RPGM - Completed - Wolf of Stock Street [Final] [Sloth gamer]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Chinese voice game, that's new and the only thing that stands for this game.
    Gameplay is boring, basically you just need to click like crazy, a clicker game you can say.
    Characters, there's a variety of characters, the designs are good, the backstory is non existent.
    The scenes are good, being voiced really helps this game stand up from the thousand other games like this one.
    An overall 6/10, I wont recommend this game, but if you like chinese moans and the designs of the characters then go ahead and suit yourself.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It was ok for a little bit. Quickly got boring and the H-scenes weren't really that good. Played the whole thing hoping for more and it never delivered. I'd recommend just skipping this one. It'll waste a few hours for very little reward.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle

    It's a clicker. If you like clickers, you'll probably enjoy this. However I made it about halfway through and felt like I was developing arthritis. I really wish more games did "hold to click" instead of making me spam the left mouse button over and over. Apart from that the erotic art is decent. It's voice acted in Chinese (I think) and the music is all right. But clickers are just such a chore to play. This one has a slight twist in that your passive income generators can be stocks, which you can buy low and sell high for a profit. But apart from that nothing too different.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Omae wa shinda

    What is this game.
    Good girls gone to waste that is.
    Enjoy AFK clicker, then this is a game for you.
    Watch a man rise to top of society through investment, marketing and some streaming!
    Honestly, I can't see good thing about this beside some really poor choice of production for gameplay. The girl art is good and their story is kind of nice, but they don't give proper closure the game in a whole.
    If you want to learn about stocks and trading. I highly recommend other source of material since this is quite a....."distracting" (lol)
    Poor game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Auto AFK Clicker, with a light but funny plot built around a stock theme.

    Not bad, if abit repetitive.

    Gave it a 3.5 stars because I played through 80% of the game in one seating, I had more games disappoint me than this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a meme game, not a proper game or an h-game(not fun/funny either)

    There's no real thinking involved, you get a couple of seconds to try to time your clicks so that you make a profit by clicking when when prices are on the red not just when buying but when selling too, no buy low sell high just buy red sell red, but the useless news segment with sometimes slightly amusing news segments that have no influence on the actual market will randomly pause the game breaking any possibility of a smooth gameplay experience. Honestly it's just not fun, the set up is meme-ish which makes it amusing for a couple of seconds but then it just gets boring/annoying.

    h-content/writing in general
    Your some dude that's a genius at controlling markets, cause you made an app and that's it. You get put into particularly bad lazily written porn scenarios where the set up and the payoff don't tend to match, two scenes per scenario, not much to say bottom of the barrel, you meet fuck and it's over, with the twist being that you do it twice not just once. Oh yeah and the sex scenes aren't great either.

    highlights writing-wise
    Two of the scenarios weren't completely awful, the first scenario girl, the delivery girl that helps find you get your first job is actually decent enough to implement in an actually good version of a game like this, and the banker is okay-ish not great but not awful like the rest, she's the stereotypical childhood friend just lazily/badly implemented.

    It's okay-ish nothing special beyond the fact that someone actually put in the effort to make the game, if you're just here for the memes just sit on the main in game menu where the news plays you'll sometimes see some meme-y news.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    A funny game about making fat stacks with daytrading and banging various babes. The concept is fine, but the execution has some issues. You can invest in 7 different stock, go long or short on the index stock, and click on a button to do a "day job"for a bit of money. The stocks pay dividend, and you can buy low sell high for profits. So far, it seems like cookie clicker with an extra ability to sell your moneymakers.
    he problem is, is that the ability to manage your stocks is really poor. You cant see the price of each stock, unless you click on it and open the buy/sell menu. The game uses RED for profit, GREEN for loss, yes. RED FOR PROFIT, GREEN FOR LOSS. This is so mindnumbingly stupid, i have no idea why the would ever do this. On top of that, when you buy stock, it will show a red up arrow to tell you you can sell the stock for profit, green if the stock dropped and you would sell at a loss. Apart from the stupid color choices, this is absolutely useless to get a feel whether to hold or sell. You cant see any charts to see if a stock is leveling off, or still rises. Only think you can do is open the stock menu, look at the price, wait a day, then open it again. Once the arrow goes from red to green, it doesnt mean your stocks arent increasing in price anymore, it means the stockprice dropped so much you are actually below your initial investment. Also, it might just be me, but i noticed that if you buy low, it will always rise, but then drop after a week or so. So you must buy, sell a week later, or watch the stock drop way below the original price. Ive seen steel stay at ~90 dollars per stock for weeks, but the moment i stepped in, see it drop to 20 dollars.
    The game also has a news feed, like "steel is rusting, expect a price drop", but ive rarely seen the markets react to it.
    The saving grace are the extra powers you get, like a pump and dump scheme, or income multiplier.
    The porn is also so-so. The art is okay, nothing special, but better than your average DAZmodel or clumsily drawn RPGmaker portrait. The sex scenes are okay, with a decent variety. The buildup is almost 0 though. You have maybe 100 lines total of characterization. The fetish content is also decent, from handholding sex with a young delivery girl to a wild orgy with women you bought at the a billionaires conference. Only thing i disliked is the foot fetish stuff, although one girl then calls up her husband since he's a cuck that enjoys watching his wife get fucked, so things can be wild.

    The real star I would say is the humor. You should know a bit of the investment lingo, like holding stock, pump and dump, passive income, to the moon, that sorta stuff. There are also referrences, like the steel company is "stark industries" from iron man, and the straw hat pirates raid steel cargo (i think they're from one piece). There is also a sequence where an idol gets caught masturbating by a webcam, then she ends up going into the porn industry. The game also generally embraces the madness of people snorting coke and screaming at eachother to buy and sell stuff and how everyone is stupid if they arent in it right now.

    Why only a 3/5? Well, the game has some issues. It freezes if you are too slow in some of the sex scenes, pressing F5 will restart the game, the UI sucks, buttons not always work smoothly, the music and fullscreen settings reset on restart, and sometimes the game seems to hang for a second to load something in (and no, my computer has enough horsepower to run this).

    If you have time to blow and like the investment memes, this game is recommended, if you want to fuck some cute girls with minimal dialogue but not just flat CG, and a bit of spice in the fetish stuff, this game could also be a nice game. But otherwise its not really that great.