VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Wishes: Holly Night [Final] [Mushi]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    Nah fam, this ain't right. Various design choices of this VN is just the creator trying to shill his own Patreon and his own stupid writing.

    For one, the art is not half bad (most of the time), and the voice actress is pretty enthusiastic for her role. Though like others said, there's no skipping unread messages, while understandable the dev probably doesn't want VA's voicelines to go to waste; but sweet Jesus, they ain't becoming the next Stephen King for sure.

    The main character is trying to portray himself as a "lone wolf" who doesn't trust woman, but shill the fuck out of a girl he literally just met as "beautiful, smart, and nice to me" just because she knows about cats and talk about school, yet he later see her attempts to interact with devious intentions like a fucking Reddit incel and sprinkle all of his dialogue with some sort of self depreciation.

    I have not played the main Wishes, but just from my first 5 minute into this game, I'm not liking this MC already with his stupid Twilight level of monologue. He's not even self aware or snarky, he's just a lame internal "nice guy" edgelord.
    Like, do you really expect us to relate to this guy? Or even find it believable that he can somehow get more game than us? I can't write for shit, and I know porn games aren't suppose to make sense, but for a game that doesn't let me skip better have a script that's at least more entertaining than stupid Naruto references.

    And then there's the "premium" option, your typical paywall experience where people lock scenes and shit behind the wall so people have to pay 5$, 10$, or more so they see maybe just one or two scenes.
    Like, I can understand it happening for devs who are only starting and not very well off; but for fuck's sake, the dev have been doing this since 2016 and have 970$+ monthly, what more do you fucking want?
    This is literally a short one off game and you expect to pay for this??? Not only that, but you also hide literally the advertised vaginal sex behind said paywall, with the main game only have an exaggerated blowjob animation that's pretty rough on the edge. That's quite the false advertising if I ever see one.

    I don't think I can trust this dev with the main game either if it lacks this much polish yet instead of making the game better, he's planning on the next way to place these premium bullshit and jerk himself off with these dialogue. Bugger off, will ya?