Ren'Py - With Hermione [v0.3.3.0.alpha] [Kirill Repin Art]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Great premise. Essentially a dressing simulator or whatever those are called. Would love a slower progression than full blown exposure by session 7 or something. No variety in characters yet but that's expected for a WIP game. Easily worth a 5 star when completed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love clothing corruption & exhibitionism, this ones right my alley. Also, i LOVE AI art (and ill be loving it increasingly more as its getting better and better)

    Honestly, dont get all the sh!tting on AI-art, if you dont like certain artstyle - move along, find something that suits you. I dont go around sh!tting on all those cr@p drawn art, koikatsu or whatever other cr@p out there just because i can
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Just here to reality check the rating for this game.
    The faces look bad and out of place, pretty much badly photoshopped.
    The gameplay right now is practically non existent.
    And worst of all, it's ai cg. If anything it looks like a scuffed version of ninjartist's artworks.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game, art is hyper-realistic but just the right amount without looking like that weird 3D style a lot of porn games have that I personally despise, additionally, the animations are really enjoyable, if you're a big fan of harry potter this is a wonderful game, and also has insane potential.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Come on dev!!! If you turn this into a version of witch trainer with these graphics you will be richer than Putin. Take that other witch trainer knock off made by Sad Crab. The only thing they got is slightly better graphics at the cost of no sex scenes yet they rake in tens of thousands of dollars a month. With these graphics and a passable story you will be a millionaire. Sad to see that sanctions are killing your monetization. How are other Russian devs making ends meet?
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    All other reviews are '5 stars potential'. This is the game right now. Its bad. You just wake up, click hermione, click 'come with me', click transfig corridor (don't know why I need to click this THEN the next room every time if the corridor itself is empty) then click clothes teacher. Click lesson, click skip to evening, click lesson. Hope her outfits actually unlock and the UI doesn't bug out, which it does a lot, rendering the entire game pointless.
    Most lessons will just say "this is lesson X", no dialogue. Or "this is what I learnt". Very little meaningful content.
    Sometimes Harry will cum on hermione, but there's no dialogue about how this happened. Did he just jack off? Who knows. It just happens.
    You can't even wear the super slutty clothes when interacting with the teacher who teaches Hermione to wear slutty clothes for some reason, so they're even more pointless.
    Sometimes Hermione will throw a hissy fit about working too hard, despite being Hermione, the hardest worker of her generation. You just pick 'talk to her', 'compliment' or 'give potion' until one of them fixes her. It doesn't even take up a timeblock or anything, its just irl tedium for the player.

    The game right now is repeatedly clicking identical dialogue boxes for no meaningful content in a nearly empty world for no reason while no one remembers to have any personality and things just sort of happen because 90% o the dialogue has yet to be written. And often even this basic framework (which is all this is) doesn't even work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so much worth trying - especially if you're into corruption that changes how main character dresses.
    • Early shape of the game shows corruption theme with rich focus on wardrobe development/modifications - I like such foundation very much,
    • It's an early alpha shape which has very minimal (placeholder) story/sandbox content, so I have no idea how this aspect will develop,
    • Art is absolutely gorgeous ,
    • Something that currently stands out is how authentic and enticing are facial expressions and body language of Hermione. Please keep on going in this direction.
    Hopes for further development:
    • That Hermione will be aware of her surroundings and her surroundings will be aware of her. Some dialogue lines of that sort are already there, but Hermione can carelessly stand around naked in the corridor during morning.
    • Lively nature of Hermione (her live facial expressions) could be paired with other independent actions. Depending on her state she could flash for a period depending on her corruption or compose her outfit together on her own if she wouldn't be in a mood for being kinky.
    • I hope that game will rather aim at vibes that will keep Hermione (at least relatively) classy - with events and developments that would make her sexually open, with exhibitionist tendencies, tease her adventurous side, but not turn her into a brainless slut/bimbo (there's too much of that around).
    • I hope that in more mature shape of the game there will be more teasing from Hermione before she will accept more permanent changes - to make corruption slow by introducing random(ish) rewarding events instead of fruitless grind that is so present in many corruption games.
    Issues - both may not be worth investing serious time at this stage (if they don't impact other players):
    • On a gaming PC (old one, but still quite powerful even now) I can already notice that game is quite heavy considering it's a Ren'Py title. It is mostly visible when scrolling back. It is not a problem at all for me (if performance will stay this way), but players with low-end machines may have worse experience,
    • Middle mouse button currently makes whole screen black instead of hiding dialogue bar and other controls. Game now conveniently has a step in dialogue which shows Hermione in full grace.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    "No Sexual content" but I fapped so hard its amazing no complains from my neighbours came yet. :KEK:

    There is not much here BUT suggest you try it out if you liked the preview renders. A small grind "game" where you unlock best-red-head-fatasy-chick from our beloved childhood clothes/attire which gets lewder and lewder.
    And for some reason this made me bust so hard I think only a workout managed to do that. :LUL:

    But dont get folled by all the 5 stars. YES, the game, or lack of it, is pretty short and there is not much to it. BUT, as what it is I enjoyed to my fullest and I HOPE there will be more. Not only with my beloved Hermie, but als Miss Hot Milf and perhaps other well know members of this universe ? :sneaky:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great for what it is. It's quick, straight-forward, rewarding, and has nice visuals. There are multiple HP based games: With Hermione, Witch Trainer, Secrets of Hokwiton, and Six Serpents. They all have some good things about them. This one is the meat and potatoes of adult games. Just enough challenge and choice to make the payoff not feel like you're just scrolling through rule 34 pics.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love this game. The clothing corruption is excellent.
    In the future, I would like to see interaction with further characters, both male and female. With more story content involving corruption and exhibitionism.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the graphics of the game. Hermione have a very nice body and I like how the game is going so far. But the only downfall is that the game does not have any sex scenes at the moment and only nudity. I will be definitely be looking forward to more sex scenes in the near future.