But do you think I'm taking risks for short and brief sounds like those from memes?
Legally, it depend. Memes are de facto in public domain, but sound are copyrighted.
But in terms of success for your game, probably yes, because unlike what you believe, memes are not an excellent means for humor. Firstly, because they address a relatively small part of your potential players. Secondly, because among that small part, a minority will find "that meme" funny. Thirdly, because they are the cheapest form of humor. Fourthly, because if you need to put cheap humor in your game, it mean that even you don't believe in what you are doing.
While humor have its place in games, there's a difference between being funny and being a comedian. People will have many different reason to play your game, expecting a good laugh will rarely be one of them.
After, what I'm saying is just me talking. I'm sure that a modern /b/stard don't care about my opinion.