It's hard to really judge how good or bad this game is simply because the initial premise makes my eyes roll.
So you're a lad, you've been simping over this girl since high school. She doesn't give you the time of day and goes off dating other people, just living her best life which is fine and all. But suddenly she's about to get deported so comes to you and straight up, with no preamble says "we should get married".... like..... what?
No discussion over what to do, no reference to the other boyfriend apart from "oh we broke up" or literally any of the other boyfriends, just straight into "we should get married." and not only that, but she even goes "we can have a fake marriage" just in case the MC was in ANY doubt to what she feels about you. Lad.... tell her to boost and go live your own life.
It really hammers home the stereotype of being friendzoned which is enough for it to be two stars. and the MC bites her hand off like a colossal virgin. Lad, have some self respect. Not to mention in the first real dialogue you as a character have with the girl there's a lot of internal dialogue about you trying (and failing) to not look at her chest. She's wearing a low cut top. Jesus Christ lad. There's an option to remove your portrait from any of your dialogue. I'm assuming this was given as an option to ensure players wouldn't see the MC's massive neckbeard.
The premise is interesting, fake marriage and all but it's ruined by the introduction of the girl, who's obviously not into the MC in that way and the absolute wetness of the MC. And really, what chance has any game got when you're introduced to two characters and both are awful? Oh sure I'm sure the MC can simp enough during the game to make Mei love him to make the marriage real and all but really, given how it starts, why should the MC even want to try and win her over?
So you're a lad, you've been simping over this girl since high school. She doesn't give you the time of day and goes off dating other people, just living her best life which is fine and all. But suddenly she's about to get deported so comes to you and straight up, with no preamble says "we should get married".... like..... what?
No discussion over what to do, no reference to the other boyfriend apart from "oh we broke up" or literally any of the other boyfriends, just straight into "we should get married." and not only that, but she even goes "we can have a fake marriage" just in case the MC was in ANY doubt to what she feels about you. Lad.... tell her to boost and go live your own life.
It really hammers home the stereotype of being friendzoned which is enough for it to be two stars. and the MC bites her hand off like a colossal virgin. Lad, have some self respect. Not to mention in the first real dialogue you as a character have with the girl there's a lot of internal dialogue about you trying (and failing) to not look at her chest. She's wearing a low cut top. Jesus Christ lad. There's an option to remove your portrait from any of your dialogue. I'm assuming this was given as an option to ensure players wouldn't see the MC's massive neckbeard.
The premise is interesting, fake marriage and all but it's ruined by the introduction of the girl, who's obviously not into the MC in that way and the absolute wetness of the MC. And really, what chance has any game got when you're introduced to two characters and both are awful? Oh sure I'm sure the MC can simp enough during the game to make Mei love him to make the marriage real and all but really, given how it starts, why should the MC even want to try and win her over?