Unity - Completed - Wild Journey [Final] [venomoose]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, hello there, let's talk, but first if you want a tldr : The game is empty.

    Story : There's none. Btw, when you advance a girl, you can ask questions and she answer with a WALL of text. And you don't give a fuck about it anyway because it serve litteraly no purpose.

    Graphics : The CG are kind of cool for some of them, but honestly, it's just warped artwork and I'm kind of deranged by the fact that some hole don't close correctly when you take out whatever is inside (And I'm not talking about the gaping kink, just bad animation).

    Audio : It's fine ? Nothing good, nothing bad.

    Gameplay : The game is honestly really simple, the only thing I found to make it more interesting is trying to spped run the thing. (By the way, I don't know why the purple crystal have a count when you can't do anything with them.)

    Overall : The game is not that bad, just not good and kind of empty, count 1 hour / 2 max to finish it.

    Special Mention : The guy who have done the traduction was kind of weird, because if you use the jap voices with the en text, the girls are way more weird and let say memey in english for god knows why.