Unity - Wizard School Exchange Student [v0.7 Hotfix] [Blue Witch Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is really terrible in its current state its so buggy. Running around looking for rooms and your classes isn't hard but the mini game with the ball is so difficult when it's overly sensitive. The Ai generated art is fine, but it's not worth all the hassle
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I've played it until I reached the beach, the game is just horrible. Now first of all I really do not mind AI Art, so that is absolutely not the problem here. I know there are a lot of people who don't like AI-Art, but its not so bad.

    However, the game doesn't require bad AI art to be horrible. From the writing, to the characters, to the protagonist, to the bugs, to the "gameplay" its hot garbage.
    First the writing. The game is so pretentious in trying to come off as well educated and elaborate. Every interaction with every NPC is a chore.
    What I mean by this is every single NPC is written to be gigantic, snickering, lip-licking twat.
    You approach ANY NPC and the interaction will always a 100% be the same. The NPC acts all mysterious, or tries to act all mysterious, the NPC insults the Protagonist in some very elaborate, small way for no reason and the Protagonist answers back the same way like an absolute prick.
    Every interaction is like that, with every NPC. Why is everyone in this game so hostile, for no reason?
    There is something about Harry Potter politics and a war or something... who the fuck cares? So some Agents infiltrated Hogwarts and you try to get dirt on them for "some" mysterious reason.
    The game drags the dialogues to insane lengths. I lost it talking to Hermione on the beach.
    So you invite her to the beach, she comes around and then you have to convince her to wear the Bikini you bought for her. Then you go swimming I assume and the dialogue of just incoherent bullshit and retarded smalltalk. Like holy... does the dev have nothing better to do.
    Should have been like 3-4 lines of dialogue followed by a H-scene, instead you're being tortured by an essay of meaningless bullshit that I thankfully skipped.
    The Hentai Scenes, you get cockblocked, EVERY, SINGLE, TIME it gets interesting. You get cockblocked.

    So the writing is horrid, the gameplay basically consists of exploration for the most part. But that is horrible too. So you find yourself in hogwarts, every door looks the same, every wall looks the same for the most part. So you get a quest to go somewhere, but its never that easy. Like you have to know the place by memory and oh boy is the place huge. So you check every door either on the Western building or the Eastern building. Yes every single one until you get the one you need and you better remember that this room is for this purpose.
    Because the game will never tell you again. There is another quest where you have to find 5 stone inscriptions on walls, that for the most part perfectly bland together with the walls.
    I found 4 out of 5 then I gave up after searching for about 1 hour or so.

    The bugs! You fall through the world, taking the wrong door, you constantly have to use the unstuck function, which conveniently bugs out your save ability. During an event, you can't save. What does that mean? If one event bugs out, you will never be able to save ever again.
    The game just tells you "not able to save due to event" or something like that. Many of the daily events you can do, do not work at all. You click "Begin" nothing happens. Sometimes the option is missing entirely.

    Then there is this minigame, where you control like a ball and you have to platform. Which isn't so bad but the difficulty is through the roof, for no reason. Like this is supposed to be light entertainment. Again pure torture, for no reason. Its really, I think I never in my entire life was so frustrated and angry at a Hentai game.
    In equal amounts. Like the Hentai is just one pic you get. For dragging yourself through horrible dialogue that never ends and gameplay that is rage inducing.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Camera is wonky, theres no real direction on where to go, movement is weird and I fell out of the map several times, Phys Ed Minigame is by far the worst minigame I have ever played only a psychopath would enjoy it, NEEDS a lot work.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game needs sooooooo much polish. Quite a lot of it is just optimization of the world ad code so that the game lags less. A great deal as well is in the focus minigame where the controls are far too sensitive and the ball you control has far too much inertia. That said, this game has a great deal of potential and I thing this will become a great game when the dev gains more experience. The map looks pretty cool, the ai art is great, there are some interesting concepts, but the game just lacks optimization that it needs to simply function.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Spent 2 hours playing the game couldn't find jack shit. There is no map or sense of where you are. Took too long to find the bridge and and even then couldn't find where the "northern building" is. I don't even know where north is. Controls are janky as fuck. there's no quit game option. I'm contantly phazing through walls and into the void. the other reviewers say there is so much content for a first release but there is no proof of this because I can't find anything. Add a damn map, cut the game world down to a tenth, and make the game 2d because this 3d over the shoulder bit doesn't work with what you're doing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    AI art is really good. The continuity of having character models look the same and remain constant throughout the game is very nice. The Itch.io is already on version 0.5 so pushing out 4 patches with bugfixes and an extra scene in less than a week makes me believe that the dev is committed and game has potential. The game has had bugs like the f95 version of 0.1 having a terrible camera and falling through the floor. But those have already been patched on the latest version allowing the player to reset their position with P and a new camera. This leads me to believe that the most glaring bugs will be ironed out. Great game to keep your eyes onto once it has some meat on it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Considering that the first version of the game had soo much content and polish, it shows that the creator is very passionate about the project and in the future this game could turn out nicely.

    The use of AI images could turn off some users, but it lets the creator to focus on gameplay/mechanics/bug fixes, and we all know that fancy art is not the most important thing (even on this site).

    Even in the early stages this game looks very promising and I recommend keeping an eye on this project or at least returning after few months because based on the sheer amount of work that was put into its first first 0.1 version, it can be very fun game later on.
    Likes: Lelix
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as first releases go and the scope of the game, this is actually an impressive effort. If the dev keeps showing the game this level of love they have over the last few days, this project will go far and probably be one of the big games on this page - perhaps the biggest one not a RenPy VN or RPGM mess.

    Art is great, atmosphere and music is nice, dialogue is actually well written and characteristic and fun to read. Hope this game will go forward in all the right directions.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Man, people are way too harsh for a first release.
    Yes, the ball game is absolutely cancerous even with the updated controls (updated on ichio not on here as of this writing.) and I would strongly recommend the dev to remove/change it since it is driving a lot of people away.

    But other than that it seems like a decent enough "knock-off Hogwarts Legacy but with porn" - game. It is a lot more of an actual game than I first assumed.

    There are still a lot of things that could be improved, less floaty controls, better navigation hints/map, customizable mc name etc but this could be something really solid with enough polish
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    updated) So, the game hasn't been abandoned yet, I'll give you that.

    Though the minigame can be skipped, but if a good ending (true ending) cannot be achieved if the minigame is skipped, collectibles can't be accessed, or the gallery can't be fully unlocked, that means it is not skippable at all in practice. That's why players get annoyed by it.

    The player can be moved in all directions, but only when pressing the mouse button continuously, and it's quite disturbing.

    And the map is very... undescriptive.

    past review)
    1. No map.
    2. The doom-like movement style is definitely terrible.
    3. Minigames are harder than "Getting Over It".
    4. It was not developed as an adult game from the beginning, just added AI-generated pictures, so adult contents are minimum.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is AI personally i dont like it still wanted to give it a try since im a lot into lewding the shit out of the wizarding world. For now the only good thing this game has to offer is the AI Art (if you ike it) anything else is poor to bad. The gameplay especially is hard to bare with even if you like the scenario.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Delete My Account

    As it stands the game looks nice but the gameplay is awful, with limited controls to the camera, no map and thus no idea where you are or where you're going, no backward movement possible, laggy and choppy camera that only points in front of you and semi impossible unskippable minigames that render frustration the only outcome of this game.