RPGM - Abandoned - Wicked Rouge [v0.10.2B Public] [FIROKETA Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really fell in love with this game. Immersive, beautiful, well-written, I could go on and on about the qualities of this game. I especially love the characters and the MC specifically, he has a realistic view of his situation but you can feel that he cares about all the girls and you can't help but bond with him (at least if you chose the samuraï path).
    I waited a game like that for a long time and I will definitely follow the work of the dev from now on !
    A small con : the sex training scene gets a little repetitive after some time, maybe some variations would be nice.
    But otherwise, I can only recommend this game and I can't wait for its future content :)

    Big support to fidless, you are doing an amazing job (y)!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Gimme my ticket for the review support hype train on this one!

    Story is engaging, characters are interesting, scenes are great, managment part is sometimes difficult and with that reason not senseless, so really good. The grind is well done, progress feels good. The art style is unique. The fighting seems to be balanced so far.

    I like the part that you have to train your girls, but the sex training is repetitive, grindy and boring. But its not that you have a lot more stuff to do with your action points. That sounds like a critique, but hey, im just a random dude on the internet not liking a essential part of the game. At some point the grind/progress feeling catched me so i enjoyed it somewhat tho. Its neutral, cause i have no idea what to think about it after playing.

    Cons: (This is just about the current state of the game and i understand that's work in progress and so should you)
    There is fighting in this game. But at the moment its a very unpolished unfinished senseless feature which will get updated in the future. At least that's what i hope. The concept is nice: You train yourself and hire mercenarys for a warfare against the bad dudes brothel imperium. You rob, assassinate and talk shit about his empire to overcome it; That costs a shit load of money, so your brothel should work on its best numbers. Right now the merc's are soulless beings and the warfare is a fight against a number that (whatever the fuck you do or how much money you sink in it) tends to 100% influence for your enemy. Right now i would say stay away from that feature.

    Dont get me wrong that my review about the pro things is the shortest part of my review. That's a game you can spend hours with, immersion yourself and chill. Im looking forward to further updates. Stay awesome, dev! :3
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Animations 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    Gamepplay 5/5

    This game has a very well written story. The characters have great personalities and are easy to get attached to, which is the problem. The gameplay is very well done, but on the grindy side. The art, setting, and scenery are excellent and compliment the game perfectly.

    I give this game a 5, but I also stopped playing. Why? I felt myself getting too attached to the women while playing the MC. This is a brothel game, and I didn't want to see these paticular women, entertaining other men, so I deleted the game and quietly left fidless' patreon. There is also no turn-based combat like there was in Hentai Punch, which made me lose interest faster for a RPGM game.

    Highly recommend if you like brothel management.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Originality: This is an ambitious game, and I like it. The dev is active, this is the best part.
    1. An management with political and policy is some thing truely exceptional. It is easy to get lost in the middle of the way though. I used to like a character in High Rise Climb a lot, but after too many versions without further implementing her tasks (Perhaps due to the HUGE cast), her conversation becomes empty and break immersion. I have some suggestion down the "Story" section
    2. I like the hidden formulas and KPI. The sensation of being in debt and it piles up every day is unique.

    I admit that I skipped a good chunk of conversation, saved for a conversation with Fudeyo about her one eyed brother. In my opinion, witty conversation with girls is nice, but a Big Bad Antagonist is vital to keep things together. I would suggest a cliff hanger for every update.

    Right now dev is implementing feature, but stories would eventually pays of. The best games here do not have such features, they focus on stories and render and do those well. However, Wicked Rouge can surpass those. This game has quite good feature already, more Japan + Political would go far.

    Second best part, it creates immersion. Well done fidless!

    How come Fudenyo looks fantastic in the opening post, but the rest of the image does not have such refinement. It comes second after stories though

    This game might need more content and improving in reder quality, but due to its ambitious and Japanese atmosphere, I give it a 5 stars. Thank you fidless.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Among the best animated models in eroge games, backgrounds, character plot characters, high level gameplay.
    is a high village whorehouse simulator that has some flaws in management up to 2.2, but which is hoped to be totally solved and expanded in version 3.
    Fights and new entries between the girls, new animations and plot updates will also be introduced.
    Among the top favorites on eroge days :)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, decent story, nicely animated. The Auto-rest function is finnicky, since sometimes it doesn't trigger or doesn't stop even at 100% stamina and hp. Training needs to be either less grindy, or have some more focus on fettish gains. Finally, there has to be a function that lets you gather materials at the expense of large amounts of stamina and hp, otherwise I don't see a reason why they should exist in the first place.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.2.2

    This is a pretty standard brothel sim game. As usual you've inherited a brothel that's falling down and in massive debt and it's up to you to make it profitable. There is also a good chunk of VN text to read through as you play. I played through a bit more than 20 days before the boring grind kind of knocked me out of the game.

    Art: It looks like Honey Select, but with well designed parts and a lot of care put into the models. A real highlight of the game. There are even animations in the sex scenes.

    Grind: A bit too heavy IMHO. This game lost a star mostly for the grind. Leveling up characters takes repeating the same slow sex scene over and over again.

    Interface: Needs some work. Everything requires like 5+ clicks. For example, upgrading a room in your brothel:
    1. Click on the "Overview" button
    2. Click on the room
    3. Click on upgrade
    4. See what the materials cost is
    5. Click no
    6. Click on travel
    7. Click on shops
    8. Click on the store
    9. Click on the clerk
    10. Click on "buy"
    11. Click on a different buy button
    12. Click on the item
    13. Click the up arrow until you have the desired quantity
    14. Click on the buy button
    15. Repeat steps 12-14 for each item
    16. Click on done
    17. Click on travel
    18. Click on locations
    19. Click on your brothel
    20. Click on Overview
    21. Click on the room
    22. Click on upgrade
    23. Click Yes

    Does making me do the trudge out to the store to buy the supplies add anything to the game except about 20 more clicks and slow transitions? No. Is there a reason I need to go to a different room to be able to do sex training? No. Is there a reason every single line item on the income/upgrade suggestion report requires you to click through and ask individually? Some fairly simple reworks could cut down quite a bit on the tedium.

    Storyline: Not terrible. There's a bad guy for you to hate and some vague motivation for the girls to hang around. It does run a bit long a times, but the English is fine and it doesn't go off the deep end at any point.

    Overall: I would like to see more polish in the UI, a rebalance of the stat grind, and maybe a bit tighter editing on the VN parts, but it's still one of the better Brothel Sim type games on this site. The real reason to play it is the above average art/scenes.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You are hit with a grind wall from the get go. Animations are about a year or two behind but he does have them so that is a plus. Hides progress time savers behind a pay wall. This is your typical trainer with a weak premiss that you are taking over your father's debt and business. Unlike other games like Harem Hotel you actually have to purchase specific materials to do your upgrades instead of just paying money or doing events (another slog mechanic). I think the girls are cute but after one play through i am done with this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I was a bit skeptical at first. Mostly I steer clear of RPGM games becaus I find them annoying.

    BUT, since i did not see any of the RPGM default stuff in the (amazing) screenshot I gave it a try.

    Guess what. None of the annoying RPGM stuff was there and the visuals are extremely awesome.

    The management part of the game is also (thankfully) pretty light so all in all a very good mix.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great face for girls, and especially the girls' bodies are very delicious, breasts are not too big to look very real, male and female genitalia especially vaginal Looks very real unlike fake vagina or toy vagina

    The game has a good story, we will play the role of a brothel owner and try to avenge his murdered father.

    Images of sex are beautiful and very lively, generally this is a good game for an exciting New Year.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded the game because visual were awesome, played the whole afternoon!! Game is so good, the sex anim is rly well made imo and i love japan era, this game deserve to be supported on patreon in my opinion!! i cant wait for next update :love:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really love this game. Sex training should be an option to speed it up, or introduce some cheat mode for faster gameplay.

    Edit: Developer is highly active and engaging so I change my 4 stars to 5 stars. I might sign up his Patreon to support him if this game progress well !

    Also hoping you add a gallery option in future for all past steamy scenes. I love the girls way too much.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game still at early stage of development but it is very promising , it is a combination of a visual novel with choices that matter and brothel management+training system for girls . the renders are very good and it is fully animated , the story is interesting and give new breath to this genre , i really appreciate the amount of time spent working on this game, if this game get finished it will be the best brothel manegment game out there.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Weirder Guy

    Well this game left me trapped with the story I'm not a fan of this kind of context but the developed story I liked quite a lot.

    It is very well used the RPGM I have tried other games but only 3 were good out of 10. well I think this is one of those

    Really looking forward to this game <3
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have good loking renders.
    + We have interesting, well written and original story. Shoguns, samurai's and other things looks realy interesting to see in game like this.
    + Normaly i hate RPGM gameplay mechanics but this one is pure VN, so we can say its use RPGM pretty well and even im okey with these mechanics. Welldone i gues?

    Bad Points
    - For trainin girls you need grind, spend so much time for training them which is quite boring.
    - It doesn't have enough save page/slot, in game like this having that much less save page/slot is pretty odd.
    - While our story interesting and well written i can say its for everyone, i mean its literaly game you have position as a Brother BOSS. You gonna see pretty cute moments of some girls but while you seeing these moments you still gonna train them and make them hookers of your brothel.
    - Well... Our game is abandoned now... Who knows it will be comeback or not? If you are new player thinking start game you should consider this as a big bad point.

    For The End
    Well... This game had potencial but i think for now we should call its have average quality, maybe DEV will come, game will lose abandoned tag and he will done far better job than this? Who knows? But for now im gonna give 3 star.
  16. T
    5.00 star(s)


    Excellent brothel management game which has a nice story and hot girls. The current version 0.1.3 has a smooth interface, nice gameplay and good amount of content. The animations are great, renders are crisp and beautiful, what do you expect more?
    The story is fun, but at the end of this version, it gets a bit darker which isn't bad. I hope it won't get grindy in the future and keeps the same pace complementing the training and everyday tasks with the cool story.
    It's one of the best games I've played on here, can't wait to see more of it. It's awesome. I will definitively watch how the game evolves.