WIP feedback. How is it done?


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2020
Hey All,

So I've been working on a VN for a bit now, and although I've posted some character concepts in the 'Look Mum, I did this in Daz' forum on this site, the actual VN is still very much a Work In Progress and not ready for public consumption. Not even as one of those v0.1 pre-alpha 'Crossed Fingers Edition' things you tend to see posted under 'Latest Releases'. That said, it's a bit tough working on it in isolation (pardon the COVID pun). So, my simple question is: how does one get some/any feedback at these very early stages of development? Or does one simply keep it all under the proverbial hat until a Crossed Fingers Edition is ready?

Oh, and of course I can't ask any of my IRL friends. Lovely people to be sure, but puritans the lot of them. They'd think Super Mario is kiddie-fiddling. ;)
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Game Developer
Sep 16, 2020
You can post it on the " Programming, Development & Art" and hope for the best! :)

I strongly recommend you build your game as something you would enjoy, not just in playing but also in building it. You'll spend a lot of time having only yourself to rely on feedback until it's avaiable in a pre-alpha version. If you don't like to play it, chances are most won't either.

Lookin' forward to see your work! Keep it up! ;)
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Aug 5, 2017
Post more renders, stop using painting filter, create more dynamic scenes

pull apart popular VN Games and compare them to your game, compare the renders and any unique game mechanics.