As others have said, cannot get the campfire to turn on to even begin the tutorial. Have also had it bug out when giving birth after a pregnancy leaving you unable to progress. When building a shelter you cannot get the door to snap onto the wall. Every time I think i've placed it correctly it suddenly appears several feet away from where I placed it. all the other building structures seem to snap correctly. Needless to say that's a pretty critical part of the shelter. Game seems to be full of bugs at the moment and not playable.
yeah it feels like the 0.8.2 demo was kind of better then the 0.8.4 version, it had less locations and the island was smaller too, but even it is bigger there are some weird places like a lake that ends in the air, if you walk from the other side you can walk under that, no npc were there and no quests, but building at least without updating to stone was better, the furniture like paintings or torches did not fall of walls, there was no door but the door in 0.8.4 is a joke, furniture did not disappear, the fireplaces and ovens could be turned on. I also read in some postings that giving birth might break the game too, that worked fine in the demo.
I am not able to test stuff like tattoos because for that station i need bronze and without a working melting oven i am not able to build it. same with the research station, that needs advanced mats to build, the tutorial quest cannot go further because the fireplace does not work, the breeding quest resets every time when i leave through the portal, same with already visited locations, as soon as i leave a dungeon they disappear.
The big troll camp has invisible walls so i cannot enter it, the unstuck button does not work even when i bind a key, enemies movement is worse too. I got stuck in one of the mining caverns, the light turned off and a nightmare appeared, fucked me, and then i got stuck in a wall, i pressed the bound key (not sure if that feature is not implemented but i had to bind the key because the field for the unstuck key was "empty") but nothing happens.
Then there is the problem that building seems to stop working after some time/deaths.
Yeah this version is a complete mess, the devs should be aware that throwing out such a version that feels more like and a downgrade, might scare of supporters. I would not be surprised when this project will have a Abandoned tag sooner or later.