How the hell does the titjob minigame work? I get it's supposed to be a rhythm game and I've gotten past the first "stage" when the first symbol unlocks, but after that there doesn't seem to be any rhythm to it. It just automatically goes to half the meter after that and then drops down and the whole thing resets.
EDIT: Figured out how it works, but I could swear that there's some randomness to the way the game registers your clicks which makes it feel arbitrary. The minigame would be sexy as hell but the mechanics take most of the joy out of it. The way you have to juggle different buttons while keeping the right rhythm up to do the minigame makes sure you don't get to look at Hermione much at all.
EDIT2: This is either confusing or janky. I can't get HP to cum in the second stage anymore where you have to hunt the red lights while the meter raises automatically. Every time the meter fills and starts from the beginning, if I press the hand symbol, she'll just start sucking your thumb forever. And when I click it again, the 2nd stage will start from the beginning.
EDIT3: Somehow it finally worked, though I don't really know how. This thing could use tooltips or something.
Also how does everyone have 8 points of corruption or something? The only ones I've gotten were two from the different lessons and one from the first titjob. Oh, and one from the Daddy Mode. So 4 total.
I'm also struggling with the second stage. What do you mean by "hunt the red lights"?
The meter starts going up automatically in the second stage and red lights light up next to a button near the meter. Unless you click the corresponding button fast enough, the meter starts going back down again, possibly resetting the stage. What buttons it requires you to push seems to be at least slightly randomized every time you talk to her to request a titjob.
Thinking back at it, I had no idea what I was doing immediately after the 1st stage, so it's completely possible I lucked out and skipped some kind of a second stage without figuring out the mechanics, and that's actually the third stage I'm describing. It's just all very badly laid out and confusing.
Thanks for having this discussion on the last page! I foolishly tried search to find a tip... all the coders around and the search is less useful than leafing through each pages. Here's hoping it works.
I do, but I'd rather not share it at the moment
The whole game is basically being rewritten, so I would rather not give any dates right now.
I would say though, the new training mechanics will be a mix of WT, PT and a bit of Magic Shop. That's the game I wanted to make in the first place, but my codding wasn't there yet. I think I can do it now.
Great to hear! I've downloaded the game forever ago and finally gave it a try yesterday. Four hours of frustration! Which only means it's a great game underneath the clunk. I do hope the better aspects are not lost.
I figured out the puzzle after a half hour, but the h-scene I couldn't. I did not mind the puzzle grind, in fact that's part of the hot stuff in these games. And I suppose in retrospect even the clicking of moving rooms and talking is not too much or it wouldn't be if it weren't for the second or two of the graphics/effects... That
is a mood and immersion killer.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but by way of feedback, I wanted to mention how small much of the buttons are. Some with chubby fingers and thin eyes might have difficulties. The speed of the "mini-game" would also mean we cannot look at the wonderful graphics you've rustled up for us.
Another point is the
private lessons and
special assignments, my problem is that the player doesn't understand/see what's happening. I thought they were like a cheat, instead of achieving the results through the puzzles, but then...
I mean, even if it is not for us to achieve it and the professor is corrupting her, which is hot, we should be able to peak at least. We also do not understand the professor's motivation, like, why would she stamp H's happy-hole for me? So that should be added. Even better would be if we have to corrupt the professor to get her to pimp-up Hermoine... Or if the prof is corrupting me!
The conversational corruption could also use some details. There was the one conversation we have with H, which is real with consequences and can fail but then nothing. There should some sort of reason why she continues/becomes more accommodating to our wishes, esp. the favours. Like she's starting to enjoy submission/domination or falling in love with MC or whatever. Maybe gifting her stuff she likes with a twist and when she's tired buying her dinner, giving her a massage, cuddling, etc. could be a way to gain affection or conditioning her.
Anyway, just thoughts stimulated by how much I liked the game. Can't wait for update!