Others - Wolf's Dungeon [v240616] [Eluku99]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Nhaaa this thing is grose to watch and play

    Its to gruesome
    It has a lot of Clit becoming a dick
    It has a lot of hardcore gaping
    its has urine an scat fetish (This is the biggest shit literally xd)
    The gameplay is to weid and feels janky
    Just Not my tipe of game the at loked fine but This one is a Hard pass
    1/10 Bad wank
    (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I just want to echo obromacare's review, that this game is just not worth playing on the basis of how hard it is. While your character has slow wind-ups and wind-downs for all of her attacks, enemies can execute frame perfect grabs and hits that take the control away from your character, every encounter is turned into an annoying, repetitive flying kick, quick 1-2 and then pull back. If you lose your clothes, the combat is even shittier and less fun.

    Now, admittedly the animations are very well done, and if you're a fan of hardcore, ryona content like me, then you'll love this game. But the game is just not worth it. The files come with an unlocked gallery for enemies and a save game with everything completed, so that's nice if you just want to watch stuff, but I'd rather watch a compilation of all scenes on a porn site.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique and interesting, 100% recommand, it may be weird but its not for weak hearted, if you start the game you need to expect a lot of gore and extreme bdsm that strech the body to the limit.If you have a sick mind like i do, this is the best game for you
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    This is an extremely frustrating game thats difficult for the sake of laughing at the player's face. To those who aren't certain on what this game is, its a pixel artstyle sidescroller that has heavy emphasis on ryona, AKA girls getting heavily beat up.

    -If you like Ryona, you'll like the scenes. Prolapsed vaginas, rape, stomach bulges, etc. There's a ton.
    -The Pixel art is genuinely great. I have no complaints in the art department.

    -My biggest complaint is how difficult it is to control the FMC. If she were more smooth in controls, the game's difficulty would be fine...but she controls horribly. There's a small delay before you make nearly ANY action. Heavy kicks, jumping, you name it. She just feels stupidly clunky to control, and I guarantee you'll feel frustrated at least once in the first three rooms you visit.
    -Now, why do I say that "the game is laughing at the player's face"? What if they just aren't that good at programming? Well, I say the game mocks the player because the enemies have stupidly precise spacing and movesets. The first "weak" mob of the game knows how to sidestep, can dodge closerange kicks, and runs at the same speed as you. If this mod touches you, you get stunned. If you fail the QTE, you now have to spam ur controls to wiggle out of their grasp. As "hot" as it sounds, I promise you its extremely frustrating. This isn't even accounting for the first boss. The first boss
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    . But hey, you finished the stupidly difficult boss that you had to grind for, right? Well...
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    This game would genuinely be a 1/5 if it weren't for the pixel art and graphic scenes hard carrying the game. I thought the game was clunky for the sake of charm, but that first boss genuinely pissed me off because that boss made it evident that the "clunkiness" of the FMC was intentional, and left clunky on purpose. Imagine you're playing Mario 64, and you're simply admiring the charm. Controls are funky, but it's whatever. Then you fight King Bombom in world 1-1, and he moves with the fluidity of Bayonetta or Dante. Then when you die, the game laughs and flat out says "lol go grind the goombas with your N64 controller for 20 minutes". Just grab a gallery for this game, it genuinely isn't worth it to grind this game out.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Thot Patrol

    [ v231203 ]
    This game pretty unique and hard. Pretty much every enemy has an animation and a gameover. The game's difficulty is pretty hard. The combat takes some getting use to, but it's not so bad once you get the hang of it. Would be better if there was a difficulty setting, since there's alot of BS in the combat as in dealing with multiple enemies, grabbing you. I spent a good amount of hours getting to the end of the current version. Retried so many times just because having to deal with multiple enemies at once and kept getting grabbed. You do get a QTE that let's you escape the grab. The protagonist's move changes with each area. As far as the H scenes go, they can be brutal. I give this game a thumbs up
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: 10/10, 100/100, 10.000/10.000, Masterpiece game.

    This is the best, the worst, the hardest, the what-in-the-fucking-world game i've ever played in 23 years my life in this galaxy. It have perfectly good animation though the game was pixelated, the game over scene on each enemies, the puzzle, the gameplay which in some part make my hands shivering of excitment like in the tiger girl scene and how the dev create the enemies with different sex scene is just wholesome. really a beautiful and top notch game. the gameplay, the gameover scene, the enemies, the animation, the fetishes all of it is something you can only see on the deep web though im not someone who like gore so much but this game is in another case mamamia perfecto.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite some flaws Eluku games have unique atmosphere and style, which I enjoy very much. Sometimes the game could be very challenging and force player to grind, but nonetheless Wolf's dungeon is very good. The amount of fetishes is impressive, although this time Eluku leaning more towards BDSM and guro.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems to have way more hate than it deserves because of difficulty, however that is the point. You are a naked prisoner girl in a grim world where your captors are monsters looking to torture/use/breed you. As far as game design goes, it is well done - especially for one person. The creator hits a lot of kinks that you wouldn't really find other places such as extreme penetration/stretching/impregnation+birth/ryona without going into guro/scat. If you want to experience sexual degredation/abuse to extremes as a near powerless slave trying to escape then this game is 5/5, same for the other, Fairy Fighting. This author is well worth supporting for his price, even though iirc he releases his games and updates for free anyway. Just be aware his development cycle is on the slower side.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Either im dumb or i don't know how to play it
    Cuz defeating first orc or whatever that shit was took me 3 tries and i barely made it... then u get to fight with even more fucked shit that is at least for me not possible to beat cuz i don't even know how to hit it...

    Key to door in inside pussy or anus ( i dont remember ) of that girl in wall.

    At least You have unlocked gallery so u can just watch some animations, animations as for pixel are are made really nice and there is really many of these...

    Kinda sad that i can't play it cuz game looks rly cool and fun...
    But well... looks like im too dumb for this game???
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a platformer with animated nsfw pixel scenes, which are fantastic and one of a kind.

    This artist is a legendary one, with many fantastic pixel art style games, fighters/platformers.

    Anyone who likes nsfw platformers will recognize this as one of the best ^^

    It's only downfall for some ppl is the difficulty I suppose, but it is definitely worth playing through!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    the gameplay is nothing special but i really enjoyed the artwork. 5 stars seems too generous for a one dimensional project, but the artwork was good. I haven't played the latest version but i remember playing this a long time ago.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this one is definitely a rarity for me, over time for about a year or two i believe been checking on this for fun. it's definitely an interesting game... haven't actually progressed much cuz I'm shit at the game and or could just be hella hard at certain times. but i still dont know why i keep coming back to this, probs because it feels like an og for me. that may be why i call it a rarity.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Some people shouldn't be allowed to make games.

    (This review is horribly opinionated, if you didn't catch it from that first sentence.)

    The default keyboard layout is dogshit. Where the fuck am I supposed to put my fingers, exactly? WASD movement, spacebar attack, ctrl guard, E special attack, TAB main menu. Thank god it's rebindable.

    Every single attack you have has some kind of weirdly long delay at the beginning, and enemies can dodge at complete random if they're small, or just not even get hit if they're big. That or straight up hyper-armor through it, once again, at complete random.

    Every time you get grabbed, you have a small window where you can input a key to instantly break out... which half the time doesn't even work. If you fail to hit the key in time or press a different key, you actually get grabbed and have to mash the movement keys to get out of it. Likely, you'll also be mashing the upwards movement key... meaning you'll instantly jump after breaking out, leading you to fall right back down onto the enemy and get instantly grabbed again.
    Those grabs fill the "erotic" gauge or whatever it's called. If it gets filled up all the way, you may as well just fucking restart from your last save point. You're gonna lose your clothes, meaning you move way slower, your attacks are somehow even worse, and you can't even special attack.

    [Quick edit as I forgot something before reading other reviews: Yeah, absolutely ZERO i-frames, and zero grace frames as well. Holding a movement key when you get grabbed? Congrats, you instantly fail the QTE and have to mash. Just got out of a grab? Congrats, you're gonna get instantly grabbed by the enemy right next to you because you DARED to try and play the game.]

    I'll be straight with you: I got to the third screen of the game before getting too frustrated to actually move any further. I like to think I'm a patient guy, I really do, but some things really tick me off.

    First screen has an enemy who I can barely hit because he attacks faster and with more range than my basic quick attack, and he ignores hits if he goes for a grab, so I need to use my charged up neutral special in order to kill him. Second screen is just a save point. Third screen has two infinitely respawning little shits who instantly grab you if they get close to you, and some big guy who doesn't move and only grabs. He's passable in some way, I'm sure, but hell if I know how. Charged neutral special doesn't reach him unless I'm willing to get grabbed before even charging it enough to let it go, and the non-charged special I doubt would do enough damage even if I had a full special bar (assuming it would even reach).
    Combine that with prior mentioned little shits constantly coming at me from behind, and everything else I've said, and you have a recipe for "Who the fuck thought this was a good design choice?".
    Serve hot with a coating of melted butter, and a side of "How the fuck does anyone think this is fun?" with cheese.

    Feel free to berate me in PMs for having a skill issue or whatever the fuck, but I genuinely cannot bear this gameplay.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gets a lot of hate simply for being difficult, and that's true. It's definitely not a game you can play with one hand. The fetish material also can be hardcore for some, and some people get disinterested once the futanari part comes in.

    But overall this game has a fun combat system with a shit ton of unique enemies and situations, it's challenging but rewarding. The main challenge comes from the steep learning curve but once thats over the game isn't all that challenging. Plus, it's one of the most unique h-game experiences you will find.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is too hard and requires you to have patience and spam space to try and damage the enemy only for him to grab you once and waste all the effort you put in. Didnt bother going throu it, co i just chcecked animations. They seem well done but it doesn't compensate the difficulty level.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    bad controls, mediocre animation, and combat which is very punishing, in a bad way. the fights are all basically the same with a few exceptions, so there's no element of interest in figuring out how to beat a certain enemy. It's just do the same very difficult, highly random fights over and over again.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly I didn't remember why I gave up last time I played it.

    2 mins in and I'm like " Yup. THIS IS WHY!!!"

    Absolutely ghastly controls, Meth head logic and a game breaking bug AFTER the game not telling you you had to
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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool game, not many games like this one, I recommend it if you like hardcore and weird stuff lmao has a lot of monster, different levels, has minigames and it's constantly being updated, has bosses and it has some mechanics behind beating them, a lot of extra stuff if you get beaten by certain monsters, has a lot of potential
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise is nothing unique as there's dozens of other erotic side-scroller games of this genre out there, that are also better designed and balanced. It is made purposely difficult and the clunky, slow attack animations do not help make it any more tolerable. Keep in mind, I've made it to UGM in 2D fighter games like Street Fighter. So this isn't a case of 'git gud' so much as it is just a case of the developer trying to add substance and depth to a game that doesn't otherwise need it. Because it's a porn game. Nobody is playing these games because they want a genuine challenge.

    If you found yourself having enough patience to get passed the second boss, you'll begin to realize that each 'stage' is seemingly a puzzle with no real indication of what to do. I had to use a guide by one of the players, to figure it out how to get through the next room as there's no hints or text as to what to do, and it's not exactly obvious either especially since the game does not inform you that you can actually strip your character.

    But even just the second stage has a never-ending spawn of 'goblin' creatures which will eventually attack you from both sides as you slowly progress through the corridor. It's almost as if trying to trudge through a waist high puddle of mud with how slow it is to proceed further. To cheese these creatures you basically just spam your basic attack (spacebar) but you need to sit there doing this for an hour in order to grind your character's level so that these creatures are less tedious to fight and can be killed faster while you attempt to make it to that room's boss: who has such a long reach with its grab attack that you also need to find a way to cheese this ogre, too. So far, the first three enemies you fight are only defeated by your cheesing them, thus proving that the developer really does not know how to balance their game. You'll find yourself stun locked and needing to restart because it's basically over at that point, the hitboxes are very odd . . . the game needs a lot of work starting with the most basic concept of a 2D side scroller: invincibility frames. These are necessary to avoid the aforementioned issue of being stun locked once your character loses their clothing.

    A grindy aspect of an adult rated game, where the entire point is to see the pornography, is already one flaw. Because if I want to play a game where I need to grind my character, I'll go play an actual video game from a AAA studio. We are here to see porn. Why developers don't take that into consideration when designing their porn games is beyond me. At the very least, include some in-game cheats so that people who actually go as far as to spend money on the game (it's free here on F95, of course) can actually progress at a realistic pace of time. This is another one of those games where you might as well just find a save file from someone who undoubtedly used CheatEngine to also beat the game, or those who have nothing better to do with their time that they have the patience to just sit there and grind on the generic mobs.

    And, to make it even more annoying, the developer thought it'd be a cool idea to implement a system based off of Pachinko, where you drop a ball from the top and bounce it off of pegs to try and drop the ball into a certain cup. Each of these cups are designed to give you a boost to a certain stat, whether it be your character's defense, power, speed, etc. Power is easily the most important but you aren't always going to find the ball rewarding you with extra power points. If you get too much of one stat then it effectively makes the game harder by giving you an underwhelming attack power.

    There looks to be a variety of fetish content and the animations in general are good, but I'm not looking for a time waster that wastes more of my free time than I desire. And this game is exactly that: you're going to be wasting a lot of time just to see the porn.

    I remember playing this game years ago and came back to it to figure out why I never bothered finishing it. Now I remember, and I'm leaving a review in case I come back in a few more years.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is complete horseshit. Ever since 1985, when some random ass kid sucked shit at mario, the existence of "invincibility" frames have become a well established concept for 2D side scrolling action games. Essentially, it allows for a brief moment of invincibility to allow both for the player to collect them selves after being hit, and also to allow whatever threat that just hit the player to pass over/through them, meaning they can recover from being hit. This has been a staple of 2D since Mario, and every 2D game like it understands how this works and how to implement it. Every game except this piece of dogshit. So, so often do I find myself escaping an enemy's grasp only for myself to be hit by another enemy within the second, an enemy I usually couldn't even avoid in the first place because this game controls like ass. And that's only with ONE enemy. Are there two of the little brown ass vore goblins attacking you? Oh well, better load a save, because you aint getting past this. Even after they let you go, if they managed to strip you, you have no chance of winning. You can't jump when embarrassed, you can't dodge, you can't even use you're specials. All you CAN do is a punch and a shitty kick, both with more frames of windup and cool down than actual hit frames. This game controls like this joke of a developer went "What if I made Street Fighter a platformer" and did NOTHING ELSE. Sure, multi hit is fine in a FIGHTING GAME, when you're playing against PEOPLE, where they can, you know, MESS UP, but against a perfect, patient computer? A computer which can move faster than you? One which can grab the player, who has to IMMEDIATELY do a QTE with the d pad, despite the fact they were probably HOLDING A MOVEMENT KEY DOWN, meaning they instantly fail and get harshly punished for something they didn't have time to react to? This is BULLSHIT. This game is like the Zelda Sliding Block Puzzle of videogames: you know what you have to do the moment you enter the room, but the shitty design means you spend far too long finagling with the controls than you do actually trying to solve the puzzle. Only the difference here is that instead of the reward being a neat item, or a key to progress in the dungeon, this game's incentive is more fucking block pushing.

    I understand this is a free game at the end of the day, and I don't expect for a game on a porn website to be the next Doom Eternal, but I feel like this game could have been great. I've seen some of the animations elsewhere online, and they look fantastic. What this game needs is a DRASTIC reworking. Being stunlocked isn't fun. Being unable to play a game because the enemies have worse hitboxes than Melee Game and Watch's isn't fun. Being unable to press a button and load a save on a game like this isn't fun. It's just annoying.

    For anyone intersted in installing, don't bother. Just look up an animation compilation and jack off to that instead. This mess isn't worth you're time, and you're trying to jack off to furry shemale inflation, meaning your time is already worthless.