HTML - Wife Adventures - The Control App [v0.9.2] [Crayman]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Way to much grind like 10 times to much and very repetive. Everything ended in Cuckold or NTR. The BDSM route in the x club is a joke, a very little content only about blacked BJ, Sex and Gbang. MC didnt explore the Club and fuck around and views his wife on a screen.
    This game only needs 3 tags:
    Grindy, NTR, bad designed
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I’m really enjoying this one. Playing the dom wife route and it’s fun. HTML games on here are usually in one of 2 camps: the ones that are also on TFGames and are sissification/feminization, and those that are about simply controlling and fucking lots of women. The Dom wife path on this one is an enjoyable middle ground for me between these extremes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm liking it... There are a few things that need tweaking tho. Over all, I love the concept and the approach.
    I would say the "Hot Wife" route, she'd share more about her daily naughty adventurs. Especially the hardcore modeling. MC would love to hear about that... especially if he is loving watching the camshows. Also, how did she find a regular for her camshows? Is it one of the blokes from the hardcore modeling?
    I do love this tho. Keep it up. 4 stars from me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea of the control app isn't half bad, and it starts out pretty well imo. But as of now, the whole thing is just a cuckolding simulator. Most of the paths you take don't allow for meaningful variety, just different flavor texts, different behavior from the wife, and a few locked paths.

    I've finished naive, sub, and hotwife paths. The modeling part is pretty much the same, and even on the hotwife path, your wife just fucks your colleagues behind your back and you can't even talk about it.
    In the camgirl route, even though I maxed out control, the wife just fucked a random dude.

    The UI is janky. There's no real order to it, and if you're just trying to click thru some scenes, you'll go the wrong path quite often.

    Might have been just me, but after the first BBQ, the neighbor kid, the modeling scenes, I expected a wife sharing, swinging kinda story. Currently, pretty much all paths just guarrantee your wife gets fucked behind your back.
    Still, the writing is quite good, the scenes are hot, and I like the premise, and some of the things are executed well.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I do like the game. Story is decent, progress of charachters is alright, game looks very good. There's a good amount of content but it's a shame it gets hardly updated and for the amount of time the game has been out, it doesn't have so much content.

    Also, I have to zoom out to see the full screen.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. It has very very high quailty videos and images, and generally the story is really enjoyable, at least to me. There are defintely things that need fixing (the stats thing is weird, some content seems impossible to reach, like the pornstar storyline, and the stuff that can be gotten to isn't always obvious how to make it happen. However, the game is still really fun once you get a handle on how to play.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    " an update? I havnt seen an update for this in so long, feels like its been around forever but hasnt really gone anywhere, they were probably working on a really big update so this should be good."
    "...wait what? The last update was months ago...barely anything has been done...ok im confused HOW long has this game been around? Am i just blowing this out of proportion?"
    "Its been out for years and the dev has a patreon for it? glad i never gave to the patreon because i would be feeling pretty ripped off right about now...i dont get this, wtf is happening, where is all the content..."
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll try to be short, I accidentally skiped v4 and find out v5, now want to say a very few things

    + interesting idea
    + good start... was

    - new UI (wow!), now I need to scrool page to read text and see all choises on 2K (2560x1440) monitor o_O
    - bad ideas go futher and a lack of content go futher too - several scenes (in 4 "routs") after waiting few monthes for update
    Are you serious? Don't want to continue... just disappointment

    IMHO: author just want to learn and experiment with web-design and Javascript (not to make a game) and get a money from players for this
    P.S. DrDerpington in review describe almost all I want to say, I just added a little bit
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Ser Lordypants

    The idea that people would rate this project highly, support it financially, or even just waste their time on it causes me to laugh hysterically. It's short, it's buggy, it's a chore to play through (for 2 years you couldn't even check the stats of the wife that you're controlling to choose your path) And at the end of the day, it's just a random compilation of porn gifs from the web. It's also only being worked on about 20 minutes per week, if that.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid start.
    The character development is well done (so far!)
    The Kink options are starting to be added and I hope they keep expanding.
    Its not TOO grindy.
    Hot pics and gifs that fit the theme.

    Not much content really for how long its been out.
    Lots of bugs and dead ends.
    Need way more options for each location and for each location to actually play out.
    Need a corruption reset mechanism that doesn't include me using a sugarcube hack.
    WAY WAY WAY more content... it seems to be slow rolled especially since there is zero graphic work in this game. It focuses on writing content (which is good!) and character development (which is good!) but it needs more content at a quicker pace of release. There's no 3d modeling and no hand drawn art. The interface is basically done so... crank content or bring on extra writers and keep the quality high and you a possible winner.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Right now I can only give average score of 3 stars. I played the game a few times, got into the groove of things only to run into a incomplete path, no way to end the game. I like what I see, the idea behind the story is good. But with more content and less abruptly ended path’s and a way to end the story when all playable paths are done I can revisit the review.
    One thing is I was hoping the glory hole would include more, the way it ends is a terrible cliffhanger that makes me scratch my head as why isn’t there more to it? The Mall masseuse as well. Seems like there is supposed to be more there as well. I guess we need to see if or when more pans out, but after the few times I replayed it, it’s just to frustrating to navigate and run into the incomplete walls. Hope to see this grow and will retry when there is more complete content.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR this game had big potential, but from version 0.3 it went downhill.

    I really liked previous versions (0.2) of game and like majority of players I thought it deserved high rating 4/5. Husband could use App to slowly corrupt wife and by making certain decisions in conversation with wife (or other characters) he could change the way his wife would develop. It was decent and gradual development of corruption. Erotic events had even some degree of variety so you didnt see same event over and over again. You could also avoid bad events (NTR) if you didnt like it.

    Unfortunately author of game has decided to change things in version 0.3. Author made huge overhaul. He took all the previous events and SPLIT them into 4 different routes. Wife's stats in first 2 weeks will determine your route and it will lock you on that route. After you are locked you have to follow the development and you cant change much. It will change into sort of Kinetic Novel. Feeling of freedom and gradual corruption is gone.

    Especially annoying is repetition. Example: Lets say that previous version of game had 4 blowjob events with wife. During your playthrough those events switched gradually and you were not bored.
    Unfortunately new version of game has split those 4 events into 4 different routes. One route means one event. Repeating one event over and over is SUPER annoying. To see all 4 variants of BJ event you have to replay game 4 times!!! Grinding through the game so you could see some slightly different variation of events is MASSIVE WASTE OF TIME. Its no longer fun. Its only frustrating.

    Let me remind you that this game is still early in development. It doesnt have much content. Now that content is split into 4 different routes and one specific route will show you minimal amount of sex content. And to see that content you have push through a lot of repetition. Its BORING!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good game for those looking for ntr content. It has been avoidable so far and damn the power trip of controlling the wife is splendid. Hopefully this will get a bunch of good ends(hopefully some non-ntr as well) as well. The game kinda still feels like it is in the early stages, but the idea is solid. Hopefully the dev does not give up and this will be a solid game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah, that game have some trouble, some bugs and broken links, but anyway I am still love it. And want to say Thanks for Crayman. Great story line, nice content. I am grateful for creator of this source of pleasant pastime. And I want to wish him to realize it in the form in which he sees it and share it with us. Nice work Crayman, keep it up.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, you must play it if you like ntr & real porn.

    1. Quite plausible plot and characters. You feel a conflict between your wife and yourself, and so on. Dialogues with her btw is an interesting idea.
    2. Lots of content, though expect more with new updates!
    3. Well matched sex scenes, they are quite hot (also the dialogue in them).
    4. in General, this is the first html game that I downloaded, so this is another plus.

    1. Sometimes you can get confused and not understand what you need to do to develop the plot. (Maybe I'm just stupid).
    2. Some scenes seem to be impossible to open due to a bug, which is sad because those particular scenes should be very hot.

    Waiting for the updates! Keep it up, the potential of the game is huge.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good concept which a lustful storytelling is backed up with well choosen photos and short clips. If you are into corruption and NTR, you most definately would love this.

    Kudos to the developer and I hope updates keep coming with good amount of content.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    - Good amount of content, takes a few hours to finish.
    - Top notch writing on slow corruption, believable female protagonist.
    - Good sense of progression.
    - The interaction between husband and wife is fun to read.
    - Less "grindy" than other similar games.

    - Would like to see more of husband's involvement / reaction other than the modelling routes.
    - Unable to trigger certain event, not sure if it's a bug.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.2.3]

    I like this but it needs work.

    Art's borrowed real porn and mostly inoffensive.

    Story's fun, if common. Writing voice is rough, narrative's a bit clumsy, dialog is alright. I couldn't tell if it's story choices I missed or logic errors, but selecting the 'Liberation' stat on the app seemed to work both stats at once but miss some of the story beats (and then gate those off so they were unattainable).

    Porn was fine. Not a fan of anal so some of the high-corruption images for that are not what I consider hot.

    TLDR: I like this well enough and look forward to some refinement.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game leaves me conflicted. In one regard the premise is interesting and the story is actually enjoyable as hell. It's a very enjoyable HTML game and any time there's an update I'm quite excited. However I always feel that it's half baked

    The premise of the game is you are married to a prude of a wife. Never really explained well as to why you married her if this was such an issue but we'll run with it. You get a magic app which changes her to make her more.... pliable to your wants and needs. That's it. That's not a bad thing, that's a solid premise and one that can really grow. However it's not really utilised well. You set the app to raise your wife's sexuality and after a few days she'll go up to the next level, meaning you can do stuff she didn't wish to do before. The longer she's being changed by the app, the more things she'll do.

    However, it feels that it's being held back by both the number of bugs and the railroading the characters take. Also,the actual content around the story is quite light.

    I am unsure as to whether it feels buggy because it's a relatively "young" game (<1 year) or there's other issues. The mechanics of the game are not complicated so it is not a case of the engine struggling to keep up with the vision of the developer. There's a few instances where content just ends, there's no option to continue or tags will be undefined, that sort of thing. I've also found the triggers for events to be a bit hit and miss at times, which can be frustrating given there's only a few paths you can go along and these paths fork at different points so in order to see both possibilities you need to restart and choose a different option.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good idea, but needs a bit more content. The father in law route seems to be almost complete, but I think the debt and modelling routes can be much more interesting. I hope that the developer can find more time to develop this project.