RPGM - Abandoned - Wicked Rouge [v0.10.2B Public] [FIROKETA Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly impressed by this gem.
    It ticks so many cases and does it well.

    The story and writing is good enough to feel invested in it. Characters are good as well, with very different and defining personalities, models are very nice too, especially considering some scenes are animated. Props to making good-looking asian characters too, it's not so easy.

    The atmosphere overall is great. I might be biased since I love feudal Japan but the musics, the backgrounds, everything is really well done and immersive. I don't know how much is original and how much is reused assets but it doesn't really matter since it fits perfectly well.

    The management side of the game is just right. Not too complex, not too simple. There's enough mechanics going on so that there is some strategy to put into it, but not too much as to not make the game frustrating as some management games can quickly become. In that regard, it feels just right.
    The grind was, to me, completely bearable since I felt invested with the characters so I like to see them slowly grow from their innocent side to more... depraved let's say.

    The combat feels great, fits the setting nicely with the different stances and is original enough for an RPGM game. Even after the multiple-hours marathon of fights that is the campaign map, I still wished for more.

    I will list some of the defaults though to balance it out, and as of now ( 0.10.1B) some events have a very weird way of triggering.
    At some point of the story I had a couple of characters leaving the establishment to do their thing, only to have one of their event starting right after that. Which made me spend a day with two characters that weren't even in the city story-wise.

    The campaign map, while very good, is very punishing at first if you're not prepared enough.
    I basically got softlocked in a battle that I couldn't win, and since there's no way of retreating from the map I was stucked there, had to load a save, gear up and start over. I save every day anyway so it wasn't that punishing and didn't bother me that much but still, I find that a bit rough that this section of the game doesn't let you go back safely to the city ( even if you have to restart the whole map afterwards ) nor even give you any merchant to buy some health and stuff. Some loot nodes can give you some but you have to take the correct routes, and even then it's not guaranteed to be enough depending on your gear and leveling.
    So up to you to see it as a balance issue or just a big warning to be well-geared beforehand.

    I'm really looking forward to the next updates and will be throwing some bucks at the devs because it's been a while since I had such a good time.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The grind KILLED me. That being said overall it was a fun game ngl. Though it is a brothel management game, story made me invested a bit with characters and guess what happened next. The cute girl I look forward the most had sex with an old man and that's it for me. Yeah there are days when I too like these kind of games but not here. I somewhat regret playing it and sadly gonna drop it.

    May be some other time. Thank you.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Although i have played much worse story/games, this one isn't really an interest grabber.

    Story: Not much story to it really, most of the play time is spent grinding out stats for the girls to get better money returns. Story doesn't seem to be important.

    Renders : The renders are not bad somewhat dated and basic. The Girls are done pretty well, although really could be better and more interesting.

    Animations: This is where this story/game is different from so many others. There is quite a bit of animations, especially the sex scenes which are not short not all that interesting either, where so many other story/games use loops that last a few seconds and then bam all done. The animations of course could use improvement but they are better than most.

    Writing : Well what can i say, it's rather boring and has errors. The usual didn't take time to read through and fix errors before putting it out. So few actually do, it's not surprising.

    Content : For the amount of time this has been out there should be a lot more content than there is. Not a lot has been done when it comes to this aspect. Actually it's close to the same point in story line and content it was over a year ago.

    I give marks to the Dev for the animations i think that many of the other devs, even the better rated ones could use the sex animation style that is done in this one. Also some for keeping up with bugfixes and such. As for the rest can't do it, the story is pretty boring certainly not memorable, and there is not anything that grabs interest. The fighting aspect is pretty bad, all there seems to be is a couple of locations to visit and the constant grind of improving stats and making money. That doesn't make for an interesting story/game.

    I give a star to the dev for the effort he put into trying to make the sex aspect a little better than usual. He does put in more effort on that than most. Certainly could use improvement, more imagination but still more effort than i would say ninety percent or more of the other story/games that are out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I cant explain how many points this game fills in my life. Management / harem / waifus / fights this game is so real to be true for me. I have been watching it since release and it keeps getting better
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The story telling has good meaning a mixture of pron & adventure. A story that excite you based on how you manage the courtesan and the money you make. It lso excite you based on training, experiance, and which girl you present to the customer . The courtesan manament system is what i like more as there is a chalenge every night based on the players abilitiy to organise and manage the courtesan.
    The process of building up a quality courtesan house is enjoyable as you train them during the day and present them to your voracious customers at night. The decisions you make actually matter and ineptness may well be punished by poor results and bad health, while good decisions lead to better results and happy little whores.

    The story also drives the cukture in Asian countries of arrange marrige which realy drive you into the culture as the adventure continues with the battles. The battle and adventure you take are more chalenging than other battles I have seen, more relastics than some comic charestics

    Later in the game you can strike back at the villain and assemble a team to fight it out in the streets using the RPG-maker system which works well for this game and is compelling enough to provide some diversion from the management aspect but doesn't distract from it as the missions are generally short.
    The only improvement required is the animation that need to present different sexual position and include the Yujo prostitution to be shown on the game based on the daily bar activies.

    Otherwise I enjoyed the first part of the game and look forward to the next release on saving Kisayo's father and taking revange of the MC father.

    PS: I wonder what the story will be like if I chose a different back ground . My first selection was besed on figting experence so I will try the bussines background and see how that turn out and commend later

    Great Game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello, thank you to the developer for this excellent management game. The only regret I have and the loss of the animation for the training that there was in the first series and the possibility of punishing them otherwise apart from that still a very nice development.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is without a doubt one of the best brothel games I have ever played and that's saying a lot!
    First I was concerned because it's made with RPGM, few games made with that engine capture my interest, but here there are no crappy pixel map with small chubby icon characters to walk around with! :D

    The story is rich, graphics more than decent, sounds are ok and the music scores capture the age and theme.

    There is a lot of text and for the impatient players that could be a minus, however for those who do read through it all should get a good laugh once in a while, as it's witty and funny, clever puns etc.

    It show a clear Japanese style, with english text (thank God for that!) anyone who've ever picked up a Japanese comic book would know what I mean.. It's a long story, content heavy.

    It's grindy, but not unbearable. It has some flaws to iron out here and there, but I definitely enjoyed the many hours it took me to play this to where the version ends.

    You can feel the love the Devs have put into it all, like a fine chef would do with his favorite dish, or granny's specialties.

    The fighting system is sort of okay, again.. very Japanese style, be sure to hire a few mercs though before venturing into that scene, as some battles are loooong and dangerous, especially if you don't know what you're doing, which would go for most people first trying it out ;)

    I give it the highest possible score, if you like brothel games this is a must to try out!

    Am looking forward to what the future brings and wish the Devs all my best, with warm thanks for a great game! :)(y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I highly recommend this great game to everyone, especially to those who love playing management-type (erotic) games. Even if you aren't a fan of the genre, please give this one a try. I am sure you will love it as well as I did.

    This game is honestly one of the best of its kind. It is by no means perfect (which was detailed by other reviewers), but I am certain that the developer is hard at work to ensure that everything will be better in time.

    Kudos to fidless (and his team, if any) for creating such a unique and fun game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely post any reviews as i always feel conflicted doing so since i am a developer myself. But since there are far too many novels around here and so few real games i felt inclined to actually post my thoughts and praises this time.

    I stumbled across Wicked Rouge by accident when i wanted to fill some off time and was looking for some distraction. Usually i immediately skip over anything that smells of RPG Maker as my personal experiences have been simply said bad almost every single time.
    This is a real gem in this matter that proves that the tool is just that – a tool. Well used to create its own UI and a distinct feeling of being genuine. So if you are like me and feel RPG Maker is a no show – rethink and give this a try.

    I was positively surprised by the excellent mix of story, management and strategy. The game does a great job immersing you into a historic Asian setting right from the get go and the distinct feeling of being a part of a story. It is funny and witty at times which is a seldom combination nowadays.

    Not a single element is overwhelming in itself which is my main reason to give a full 5 star rating. Even if you are not the management type you can compensate by concentrating more on the combat parts and vice versa. The characters are well defined and each with its own very well defined personality. If you are not able to find at least one likeable and lovable person you simply have no heart :)

    Despite being set in a setting of brothel management it is classy to say the least. Any management game often struggles with a grindy part but due to the excellent mix of story and battles there is never really a feeling of 'bad grind'.


    Excellent and well-made game with story elements like a novel, management parts and a battle and fighter organisation that neither overwhelms or is too simple.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    While the game is good for what it is, I didn't enjoy it much personally. This is more of a game with H content and theming, instead of an H game, if you catch my drift. Adult themes are HEAVILY involved, and there is definitely a decent amount of sex content, but there is a ton of grinding/waiting-for-story-to-progress type stuff going on.

    In no way fappable, in my opinion. So never going to get anything beyond 3 stars from me, regardless of how well other aspects of the game are put together.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Gunner Rey

    A full five stars for an excellent erotic game. There's a story too, and plenty of naughty pictures, but unlike many offerings in this genre the game itself is fun to play.

    My introduction to erotic games came through playing Slavemaker and Sim Brothel and this is reminiscent of the best qualities of both, and the story attached is intriguing and enjoyable. You play as the son of a father who was the master of a courtesan house but was killed by a villainous rival. All you have left is a dilapidated mansion and a handful of untrained or cast-off courtesans with which to rebuild your legacy. Oh, and debt, you have plenty of that too.

    The process of building up a quality courtesan house is enjoyable as you train them during the day and present them to your voracious customers at night. The decisions you make actually matter and ineptness may well be punished by poor results and bad health, while good decisions lead to better results and happy little whores. I found the system mostly intuitive, train them and have them service customers at high energy and spirits for best results and let them rest regularly, with the caveat you're also facing a threat from the villain who killed your father and the debts you have to pay off.

    Later in the game you can strike back at the villain and assemble a team to fight it out in the streets using the RPG-maker system which works well for this game and is compelling enough to provide some diversion from the management aspect but doesn't distract from it as the missions are generally short.

    The art and music for this game is fantastic and helps to immerse yourself in this fascinating world of street thugs, vengeance and gorgeous courtesans you can train to service nearly any sexual appetite. The girls as well as the supporting characters have developed personalities and are often interesting in their own right.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. That's all you need to know really.

    This is the first management porn game I've played and I really enjoyed the actual gameplay of it. It does get repetitive later on, but the core gameplay is nice enough. A lot could be added to the core gameplay, and I'm sure will be added in later patches. The combat is pretty good too, not super in-depth, but like the core gameplay, I'm sure it will be expanded on in later patches. The gameplay is grindy at times, but I think it is worth it, and I didn't feel bored during the grind.

    The story of the game is pretty interesting and didn't make me want to spam the space bar like so many other games. All of the characters are unique and likable.

    The girls in the game are beautiful, I really like Honey Select and thought this game used it well. The h-scenes in the game are pretty hot, but they are just a loop playing while characters talk over it so I did find myself speeding it up sometimes. One problem is that there aren't as many h-scenes as I would like. I would go 10 or more days in-game before seeing a new one sometimes.

    Overall, I enjoyed this game and would definitely recommend it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game takes to long to grind. There needs to be cheat codes or a mod for this.! The animations are great the story is fun but the lack of coins and grind stress me out. I want the story without the grind. make both option available to users.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is shockingly well made:
    • Graphics and UI are polished and beautiful. The sheer volume of artwork produced for this is a monumental accomplishment. ( MANY thousands of renders)
    • The underlying gameplay systems are elegant and well designed. A lot of thought went into making such a deep system function on such a simple framework.
    • The characters are well developed, interesting, and stay away from a lot of the tired tropes you'd expect to see in this genre. The narrative is tight and focused on what it wants to be.
    It's not perfect: there are some narrative pacing issues at times, some of the ambitious gameplay ideas are not quite there (yet), and the engine choice seems like a poor fit for this style of game (which also limits which platforms it's available for). But these are honestly nitpicks, and the game is fantastic overall.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wicked Rouge

    Review as of v0.7.3:

    Brothel management sims hold a special place in my smutty heart and Wicked Rouge is not only the premier and most promising looking game in that regard, but also just a pretty decent VN to boot thanks to a likeable cast of characters. Often in these type of games, the girls aren't anything but a rotating stock of stats that you hire and replace as you chase efficiency. That's not the case here. Instead, you have a narrow stable of girls with established histories and character. This humanizing element is missing in a lot of prostitution games and sets Wicked Rouge apart from its sadly limited competition.

    The presentation is overall top notch. The UI is easy to understand, there is care put into the sound design, and to top it all off the game is vibrant and gorgeous. In my opinion, it has very few competitors when it comes to games that utilize HoneyStudio. Fidless makes use of even the most so-so studio assets in a convincing, cohesive fashion.

    The only knock against Wicked Rouge is its "in development" status, which means naturally some of the systems are undercooked, not yet relevant, or not worthwhile to invest in yet. Of course, this this is an issue that will disappear over time and there is plenty of content and care put into the game to justify playing it at it's current iteration.

    All-in-all, this is easily one of my favorite games on the site and I'm excited to see it grow and develop.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Too good to be a RPGM game, why can't Japanese make such a perfect game via RPGM? This is actually better than Alicesoft's similar game. I would buy it if I found it on steam and its price is less than 10 dollars
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the characters and the well thought out plot. Girls are very, very pretty with a variety of body shapes. Men are pure gonk, however. Interface continues to improve and the recent simplification to the upgrade system is wonderful.

    • Great story
    • Interesting characters, though I concede after reading several reviews that some of them may not be for everyone
    • Though I typically don't like grinding, it is rewarding here
    • Generally speaking, there is very little feedback on how the game is progressing. I'm never certain if I've reached the end of a story, the end of what has been implemented, or am if not on a story path at all.
    • Sex skills are only improved through training. Seems like the girls should get SOME experience from working.
    • Many actions/dialog options seem pointless. Example, the MC can ask any girl what they think about him. I've never seen this answer change and seems to be there just to put an item in the menu.
    • Many events seem to happen randomly.
    • The card lottery subgame is random and annoying

    • More information in the quest log about how far a path has been taken or what needs to happen to trigger the next stage of a story line
    • include more character information in the quest log, for example "train x to y to continue their story"
    • Move the merchants into a submenu if there is no reason to actually go to their shops. There is an event at the pharmacy, but there doesn't seem to be any reason to go to the general store - just move it into a menu.
    • a quick save/load system would be nice. there is a quicksave option but no way to quick load as far as i can tell
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    very nice guy

    This is the most advanced and interesting brothel management game I've played, and I've played a lot of them.
    I'm very impressed with the way the game progresses, having a sentimental story line and then adding brothel management.

    You, as the MC, take over your stern fathers legacy as a kind brothel owner, only its dilapidated and needs updating, as it's condition was let go near the fathers passing.

    The story and dialog is text heavy and adds to the overall experience of this game. Many games of this genre are simple brothel simulators with little to no story or any engagement with the characters that feels meaningful or genuine.
    (There are some grammatical issues, but nothing that constantly takes away from the story or game play. Like many other text heavy games, this is not uncommon, especially in an unfinished game.)

    The brothel management is in-depth and more on the advanced side compared to the simplicity of other similar games, but easy to learn in a short time.

    Animations and unique character detail is high standard. (Very pretty artwork)

    Brothel Sims are my favorite genre of H-game, yet all that I've played struggle with originality and a genuine appeal compared to Wicked Rouge.
    Great WIP and looking forward to more content!
    If you have never played this genre; start the game, progress the first 2 weeks learning about upgrading characters and the brothel, then restart and progress with the intent of owning a majestic establishment.

    Text heavy story/interactions (minor grammar related issues), Feels/Connection to characters is present,
    Brothel management is in-depth,
    Assets and character design are very appealing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The best one of japanese RPG game. I spent most of my time to play this game.
    Cause i like a lot i hope there will be gallery scene for the next update. So that will make me dont use save proggram to save some good scene
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Really nice brothel game. One of my favourite to be honest.
    All story and training sex scenes are well animated with voiced moanings.
    The fighting part is not optional, but manageable. It may be too challenging for very casual players.