RPGM - Completed - Witch-IN-Debt's Pornalicious Ventures [v.12-05-2019_MOD2] [touhou-marupon-dou]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    Everything is goddamn good except i can't get hard when every image of a H-scene are the witch is in agony and crying her eyes out.
    That's the main reason i like corruption, they find pleasure in the act while every game of this developer are all women in agony
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good all-around rpg tbh, I found the progression actually kinda original and I like the CGs. Was legit invested in the virgin run as an actual rpg. Lore runs actually kinda deep and esoteric which isn't quite new in the domain of RPGM games but is appreciated.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself is pretty focused on rape/gangbang scenes, there is no corruption on the game, so all H scenes are basically rape scenes. So if you don't enjoy this type of content,you probably won't enjoy the game.
    About the history, you play as a witch who got herself into a giant dept and she needs to work to get enough money to pay her dept. Very simple story.
    About the gameplay, you can get money by exploring dungeon resources or by selling your body(prostitution),which happens on the slums. The combat mechanic is pretty simple and kinda easy, there are some enemies which are kinda annoying to beat, but most of them are pretty weak.
    Now about the best part, the H content: Like i said on the start, this game is very focused on rape scenes, all of the sex scenes are rape scenes. There is also a impregnantion/pregnancy mechanic, where if you get a vaginal creampie, you have a chance to get pregnant, which may happen if you sleep on your bed at home. There is also a birth scene, which is pretty short but pretty good for those who enjoy pregnancy/birth content like me:sneaky:.
    If you don't enjoy pregnancy content, then you can just turn off the pregnancy.
    Conclusion: this game has a simple story and a simple mechanic/gameplay, but I personaly enjoyed it because I like these types of H content. I would give rating 8/10 .
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    While I'm gonna pretend the furry photographer following you around (he even lights cigarettes in some cutscenes) isn't a self insert and the random toilets that make a pissing sound when you stand on top of them (there's no cutscene) were a little hard to adjust to the game is pretty charming in it's own way and moderately unique for a genre like this. Pretty fun, give it a try. Does not include pleasure-domination and mental-deterioration themes which is a little disappointing but overal a decent game. 3,5 stars.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    In all honesty, there is only one main reason why i play RPGM games originating from Japan, its to get to the juicy bits as fast as possible and breeze through everything else. This game managed to keep me for the story, its supresingly in-depth, filled with mystery that you want to figure out more about.
    The art is quite cute and well made, its nothing exceptional or unique, its just well done. The sexual scenes themselfs are quite good indeed, nothing to complain about the scenes themselfs.
    What i will complain about though is the debt mechanic, its completely pointless, its really not that hard to get enough money to pay off your debts even on a pure run, thus making the whole mechanic of debt have zero stress and pressure. There really is no reason both mechanically and story-wise to go the prostitute route, thus breaking my suspense of disbelief.

    To put simply, came here for the the sexual scenes, stayed for the story and ignored the sexual aspect of the game until i finished it. Good game, not a good ADULT game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to give 5 stars only for the art alone. The protagonist is interesting and the story is engaging. Also, the game is fun and the battles can be challenging and, at the same time, easy if you know what you are doing.

    But there are two things I didn't like. Really, there is no pressure, there is a debt system that you can completely ignore and go for the virgin route without a problem, the maze doesn't give a valid reason to go outside or lose days, and you can easily achieve and beat the dungeon in one go. So the corruption system is not correctly implemented, but also there is not a slowburn, you go from 0-100 in one go, like you become a prostitute in the first event and, as I said, there is no reason to do so.

    I also think the weapons system could be better and the city is kind of boring. Still a great game, but could have been excellent with some changes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Art 4/5
    Plot 5/5
    Gameplay 420/69

    The gameplay builds are interesting, even with basic turn based rpg formula. That final fight oh god yess!! Minmax-ing with 7 Force (Matk x1.7, def -30), 4 on Medium and 3 on the elf for heal amount, ez 26k Crystalize + 1.6k all heal baybee!! I got a boner all for the wrong reason lol. The art is REALLY GOOD, but too bad it doesn't have neat system to back it up, like freely changing clothes or unique npc dialogues when talking half naked. Definitely the worst part of this. It feels so wasted. The story, I skipped most of it because them grinds pulled me in more, but it looks pretty dang dark, even when I don't read 80% of the text.

    Must play. Very fun. 5/5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great! Can go a totally safe route for the protagonist or the uh... not so safe route. Either are fun. Surprisingly good story with a lot of mystery. Good dialogue. Gameplay is pretty solid. I'm never really into jrpg style gameplay but this was pretty good. Really went forward for the story alone. Also a in-game gallery that you can find.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I did expected no less than "Devils vere tempted by the ballad of anima". Got more than looked for. Can't complain.
    "Came for fap. Stayed for plot. 10/10"
    To be more specific? Turn-based fighting core mechanics with those elemental interactions are old but good touch. Can quickly become OP but in the final there will be need for that strength. In my opinion its a nice combination of "goods and but's". So for everyone who into turn-based H-RPG it's a must-play game.
    P.S. Gatekeeper is gigachad and true MVP. Change my mind)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the "plot", stayed for the plot.
    Story was well written and the translation did it justice. Characters were really well developed and I actually felt bad for not going the virgin route, which is rare
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Gravy Dog

    This game knows how to nail it's themes of humiliation and loss of innocence. It will stop at nothing to ruin the main character if you let it and it will go into detail at the emotional, mental, and physical pain she has been caused. The main character is very expressive in her facial features. Conveying fear, lust, shock, and shame in her scenes. Her body proportions are a bit strange in some scenes, however. Gameplay in this is ruined if you explore all the lewd content. It basically becomes trivial. The story is pretty good and has a lot of lore to it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really love this game especially the story. The sex scenes are ok, kinda jagged drawn but still fappable. I wish there were more scenes from the wolf girl and the elf girl deserves some real love sex cause well on what happened to her.

    What i don't like tho is the last area, the enemies there move waaaaay to fucking fast and is tedious to do and the area with the big ass obstacles blocking your view on where to go is really annoying.

    But the overall story is really fucking good. I really hope for a sequel for this cause i'm more interested in the story rather than the sex scenes. That being said tho, hope we get more scenes for the wolf girl.

    Hope for Sequel and HOPE that it doesn't get cancelled or something.
    Overall score: 8.5/10
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Tl;DR It's good and you should play it.

    You know how sometimes you can just tell what developer wanted to make a non adult game and added adult parts just so it sells better. Well this game somewhat reminds me of that. But with an important exception - it is really good (a gold standard if you will).
    Actual gameplay and pornography are a bit separated. What i mean by this is what there are no reasons for you not to do a virgin run first (it opens full gallery) and getting adult events kinda requires you to loose, but since gameplay is actually entertaining you don't want to loose.
    And don't get me wrong this game is not one of those where adult part is bad and feels tacked on. It actually good.
    MC is actually very nice. Obviously "different strokes for different folks" and all that, but if she is your type...
    Also, unlike in most games, music in this one is kinda nice and isn't just generic RPGM stuff.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game if you are into submission, humiliation, public humiliation, bukakke, loads of cum

    - Pro:
    - Finished with lots of content en scenes
    - Pretty hard core humiliation like the games of Ankuko Marimokan (Kamikaze committee etc.)
    - Easy to follow slave ending/bad ending because you can enlarge debt in inventory, and if you like sleep every day without paying anything

    - Con:
    - Tedious monster levels with grinding combat (though you can set yourself overpowered)
    - In my taste very unattractive MC, with glasses. badly drawn face and tits like udders
    - Censored

    If only this was drawn better with a really hot character it would be super
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Before I say anything the four stars is purely because it's actually a capable RPG. As a porn game it's pretty poor, the sex isn't well intergrated with the gameplay and as such it's very easy to finish the game without seeing a single scene. Outside of the porn though it's pretty good, a decenty variety of new assets and music which is always nice to see in an RPGM game, the characters were fairly simple but well written and the story was compelling.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is deep. I mean that. There is a lot of content to go off and the actual story for this game is mind blowing (Literally). Without any spoilers I can definitely say you should play this. Although if you really don't like turn based RPG's then don't play it.
    Edit: Still it is worth it in my opinion. Definite favorite.