VN - Others - Completed - Witch Halloween [v2020-09-22] [Towndarktales]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's time for a review of Witch Halloween.

    I actually expected a pleasant experience from this game - even though it is a side-scroller with the limitations that this system poses.

    One of the things that I really liked about the game is the atmosphere, which is really nice and haunting. That is really cool, and adds to the game - for instance I was haunted by some weird ghost the whole time. The art too is really nice and animated.

    But this is also where the good parts end. For the story is really confusing, and I don't see why Chelsea is this willing to basically get plowed by every ghost she meets. I'm not asking for some corruption story, but rather a rationale for the actions she take. You also find a bunch of items all over the place, but they aren't very well connected to the story, so the actions that you can use for them will quickly appear to be very random.
    For instance you pick up pumpkin heads which you can place various places, for what purpose I never found out.

    The pacing is also... well its slow, and it isn't that interesting to move around in practically slow motion. Which also ends up emphasizing another point: there isn't overly much to do.

    Then lastly, I had massive performance issues with this game. Like it lagged insanely much with huge FPS drops. I will add that this isn't an issue with any other game - neither large and graphically strong ones.

    Alright, so let me give you a summary:

    The Good:
    • Really nice art.
    • Haunting atmosphere.

    The In-between
    • Chelsea moves very slowly.
    • I don't understand why Chelsea takes the actions that she does, and it is never explained either.
    • The interface was wonky at best.
    • Various options seems kinda buggy at times.

    The Bad:
    • I experienced really bad FPS drops.
    • Incoherent story.
    • Poorly explained actions.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game is just really fucking cool. The art is charming, the atmosphere is genuinely a bit thrilling, the monsters are creepy and the animations are nice. Sure, there are some rough edges here and there, but overall this game is a unique experience that I'm glad I didn't skip.

    My only complaints are how the exploration of the map is too sluggish and confusing, and also how the UI is quite unresponsive most of the time. I still finished the game normally once before going to the gallery, but the gallery is already unlocked if you're just interested in the art.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    A "game" without any logic in how to progress.
    I literally fell asleep "playing" this "game".
    Fortunately the person who cracked it left the resources open so we can play the movies instead of actually putting out with this "game"

    On the plus side the atmosphere was awesome, even tho' the background were copy pasted the animations were smooth too and I like the artwork.

    But the whole thing made me sleepy thus it only get 3/5

    Rating based on: 2019-10-31