Unreal Engine - Wicked Island [v0. Hotfix] [RawDarkness]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    [V Hotfix]
    I usually don't bother reviewing games that are too bugged to even run, but this one gets a special prize: it's so fucked up it managed to freeze my whole PC, while trying to start, requiring a hard reboot.
    Likes: O&M's
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    funny island game.

    Wicked Island is an interesting game.

    The gameplay is most definitely ambitious, resembling 3D survival games. The gameplay includes many stats that you must always be filling, like hunger, interesting combat, a good variety of enemies, good sex scenes, and a pregnancy system. witch is always a plus in my eyes, and a big map filled with different locations like towns.

    The main problem with this game is, honestly, the optimization. You need a decently good PC to be able to run this well; however, this can be overlooked.

    Overall, this game is not bad but definitely not completed. However, the potential is there, and honestly, it has more effort put into it than most things on this site. Overall, this game balances well, having both good gameplay and a good and easy way to access sex scenes, and the survival aspects are not bad at all. Honestly, this game has a lot of potential on this site. Overall, this game balances well, having both good gameplay and a good and easy way to access sex scenes, and the survival aspects are not bad at all. Honestly, this game has a lot of potential in all aspects, and I can only hope for the developer to continue updating and hopefully one day finish this project since it is most definitely great and shows promise even in a really early game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this is indeed an ambitious and amazing project and i wanna see where this goes, right now it's pretty entertaining and fun, it's like having skyrim with all the existing impure and horny mods xD so yeah, keep it up bro
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.8.5.2

    This feels like you're playing a game that got MODDED to have sexual content, rather than one whose main draw is the sexual content. And when I say that, I mean a mediocre mod that lazily relies on text pop-ups to explain what's happening.

    The gameplay is an interesting idea for a porn game, but nothing new. A survival game that plays kind of like a dumbed-down Rust.

    I think the character creator is really good (could use a few more hair styles, I didn't see the one I wanted), but everything else about this game is just not polished well enough. Boring quests, boring grind, the enemy AI is doodoo and will sometimes just turn off completely, there is a taming system that becomes irrelevant because you will friendly fire 1-shot them on accident... there's a lot to complain about and not enough to praise.

    tl;dr: Great graphics, but that's all it has going for it right now.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    I like the concept and the gameplay but it is really early to give it a better rating. Some things aren't explained (like farming), iron is too hard to find, there are still many game breaking bugs, and the game gets repetitive as the only progression is from stat changes. You end up doing the same thing from the beginning of the game that you do at the end. The monsters are feel like the same with different stats. With time I'm sure that it will be good but currently there is a lot to be desired.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, and have been following it for a while now. The base game is solid and has a lot of potential. This is one to keep an eye on, kinda glitchy here and there, but overall pretty solid so far.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Clunky mechanics and little guidance at the beginning. Essentially a game where you figure everything out. Extremely buggy gameplay; stuttering screen, camera flying away from body, etc.

    Animations aren't great.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst everything in this game, animations, scripts, fighting, sex animations, scripts which making you stuck and get invisiblew items in your inventory that making you overweight and block your movements untill you die. I thought waht there will be something good, but nothing, just some one decide take a free 3D models, take just dildo models and stick them on creatures :ROFLMAO: i seen those models already. Scripts in that game so worst that making this game unplayeble.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good potential, but needs more kink, like bestiality (bears, boars/pigs, goats, wolves, giant wasps/bugs, horses...) incest with offspring (should be obvious and perhaps we can give them names to distinguish them) . If it's an issue make it a toggle in the settings you can only get with a spicey patch or something to that effect ;)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    -First thing I saw in the game was an (obviously made in AI because they crop out the hands and leave the garbled water mark in the corner) loading screen with a tip that misspelled "sleeping" as "skeeping"
    -Character creator makes it very easy to make a character with screwed up skin textures
    -Like most 3D smut, it's massively unoptimized and demanding of your hardware--mostly in order to render a gigantic open world with very little in it. It won't play at all unless it's essentially the only thing running on my system because it requires so much VRAM.

    And what are you roasting your GPU in service of? Modded Skyrim level animations where monsters no-clip their three foot long dongs into your character model's general vaginal area. And that's IF the game deems you worthy of seeing those animations. If you don't meet the weirdly convoluted requirements, the monsters kill you instead of boning you.

    Honestly, if this tickles your pickle, just take the few hours it'll require to mod Skyrim with Defeat and whatever other animation/model packs you want. It's essentially the same thing, it LOOKS better in some circumstances, there's a greater variety of enemies, and you can run it on a potato.
  11. 2.00 star(s)



    I'd really like to rate this game higher. I think the concept is interesting and the gameplay should be pretty fun. I also like the music. However, the game is weighed down by an unreasonable amount of bugs and massive performance issues.
    My PC's specs are pretty high, but the game won't run properly even on just "High" settings. Saving/Loading takes an eternity (loading a game should never take 5+ minutes) or even causes crashing, it stutters all the time. Your pets and servants forget who you are if you reload or go too far away and start attacking you again.
    The character models start doing weird stuff all the time or even disappear partially. Several menus are simply not working.

    While mechanics and gameplay do need some improvement, I believe the game would be very enjoyable if at least the major bugs and huge performance issues get fixed.

    I'll come back in like half a year or entire year to see if there is progress on the worst issues.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    (02/07/2024: Release Edit: All of the major and game breaking bugs are already resolved with the last release. Only some minor bugs left. Now you can ignore the Cons that i mentioned before.)
    Interesting game with great elements, greater potential and major cons altogether.
    For v0.8.4.9
    + Open world with good atmosphere and improving lore. Almost tastes like skyrim.
    + Character customization is complex enough and character looks pretty.
    + Rpg, crafting and survival elements are captivating.
    + Graphics, lighting and weather elements are nice.
    + Going to be a top class game.(if we manage to ignore the cons)
    +/- Sex scenes are even good. But have to be improved. They have a great potential to be a legendary level.
    +/- A corruption system (like good-old game unforbidden) can be a perfect match for this game.
    +/- Needs more quests(it never enough) and better working map. For now they are ok but just ok.
    CONS(Here we go):
    - Wow this game is a really a bugfest. I know dev is working to fix them. But there is still much work here.
    - Save&load waiting and crashing is another huuuuge problem.
    - Game starts good at first. But after some time around level 12-13, it starts to lag. Many lags here. For example: Freezing when using bow, or disappearing npcs, etc.
    - Eating too much memory from system. Even quite strong computers can barely handle.
    Finally: Good work until now. Respect and good luck for your project.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot. Ive played it since 8.4.2 version.

    Reason not give five stars ill start with:

    Game is constantly buggy. Either of big or small amount depending of the releases.
    Most commonly, when a bigger change in the game is implemented, it reflects game stability.
    Game have constant clipping. In the walls, trees, rocks whatsoever. MC clip, NPCS and creatures also..
    Texture drop is still present, but much less than before.
    Even H scenes have clipping.

    Triggers and events status reset.
    Does not matter is it quest, marker, location, relation or so. For all of them in some moment or another, the status is reset for reason unknown and You have to restart it.

    Recent versions have huge performance problem with video memory leaks.

    Now with other side of the coin : ) (or the right side of the Logo)
    First thing, which catch right after game start, is music. It is awesome and give huge influence over the game.
    Game have very complicated, but very productive character modeller. Patience is necessary to work with, but result is quite OK.
    There is large open world with huge influence from first Gothic with some Nordic elements. Music mentioned above, also brings much to this Nordic feelings.

    I like a lot, how game evolves and how RowDarknes leads it. Especially recent changes on the skills and attribute system, based on practise. It will be great if this system evolves further.
    (Some relation to Morrowind (best IMO rpg ever :))

    Crafting, survive system, which works as a benefit, instead as limitation, environment reflection over gameplay.. Everything is highly attractive and addicted.

    Developer is quite positive guy, from what i've read as his comments. Have intention to do his best as much as he can.

    One of the most addictive and meaningful H systems in the such type of game, which i ever played.
    Not just some animation. Animation itself in the game is not that good, neither that bad either. Suffers from game curse - clipping.

    Some personal thoughts/prefs
    It will be great, if there is deeper story and more quests
    Some locations as village, or barbaric camp could be safe places.
    People over the island to be more active. Some creature come to attack You in the village and no one reacts.
    In the night ambushes if MC is in the village, beats start to attack everybody and people there get lost forever
    More interaction with the NPCs. Like Building together a wall around village, or having intercourse
    Building system - it is very good as intention, but as buildings have some HP they disappear over time. Also if build a house for example it is bigger that already available ones.
    Old armour design was better IMO. Especially steel which had that Nordic vision also : )
    Water life. As of now there are only fishes near the starting point. And Pine trees and Cactuses on the seabed seems like harbinger of the Great Flood : )
    H system to have more reflection over the game play. As now it depends on practice, it could evolve on the possibility of have interaction with larger creatures instead of just levelling
    Some group interactions not only solo.

    Game is not easy to play, by all means. Good amount of patience is necessary to play it. Even more with last release(s).
    But in the same time have so huge potential, that very limited number of other games have..
  14. 1.00 star(s)



    TL;DR: A very very interesting game bogged down by extreme jank and horrendous bugs alongside terrible performance.

    + Good character customization
    + Nice visuals and weather effects
    + Crafting is interesting
    + Can build your own structures, reminds me a lot of Conan Exiles
    + A genuine sense of danger when you roam around without proper equipment

    - Terrible performance and optimization, perhaps some memory leak? My game ends up running at 5 fps and I have no idea why that happens.
    - Jank animations ruin the smut
    - Bugs up the ass, some animations might start unaligned, built structures disappear without warning, and generally just feels like it is held together by duct tape

    Honestly I had my mind on giving this a 4/5 when I started because I really enjoyed running around gathering supplies and building a small hut next to the beach, but I quickly got swarmed with one bug after the other. I hope the dev works on this some more and fixes the numerous bugs or at least the shitty performance so I can properly play this game and adjust my rating accordingly, cause currently this doesn't count as playable.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    This game is just constantly in a state of unplayable and unenjoyable. Anytime I come back to try this game, it's always horribly broken and horribly unoptimized. It's honestly baffling it has such high reviews.

    Admittedly my computer is a few years old but still runs modern intense games at a steady 60FPS on high graphics. This game though is so horribly unoptimized that the main outside area can barely keep a steady 30fps on Low graphics.

    "Fuck it" I think to myself and load up a game anyways just to try it out just to find all my settings have reset to default that I just changed in the main menu and I get ear raped by the audio resetting back to max. Cool.

    Trying to ignore that, I chug through the low FPS and constantly swapping my settings back just to try to enjoy the game and.... get met with all creatures morphing to fit the skeleton of the previous animation that played. If any animation plays with one character, all other characters will disfigure themselves to fit and do that animation as well until you reload the game making it completely unplayable unless I only fight one enemy. Not to mention, each animation is just a repeating sequence; There is no progression, 'Climax' animation, etc. beyond you pressing a button to speed up the animation. Instead you just press a button for it to end and then suddenly your stomach is just massively bloated from cum.

    If all of the above isn't enough reason to ignore this game;
    The UI is absolutely horrible and hardly likes to work. Half of the enemies aren't "mate-able" and are just there as filler. The tutorial, rather than being progressive and popping up when you hit certain points, just constantly randomly pops up at the top of the screen and covering vital UI information. The "Progression" system makes absolutely no sense and severely limits your gameplay for no reason. Constant broken grammar, awkward dialogue, and misspellings everywhere.

    This is just an absolute mess that's not worth the massive download that it is. It wants to be a survival sex game while just absolutely miserably failing at both.
  16. 3.00 star(s)



    Interesting, but hardly playable.
    • There's supposedly hunger and thirst, but it starts and ends with a tooltip on food;
    • Gathering hitboxes tiny, auto-collection works for only mined resources;
    • Ragdolls fly, corpse ends up placed often out-of-bounds;
    • Quest consistently brakes at bread;
    • There's no manual lock-on to see enemy rating and it's a tiny space at melee range;
    • Very limited (1 bow, 1 arrow type) range options;
    • Some hard-to see gatherables;
    • No map (could be a choice, a bothersome one on a massive world)
    • Enemy AI often unreliable and simple;
    • Questionable (whether they work) pregnancy mechanics;
    • In-game performance is okay, but it turns my PC into a heater;
    • Auto-saves can't be manually loaded.
    Still, this is interesting as a premise to wait for a more playable version.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Sex is sparse, but game is good. Lots of monsters to kill with very large swords, and when the female protagonist loses she is raped, and - if you are lucky - gets pregnant. Quests are a little unpolished in the 8-version I tried out. Often, gathered goods are lost when you return home and the things you built have disappeared. But I suppose that will be corrected eventually.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I like combat and crafting too but seems like instances of the world and quest reset every load/save meaning, if you want to finish quest better to do in in one go without closing. Animations could be wonky too from time to time but overall, solid project, just needs a bit more refining in technical area.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    While yes the game is full of bugs, the game is already in a spot where I would call it quite enjoyable.
    I also just have to give it a big thumbs up for having custom character creation that lets you go beyond traditional beauty standards (I am sick of hourglass being the only option for characters)
    A lot of potential here, which is always scary on this site, but I choose to be hopeful for this games future
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Kind of disappointing. World looks nice, with some variety in zones, although they rather empty. And characters looking nice as well. Gameplay is here and all working fairly well (don't experienced to any game breaking bugs). But it all was just... very boring, to be honest.
    Dont get me wrong, its dev clearly care and try to make decent game, but there too many aspects what need to be improved or reworked for starting to having fun.

    For examle: For porn game, there surprisingly not much porn. You basicly need to match enemy lvl by grinding and crafting stuff and then MAYBE, you can watch pretty poor 1 or 2 wariant of scenes per enemy. But sometins you get killed insted anyway, for some reason. With all you stuff dropping in process, yeah. And scenes didnt even have proper fases, like in any Skyrim mods, for example. You just watch some thrusts, can press buttone to cum, watch some liiiiitle spunk was erupt and thats it. No fluids on body after, no corruption mechanics, no lewd perks or abilities, nothing. Cant even look at my character properly in menu, and in world, camera way too hight for that. Oh, it has pregnancies, with some offsprings mechanics in it, but i honestly don't bother to find after all of this.

    Core gameplay is kind of Valheim, with is food buff mechanics (buff and food itself expire too fast by the way), crafting and explorations. It working fine at itself, but dont provide any engage at process. Skills are not really interesting, passives and weapons efficiency are not exist, combat a very clunky and all moves kind of random, enemies often stuck in ground. Quests are broken it seems, i dont even manage to complete tutorial or rescue random slave from dungeon. Doesnt know how activate teleport stones, game didnt tell, nothing is working on them, so then you die at opposite side if island, well, its rough buddy.

    Dont really wanted to nitpick so much, just share my expirience here. Game really has its charm, despite all of problems and i had good time then explore some of it places and again, it working just fine. Which is fairly rare for games this days, especially this big. But then you ask yourself, what better do with 15+ gigs empty space on my pc - downloading this game, or Skyrim with mod packs, i will prefer second variant on this moment.