Unity - Completed - Witch of Mystery Tower [Final] [30cm games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game...is not very good. I love match 3 games and the best thing I can say is that this is a match 3 game. The models were attractive...the sex scenes, dialogue and gameplay were not. I beat the game in under and hour and I still can't tell you what all the power ups do...if you're desperate for a Match 3 game...go replay Honey Select....other than some character models, there's absolutely nothing here that differentiates this game. It gets 2 stars because it works.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's pretty much what you expect for a bejeweled game. Good art, a simple little puzzle, takes about 20m to finish.

    20 minutes to finish the game, that is. It only took me about 30 seconds. I did say the art was good. I swear, this never happens usually.