Ren'Py - Witches Trainer Episode One [v0.3.2p] [Kitty_SFM]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The best I can say for this game is that it tried. It put in effort. Ish. I mean, a lot of AI art and the music is just straight the exact music from Akabur's Witch Trainer. But hey, the AI art does look pretty good and the music in Witch Trainer was great. So... uhhh... sure. We can give it a try, right?

    So, the starting premise of the game is that you are a doctor who shows up at a school because the old doctor died in a plague that's going around. Apparently it's deadly and the school responds by sending everyone under the age of 18 home. Dumb, as a premise, but you know... wink wink everyone is 18. Sure. I wish they'd lampshaded it a bit more. Because it is dumb, but it could have been a moment of levity at least. But no. It's just exposition.

    But whatever. That's... fine. We're told there is a cure or something for the plague. It's a spray that you need to spray people with and the witch teacher lady in charge tells you to start with one specific girl because she's already showing symptoms. So, she's already sick with the deadly disease. Cool. She has to be first because she is actively in danger. Sounds easy. We are told the girls will have to strip to properly apply the spray. This isn't as dumb as an excuse, it works. Fine. We say okay let's call the girl.

    She comes in. If you ask her to remove even a single peice of clothing she will get upset and with no further discussion, she will leave and will refuse to speak to you until she get's some chocolate. She is dying, per the story, but the game doesn't seem to care. The premise is very quickly forgotten. The story is not important to the game.

    You aren't calling girls in because of a disease or to spray them. You actually never have to spray them at all. No, you're calling them in because they want an excuse to make something vaguely similar to Witch Trainer. Just with terrible writing. No plot or story. The characters are flat and entirely forgettable, so much so that the game will forget the the moment you're done with their quest.

    But hey, maybe story isn't what we're going for here. I mean, AI art is kinda cheating but it DOES look good. I've seen the screenshots. But... most of the characters you interact with are NOT done with that AI art. You won't find the primary witches you interact with in any of the screenshots because they're more generic 3D models. I don't think they look bad, but it did feel misleading. But the AI art is still there after some quests and explore around a bit. Frankly, if you've seen the screenshots you've gotten the full value from them already because that's about what they are in the game too.

    It's just... ehhh... it's fine. It's not good. But it's fine. I hate to be too disparaging because there is a lot of STUFF there in the game. I don't know that I would want any of it, but it is all there. It feels like more than an asset flip but less than a quality game. It feels like an amateur tried their hand at making a game and is just kinda winging it as they go with little prior experience.

    And you know, that's laudable. I can appreciate that. I've done it myself. Made amateur games. I'm not a professional. But I know that, and if someone told me they sucked, they'd be right. Because they aren't high quality. And frankly, neither is this. Feel free to play it. You might find more value in it than I did. But... Not for me, thanks.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a great fan of Akabur (i hope i spell right) and this game was a good hommage until the castle free roam which blew my mind.

    I don't get the splash kink at all and that's a one star down for this. lack of sex and not still images don't help at all. Sure there is progression but not enough.

    One exemple? the bath is a hell of a quest to see nude pics. Not even steamy ones (pun intented) .

    Still this is a great effort for a Ai pics based game and it deserves (and the author) some credits!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The author is very ambitious.

    But also very deorganisezd.

    You lose focus of some characters for quite sometimes. It feels like the story with some of them is gaining some steam, and suddenly you are teleported somewhere else and are playing another game with new characters and different mechanics.

    The story gains some steam again and pouf, teleported back to main game, but with a twist, there is AI now. Very ncosistent AI, sometimes it's realistic drawings, sometimes it's cartoony drawing, and sometimes it's photorealistic.

    And let's talk about the AI... Most of the time, it feels like the author just created a bunch of pictures, took the best ones, and put them in batch in the game with a new quest "go see those people", and now we have a glorified AI gallery that adds absolutely nothing to the game, gameplay, or story. Especially when the images are full of AI errors (I'm looking at you double pair of ears, I'm looking at you random actual animal that as been generated because the AI didn't understand you were just asking for animal ears, I'm talking about you absolutely horrific anatomy on the two faun girls at the exit of the village.)

    But enough about the AI, yes, it is very inconsistent, but it's not that bad overhaul, I'm actually impressed with the level of quality and wish I would be able to do the same.

    But yeah, the story is all over the place and unable to keep focus on what's going on.

    Now, let's talk about free-roam.... Oof... the free roam....

    It takes forever to go anywhere, and unless you have a good memory, you will be plunged into a labyrinthic hell as soon as free roam begins. And I'm not just talking about the travel layer to move between scenes. A lot of other things make no sense.

    at the begining, you have to go to the clinic to see one of the students. Later on, you will have another clinic, but this one dedicated to AI photoshoots. Note that none of these clinics are accessible through free-roam, just by a menu in your office.

    In your office, you can also access one of the house's common room. In the free roam, you can't access this room. But you can access the dormitories of multiple houses in a single corridor, which you can't access from your office...

    Same with the teacher's rooms...

    From your office, you can summon an elf. Later, you will have to interact with another elf. In another room, only accessible through free roam.

    Can you summon the second elf in your office? Nope, you have to move back and forth to her room to see her (and click the wait button until she appears). Can you see the first elf in the elve's room? Nope.

    Sometime, we also have quests that hint we should do something, like finding the culprit forn clothes theft, finding a lost piece of cloth ASAP, or finding a missing person. And then... nope, it's completely irrelevant.

    We need to train someone for a sport event? Nope, it ends with a blackout. We need to find a piece of cloth for that student so they can do their match? Nope, just go fuck an elf. Need to go see that very importnat match? Nope, go see Ai generated images after roaming through a dozen of panels to reach you destination, then go back your office, order some new clothes, wait two days, go back to the panel with the AI students, and... finally... go back to your office... pfew, now do that again to unlock all the scenes...

    Oh, I forgot to talk about the grind...

    The game starts the same way Witch Trainer does. You have to make money by rating papers, read books to make more money, make money to buy books, etc... You also have to find a way to increase school morale. All the while, you have a classic trainer gameplay loop... with an oversimplified development and.... very low rewards, almost no nudes, and even less sex. Some students don't even get naked, period.

    So, lot of grind, very low reward.

    At some points, as I have mentioned before, the students become AI generated images.... And then... multiple hours later... we are back to HS 3d models and animations...

    Congrats if you managed to reach the end of this review, there are a lot of bad things to say about this game, but I think the worst thing is that it's not a bad game. But while it has tons of potential, while the authors is very ambitious, the game right now, and if it continues to progress the way it does, will just be mediocre, with frustrating grind, forking story that leads nowhere, and a lack of focus that will leave you more frustrated than anything.

    A forking story usually means you enter a path parallel to the main story. once on those paths, you'll either enter a parallel main line, or small side stories that when they end will fork back to the main story.

    Here, you're just entering a dead tree branches. And from time to time, you will be able to jump on another dead branch after a short return to the main fork. It's just annoying, especially if it's just to watch a bunch of AI generated images.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has a lot of repeated actions, you do pretty much the same thing to each character, which amounts to having them strip and spraying them with water(which imo looks terrible).

    Characters have decent art but not a fan of how static the game feels without being a linear VN with options appearing automatically as you progress just seems to be a way to farm for patreon subs. (The money&shop features lend nothing to the story or experience and are there just to add grind for so you'll pay for the "cheats")

    Played on Android and it's not intuitive at all, took me hitting everywhere on screen before I realized hitting the curtain lets you leave the office.

    Reached chapter 2 and realized I wasn't ever even turned on by game after playing it for 30+ minutes, maybe even close to an hour. Uninstalled after reaching chapter 2 because my thumb hurts from spam clicking and had nothing of value to gain from it other than some shitty 1 second dance animations and the strip images.

    I really want to give this game a 1 star, but it at least works fine and I was able to progress, so maybe if you stick to it you can get some decent content? I'll never know
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Dont try this game if you not willing to pay to move forward. It is a grindfeast.
    But I like the theme, the girls that I managed to exsam was hot and the mechanics is not bad.
    Be prepared to repeat the same action over and over again or buy money to buy gifts for the girls to get any action.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game I have been playing it for a long time now and have enjoyed watching it evolve and change. I like how it is sensual and erotic without everyone randomly having sex with everyone in the game. the art style really appeals to me it can be annoying sometimes trying to find a game in the adult genre that isn't about huge hooter MILFS or Shota/Loli stuff so seeing someone make a game with cute girls with average to small boobs and bodies is refreshing and enjoyable. If you are looking for people having Sex or other hardcore Adult stuff this game isn't for you! But if you enjoy looking at Beautiful girls in erotic poses I highly recommend this game!