are currently in the wild west of this technology. There are no laws or rules and no real regulations for this software.
The worst case scenario is the precise opposite of that.
Where is the idea that the Government is on your side and is going to protect you? Who is going to save you? The Democrats? The Republicans? The ever increasingly Communist European Union? Has Occupy Wall Street never teached you the lesson on the Divide and Conquer Strategy they are using now?
If "Artists" in their brilliant "wisdom" manage to successfully to Patent a "Artstyle", Art as we know it will be Over.
What they fail to realize is that the soulless corporations can legally do the same thing. In Law there are no Rules for Thee but not for Me.
What do you think Adobe and Microsoft and Google is going to do?
Corporations have no problem with Contracts and Acquisitions, they do that every day.
If you are an Artists that actual has a Job I don't see how they are going to escape from those Contracts.
Either Slow or Fast they will eventually acquire all the Data they need to Train the Models and they will Absolutely Have NO MERCY if it's going to cost them billions or trillions of dollars, They Will get a Return on that Investment.
If you play the game of Copyright Enforcement they will play a much better game at that.
I just don't understand on what Universe artists seems to live on.
Record Labels already control the Copyright of All Music, Disney already controls the Copyright of gigantic backlog of Movies and Shows.
If you can Copyright "Artsyles" that opens Pandora's Box.
More things will be Copyrighted and Enforced while True Artists will continue to be marginalized.
The rise of Corporate Artists that sell their souls in exchange to be "Permitted" to utilize an Artstyle and become part of that "Family".
And ALL the AI Users that you are now deriding will automatically become part of that and it will be their mission to End You as free artists just like you are trying to End Them.
Mickey Mouse's Boot will be stomping all over your face, forever. That is the future you chose.
Artists Themselves have to Adapt.
There is no other choice other than a much worse one in the long run.
You cannot be a Free Spirit, you cannot be a True Artist if you drink the Kool Aid.
AI Art is precisely the Wild West, it's precisely the Unknown that is being Explored in an environment that is so constantly being Censored and Sanitized for Corporate "Sensibilities".
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