not sure if this has happened to anyone else or not BUT some how my save is messed up
all my creatures i had at the camp (starting houses ) are all gone BUT everything i had in my inventory is fine
even my little wolf dog is gone also keep forgetting to ask is there a way to disable auto saves?i dont see it as an option in settings but maybe theres away manually ?also wondering if theres a limit to beasts only conclusion i have is i had 3 and the wolf pet at camp and a bunch different ones in inventory
ALSO is it possible to get your pets to fuck enemies ? be cool as hell if we could some of the settings in game doesnt work
example H for help doesnt do shit same with the unstuck P sometimes after birthing babies ither vanish or sometimes unable to pick them up
pretty decent game BUT has a lot of bugs and so on concept of the game is awesome the rest needs some serious fixing
when fighting all of a sudden ill be staring at my desktop sometimes random shit will open like my news feeds and so on and cant click anything in game sometimes sword will break in mid fight and sometimes i cant punch other times i cant so much as move seems all the weird shit only happens to me
look at my journal 0 times filled with seed but meanwhile fucked and successful breeding?
onething wish we got to see was being filled in cum and watch creampies dripping