RPGM - Abandoned - Wicked Rouge [v0.10.2B Public] [FIROKETA Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I couldn't get past the very long, unskippable intro without any actual gameplay. I can see from screens the game gets past the visual novel part, but it lost my interest before then. If I had already played that intro and was starting a new game, that inability to skip would be even more annoying.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. Story is authentic with ancient asian culture. Management part well balanced so you can enjoy vn part of the game and manegement things was fun for as well not just duty. Lewd scene animations are really smooth and hot.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    When I first started playing this game, I was planning on giving it a 5-star rating, but the introduction of one character ruined the whole experience for me, but before we get into that, let me discuss the rest of the game.

    ~ Gameplay

    I have been waiting and praying for a good brothel management game, so when I saw this, I instantly downloaded in to give it a try, and I was pleasantly surprised.

    Whereas most games have very tedious grinds, "Wicked Rouge" manages to keep it fun by having the only grindy aspects in the game be related to training your girls, and how could that ever be boring?

    More so, the management system, while feeling overwhelming at first glance, is impressively simple and fun to use.

    ~ Story

    I don't have too much to say here other than the story is great and very engaging, I found myself happily reading each dialogue box that came up, never finding it tedious.

    The only negative would be the numerous spelling and grammar errors, some so glaring that I can't fathom how they made it into the game in the first place, but anyway, if you can look past the spelling errors, then it shouldn't be an issue.

    ~ Visuals

    I love all the character designs. I'm not sure what program was used to create them, but I've seen similar models before in other games, but none were as visually appealing to me as these girls are, especially Saka, Yura and Mei.

    As far as the backgrounds go, although they aren't incredibly high in resolution, they all look great and are nicely detailed and unique.

    Although the animations are fairly repetitive, it's obvious that a lot of time was spent making sure that the ones in the game are well done, and it's appreciated. I never get tired of watching training/sex scenes.

    ~ Sound

    I don't have much to say for the sound other than the music is fantastic and fits the world perfectly. And the brief moans you get with the girls during sex are great, as well.

    ~ Main character

    Now, unfortunately, the MC is what leads to the 1-star review.

    Throughout the start of the game and until around day 30, I really enjoyed playing as the MC. He's just been cool. He's confident in himself but not to the point of arrogance as he's able and willing to admit his own faults and shortcomings. He's no genius, but he's smart enough to be successful in his world, and his decisive decision-making is pleasant to see.

    He's passionate about his family, the business he inherited from his father, and all those under him, which is admirable. And, although he can be a bit of a hot head sometimes, he never lets that negatively affect him or his surroundings, and instead is always willing to listen to the advice of those close to him when he's unsure of the choice he should make.

    However, then a couple more days pass, a certain character makes her appearance, and everything goes downhill.

    Kisayo. Our MC's once fiance who refuses to get over him and is instead obsessed with him in an honestly creepy manor. And with her arrival, the MC that I enjoyed playing as turns into a spineless cockroach crawling around on the floor and licking her feet like a dog.

    I find myself wondering with every second that passes, how long it will take before he starts kneeling before her and calling her Mistress?

    Its a question I'm not sure I want to stick around to find out, which is really sad because of how much I was loving the game.

    I'm tempted to just throw on an auto-clicker to spam through the horrid scenes she is in, or maybe just edit the game data so all the events with her are automatically completed, thus freeing me from having to see them?

    I'm unsure, but anyway, this is my review. Hopefully, it helps someone.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good brothel management game, good animations, story is fun in its own way, the battle system could use some work but overall very nice. Looking forward to future updates with more scenes during training.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great visuals, progression, storyline, character development and gameplay, albeit a bit grindy at times but that's fine, especially for a management game. Seriously hard to find flaws, consider it to be among the best on the site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Since i dont reviews game much i will just list the pros and cons of the game
    -This is one of the few games where I don't really mind grinding (this can be pro or con for other peeps).
    -The models look awesome not really generic stuff you see all the time.
    -The writing is awesome the strongest part of this game IMO although the game is very text-heavy i hardly skipped anything.
    -Each character feels different and all of them are fun to interact with.
    -The animations and renders look good.
    -The management system can look hard to handle at the start but as you play its really simple.
    -The music is just fantastic one of the best in any game i ever played.
    No autosave feature idk if this can be implemented in RPGM or not but sometimes when you going to fight someone and you didn't save your game
    you are fcked so either a warning system before going to battle or autosave would be really helpful.
    -Idk if this counts as a con but in some scenes, the private parts are too dark takes the fun out of the scenes.
    for now, the game is 5/5 for me since the cons are really minor stuff but I would like to suggest some things
    -I feel like the art could be improved a lot especially with the models I mean they look great but they can definitely look better.
    -Adding more poses in sex training will make the grind a lot more fun.
    -And since this, a brothel game more girl in the future updates will always be awesome.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game ver. Reviewed: 0.63

    I am trying to keep this short:

    I am a sucker for the story og this one.

    I couldn't be bothered less for the hentai art in this game though. In fact with the current models I would personally prefer if the game was entirely text based. I love the faces but the characters are the illusiion models. Like from Sex Beach 0 or later games. At least the look like it to me. So erotricism wise, if you are looking for porn and know the illusion games.. look elsewhere.


    Here comes the kicker: Despite having quite some issues with grammar and ortography, the story told is a wholsome and adult one that I REALLY, REALLY adore!

    This game gets a 5 star from me solely because of that. I was dragged in, the characters while looking hiedous neck down, are believable. The setting was somewhat accurate with some minor errors (They didn't have these kinds of swimsuits in the beach scene in the ancient far east) and the story is heartfelt one, especially for the kind of predicement the characters of the game find themselves in.

    If this game had a competent proofreader and an good artist behind it, this would easily be my favorite addult oriented game on the site. but as it stands, I prefer Rougue like, which has a much weaker story but also wayyy better art.

    I really hope this game will see some changes in the body modles and mabe even give the males a little overhaul. I know allegedly noone cares about them but I mean... maybe less hideous. It is sad that such beautiful (face wise... and ONLY face wise) courtesans and shrine maidens sleep with that facewreck of a 3rd class pimp.

    I will play the final version for the story. Keep at it!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    It looked appealing and there are so many positive reviews, so I gave it a try.
    But, sorry, is this seriously a playable game?

    I bailed out in the intro.
    For 5 min text ... click .. text .. click 1 second break text.. click .. 2 second break click .. text .. 3 second break text click ...
    F*ck the text, just click... click click ... 3 second break click click ... 2 second break click click ... 5 second break click click ...
    10 more minutes and no foreseeable end. I'm afraid i have to order a new mouse and I guess it will arrive before the intro ends!

    Ah scrap it!
    There has to be a "masochist player" tag.
    And a "pointless delays" tag!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Management game checked
    Beautiful character design checked
    Historical Japan checked

    I’m a girl, and been into hentai and hentai games for at least a 10 good years, so you can say I have very high expectations of the games I play.

    I got nothing but praises for this. This game is right up in my alley. Ill rate it a 9/10, there’s still some places that needs improvement.

    Beach scene with Saka and Yura, it’s weird to have them in bikinis since it’s supposed to be a historical era game. Suggest to change their outfits for that scene.

    More requests from clients for the courtesans.
    You can also add in more outfits, or instruments for the girls to learn.
    Improving instrumental skills, higher level will have higher earnings for performances.

    And also, it will be nice if you can include threesomes for training sessions.
    Maybe you can split even the points earn evenly between the 2 girls. I think there will be much more interesting scenarios in that way.

    I would also suggest adding in a girl or two more, it’s quite difficult to struggle with the earnings with just 4 girls. Luckily tho, there’s no dateline for some of the quests if not I’d fail for sure.

    I haven’t touched till the fighting missions so far, but I’ll be going into that soon. Been playing for hours the past 2 days, I’m seriously addicted.
    Please update soon!!! :love:
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, that touched my heart. It feels like when mom telling the tale before sleep, except erotic scenes :) And after that tale you're inspired by some very genuine, good, pure and wholesome emotions.
    Actually, I can't tell all what I trully want, because English is my second language and I'm not used to talk. Sorry about that.

    Pros. Excellent writing, beautiful and charming characters (especially Kisayo), one of the best, if not the best story, and I would say there's a good moral. Forgot to mention the right and pleasant music. By the way, the plot is catchy, I really empathize and hate some people in this game. Immersion on a decent level.

    Cons. Someone might not like the length of the text, but in my opinion, there is balance between reading and some actions.
    Thank you, fidless, for such a great game. It's just a real treasure. 10/10. Highly recommended.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game will make you feel joy again, get you your dream job, cure the virus, put a curse on your bitch of an ex, give your cat 18 lives, and bring your dad home after he left for 20 years to get milk and cigarettes from the store, PLAY THIS GAME
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Brian Thai

    Great game with a lot of intricacies. Really enjoyed almost all of the girls in the game. Was a lot more indepth than I thought. Some people won't enjoy it because it isn't a non stop sex fest but I enjoy the charm the game has.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    While the cg images are beautiful and stunning, the text is unreadable. It suffers from bad grammar, missing words and letters, and wrong words. I didn't manage to get out of the prologue.
    I'd be willing to try again if he gets a proof reader or editor.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    His Bastardlyness

    This review is based on a fresh start and comparison of the existing backgrounds as of 5.1. It lacks the use of cheats or modification to save game files.

    The art and story are interesting, though the dialogue can make situations seem overly repetitive as multiple characters will hammer in the same thing. This is most prevalent in the beginning well before the player is able to survey the situation through the various game systems.

    Once you step outside of that situation the game becomes more interesting in terms of characters and their appearance. You get a general feel for each, but previous situations lean toward bypassing that as the player attempts to get to actual gameplay. There are also times when events are so grouped together it becomes a bit frustrating and this fleshing out of characters becomes a burden when attempting to accomplish goals. Especially given the grind when using something other than the merchant background.

    The models and setting are indeed unique and do offer a nice change of pace from the standard.

    Many of the animated scenes outside of the Courtesan training become stale as they function on a similar mechanic to the training, yet provide nothing but an animation interlude until it reaches the next line of dialogue. Thus the scenes, though playing once, suffer from a sharp level of repetitiveness and stagnation.

    Combat in the game is asinine with no real concept of progression. A vast majority of it revolves around random amounts of opponents which can be in excess of roughly 7 that have been observed. These numbers can be right out the gate at level 1. This, in culmination with an exceptionally poor level progression results in more annoyance than anything. The only tenable measure is to utilize the instantaneous grind to accumulate massive amounts of stat boosts and healing items for survival.

    And while the MC is able to train, the mercenaries that may be hired are incapable of gaining experience from anything other than combat, which functions on a randomized selection of success or failure. This becomes more frustrating as the upfront cost of the mercenaries is a bit steep and the player is required to pay a daily retainer fee for them.

    From a mechanic standpoint the entire balance of the game, up to this point, is specifically in the field of the Merchant background, which acquires bonuses and discounts in terms of the economy. The Wanderer appears to have negligible perks as some of the relationship system seem to not be implemented and the 'faster training' does not seem to apply when compared to other classes. While comparisons with the Ronin background were ran to test the rate of training changes, I did not move up to the point when combat opens up.

    While still in development a vast majority of the balance does seem squarely on one background, thus making the others more troublesome. The grind is artificially inflated outside of the Merchant background to produce a solely annoying situation as the cost of various upgrades quickly outshine their earning potential unless one acquires specific items to boost that earning potential. Thus the game severely suffers from an economic balancing that appears heavily slanted to one background and combat (along with level progression) requires serious work in terms of gameplay.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well made game, especially considering I myself am not a fan of the RPGM engine games.

    The story is intriguing and interesting to follow with well-written characters who also have personal interactions and events with them outside of the main story, besides the management tasks. The visuals and character models are well made and the feudal Japanese setting is really well expressed and visualized and it's one of the few VN's where I leave the music on. The UI and the management system of the brothel system are excellent if at times the training element can be a bit slow which would be my only complaint but as the game development continues the dev is making constant improvements and additions to the whole system.

    Overall this is the best brothel simulator game I ever came across with an excellent setting and a well-written story and characters which in its own right makes it an entertaining VN as well.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    Finally! I always expected to play a good bordello management game, but Wicked Rouge went beyond and delivered me an amazing brothel game. Why? Because it's not a simple bare-boned management game, it also has a very well developed and written story, what is a rare sight in this genre.

    So, about the plot, it's mature, inteligent and realistc, consequently convincing and immersive. No "mental control" and other juvenile lazy BS to justify the actions. You do not fuck just for the sake of being in a eroge game. You're a pimp, some folk want you dead because business, and now, not only you have to succeed in your work but also needs to spill the blood of your rivals. It's like something who came out of Mafia, but instead of alcohol and cocaine you sell prostitutes, and all of that happening in a feudal "Japan" setting. Absolutely wonderful! Congrats fidless, what a great job!

    Now, about the art and animations, it's Illusion, so they are naturally good, nevertheless the artist has its merits for sure. Sound effects and music are also good.

    The management aspect works just fine, it's simple and easy to understand, but most important, it's fun. Not boring nor griding (though having an event almost every day help in this matter).

    The only CON is the whore training system, it's a bit grinder and the little minigame during them spoils the fun. Oh, and even though the characters are well developed, I would love to have a more "asshole/jerk" MC, like Rance, a guy like him as a pimp would fit perfectly the story, but that's just my opinion, not really a CON.

    To conclude, this game is absolute great, and for now the best that I've played this year. So you should give it a shot!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't seen such an interesting game in a long time.
    The game has a good story. Beautiful girls and scenes.
    A good management system.
    It is a promising adaptation of RPG and combat system.
    I look forward to the continuation.
    Congratulations to the creator.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    RPGM is not my favorite engine, but this game is one of the few that has me overcome that preference. The gameplay is fun and interesting if you enjoy business or simulator type games(e.g. stardew valley), so the grinding portions imo aren't boring. The situation and story is unique and creates a setting where the MC can be in a bunch of sexual situations without having to be creepy or an asshole. There are also different class builds that make this more of a game than visual novel, if that is your cup of tea.

    One complaint I have is the low amount of save states. Idk about the rpgm restraints with this, but it is a bit of an annoyance considering how much of the game is probably left. There are also some grammar and english errors sprinkled in but nothing too jarring.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game and attention to detail. Not your average RPGM adult game. Sexy Scenes, comedy, excitement, action, all in one game. Those who don’t mind playing something like a simulator and enjoy a challenge. This is the game for you.

    Good work fidless!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty satisfying game so far (as of 0.3.3).

    - The management aspect looks overwhelming at first but it's actually very straightforward and doesn't feel unnecessary given the plot of the game.
    - Plenty of scenes with enough diversity so it takes a while to get repetitive, and even if the "end of the day" moments could get dull, there's already a nice batch of events.

    Few cons though :

    - Lots of typos, sometimes a bit head-scratching (like "influance").
    - The training aspect gets boring pretty quickly, imo because you just pick the most recently unlocked scene in the hope that it will net more EXP because they all have the same costs anyway. Maybe having specific actions being more rewarding for one skill more than the other would add a little variety, though the minigame aspect of it would still be meh (maybe plan some kind of automation for it at some point?).
    - Generally speaking, things that aren't clearly defined. Are general skills helpful? How important are sexual skills? The progression isn't very transparent so you'll most likely do a loop between work/rest and neglect skill progression.

    As my rating shows, though, those things didn't really hinder my enjoyment of the game. I'm more than willing to shrug it off given the potential this one has.
    I was pretty surprised to see a completely different kind of gameplay that is being enabled later on, and despite it being pretty simplistic/unbalanced currently, it shows a lot of promise and I already like the direction it is taking. Not to mention the plans for relationship developments and specific skills for specific characters... a lot of things that would go perfectly with what's already implemented.

    Tl:dr, pretty solid aspects of management-type games done by the books, plenty of H that somehow doesn't feel overly gratuitous and a nice feeling of things going in the right direction. Nice additions that are always welcome, like a gallery, which some devs still manage not to do when they make a game, so that's nice too.
    Bonus kudos for having a game that's almost entirely bugfree (some menus are hard to exit for some reason and one forced restart when entering the gallery, nothing drastic).