3.00 star(s) 51 Votes


Sep 20, 2021
It's me again :p, with no good news sorry, but this one is heavy and somewhat related...

at some point I teleported back to the village and suddenly the framerate dropped to 1fps and stayed there...
ok so exit and reload the previous save... No, it starts at 1fps.
Than try to cancel the last save and load a manual save. All is back to normal untill teleport again, and the problem is back.
Reload the manual save... it's been contaminated too.
Load a 5 hours before save and go on foot to the dungeon, enter and same problem...

I can only speculate (I'm no programmer) that it may be something related to loading game constants and autosave mechanics,
as there is no particoular action or place that triggers it, just the loading screen when switching environment...
(also in Esc menu the fps goes back to normal, so the game is not frozen).

I'll try to whipe the save an start from scratch to see if it happens again.

... and "Q" doesn't work anymore, even if I remap it...
I'll keep you posted
Interesting finds, no one else has ever reported that before but definitely sounds like something gets loaded a bunch of times when loading a game. Great feedback, thank you!

I've got some graphics glitch. In main menu everything is OK, but in the game - this. Anybody knows how to fix this? View attachment 2195013
This seems to be an issue with outdated intel GPU drivers. Several players have fixed it by updating the drivers.

Here's some feedback to hopefully help improve some aspects of your game:

There's a compass and a map, but the map orientation isn't set to Up-North. For example the Secret cave is in the South-West Cliffside (Compass) but to the Top-Left as seen on the map. Basically, north your map, it will improve navigation tremendously.
Waystone markers are only visible on quick travel map, but not the regular map. (or any other markers for that matter)

Being a porn game, obviously there needs to be more sexual content in the future. Many of the smaller enemies don't have any animations yet.
Would be good to have climax animations at the end of a sex session.

3.Player Aesthetics
Reduce the skin's normal map strength, her tits have goddamn moon craters. Customization options are very nice though (taken over from DAZ gen8 I assume).
There are two very visible texture seams on her thighs.
Could use more hairs.

4.Sex Visibility
In most places, vegetation obscures the view during sex. Should have an option to turn grass off during that, at least in a radius around the player. Camera should be able to go below the ground during sex, too.
Another thing would be to make the attacker model half transparent. Most males are on top during sex, some blanket transparency would help.
An option to have the camera orbit around the pair in addition to the freecam style.

add support for forward+sideways sprinting. Currently, Shift+W+A/D will disable sprint and look weird. Improve sprint animations with and without item in hand (lol gorilla style).
There's many places where the player will easily get stuck and has to reload. Especially forested areas and the top of the cliff cave entrance.

The "secret cave" was teased but does not contain much of note beside some resources. There is no sex in secret cave. hope in the future you will reward people going out of their way to actually do some exploration. Do you want the first feeling for players upon discovering something to be disappointment?

Add "no hunger" to cheat menu". Or at least increase hunger regen from food. Man what an annoying feature, in any game.
Add "wetness" slider so we can be all shiny without ongoing rain.
Add button in cheat menu to get out of freecam.
Wow lots of awesome feedback, thank you! <3

1. Have redone map somewhat in the coming version, its still rough but less useless at least.
2. Definitely! Will get on this once the major mechanics are working and polished enough. Loads of new monsters in the pipeline etc.
3. The seams only appear sometimes, seems to have something to do with the GPU. Not sure why, its an engine thing. More hair is coming and you are correct, its genesis 8.1 from Daz :)
4. This is great feedback! Just need to think of some way of achieving it. Few things are impossible in unreal but many things are hard to the point of unrealistic for a solo dev, but will definitely look in to it!
5. Unarmed movement anims have been replaced in the next version, imo it looks a lot better. Do you think some form of unstuck button would work? It's difficult to track down all the places its possible to get stuck, especially on the main map that will come later which is 8x the size of the current map.
6. Yeah i don't have that many rewards to give players yet in terms of animations/items, for now the reward is simply the discovery, some loot, a skillpoint/some exp and potential teasers for future content. But i agree, there needs to be incentive for exploration.
7. Hunger has been removed in the next version, as has tiredness. Instead its more like valheim with strong positive buffs for eating and sleeping. I never enjoyed the negative buffs in survival games and think valheim did it best.
Wetness slider is a cool idea, will look in to it :)


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
great ,Game... Too bad the viewfinder is so small?.... How is iron made?
To make Iron, you need Iron Ore (of course), there are a few nodes around the island that you can mine for ore.
Use the furnace to make iron (just to the right of the main house), you need to place coal and iron ore into the furnace to make iron.
To make coal, place wood into the camp fire and every 2 or 3 pieces of wood that you burn, it will produce 1 piece of coal.

You didn't ask about this, but you can make steel, by placing coal and iron ingots into the furnace and hardened steel with steel, coal, and brimstone (random/rare loot item mostly).


Aug 27, 2020
To make Iron, you need Iron Ore (of course), there are a few nodes around the island that you can mine for ore.
Use the furnace to make iron (just to the right of the main house), you need to place coal and iron ore into the furnace to make iron.
To make coal, place wood into the camp fire and every 2 or 3 pieces of wood that you burn, it will produce 1 piece of coal.

You didn't ask about this, but you can make steel, by placing coal and iron ingots into the furnace and hardened steel with steel, coal, and brimstone (random/rare loot item mostly).
Ha Ok...Thank you very much


Active Member
Jan 13, 2020
So far no more fps bug with autosave disabled

Minor problems:
- sometimes when teleport map shows up you can't press the locations, solved by going to sleep
- Coal glitch (let it be), if you store like 300 wood in campfire to make coal and leave, say for exploring, when you come back it will produce coal at an insane rate w/o consuming wood. it stops by emptying the campfire.

Small suggestions:
- something allowing to climb up a cliff if you fall and survive would be nice
- a kind of miniskirt with no pants as clothing +++++
- the possibility to trow or plant the torch for mining with some light


Oct 2, 2020
So i try to start the game, but everytime It says Corrupt Data. Already Re-Downloaded it.


New Member
Feb 20, 2021
Help me please. After the settings in the game, I click to start a new game and I have errors and the game closes. How to fix it?
1669661321022.jpeg 1669661339127.jpeg


New Member
May 28, 2021
I have plaied the game with the version 0.3 and the last with 0.7. There is a Version in Patron with 0.8, but it works with my pc not. I don´t know why. I get at the seconds start picture most a message box with "fatal error". In 5 or 10% I can start the game to play a bit and than crashed again. Sad, and the game is very good from grafic. I have update the new one for my grafic too, get directX12 too. I have a Radeon 570 and a amd Ryzen9. So, it is not a small pc... Ohh and Windows 10. Is there much changed to get thsi mistakes there?


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
OMG Windows kids don't know what multipart archives are :ROFLMAO:
OMG random dicks online think they're smarter just because multipart archives won't unzip on windows. :ROFLMAO:

I'm guessing the dev wanted to keep the files small because people on here always moan when the file is over 5gb.
I only moan when my dick is in a hole. lol


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
The instructions n this thread are useless for me. Doesn't work.
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3.00 star(s) 51 Votes