VN Ren'Py Working on a game. When should I release?

Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
So, I've been working on a Daz/Ren'py game for a few months now and could use some advice. From what I can tell, many devs recommend having a strong first release, but it's hard to say what exactly that is. Maybe 600+ images? At the moment, I'm only at 200 and even getting that many took quite a bit of work. Each render takes 10 minutes to process, but that's not the real issue. I'm trying to do everything to the highest standard. I'm maybe a bit OCD when it comes to setting a scene up. I want everyone to say "Wow, what an exciting premise! None of the characters are clipping! They're all posed so well! Good lighting! Good writing! Nice animations! Etc... Etc... However, I'm concerned people will pop open version 0.1 and say "Oh... It's only 30 minutes long, 2 star rating(even though it took me quite a while to make). Anyway, I'm eager to share my project, but I'm worried about the initial response. Releasing too early could lead to fewer Patrons and overall interest in the game of course. Do you think a well-made game would grow over time regardless? Or is it all about that first impression? I've pretty much finished up the first day, but wonder if I should include the second day as well. My personal preference is to go ahead and release it once I've finished the day out with 300 images or so.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
I would say try to go for a good introduction first and then think about image count.
If you can do that in 300 high standard images go for it.
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Oct 14, 2022
First impressions matter a lot.
If the first day is bad no amount of fixing will get me interested.

It sounds like your making a visual novel.
There are thousend of visual novels.
If you dont make a good first impression it will be lost in the massive amount of junk.

What you need is:
1: A good sale pitch.
As i said there are thousends of competitors.
People only have so much time and money to spend.
2: Be active.
Talking to your costumers so they feel heard is a good way to keep there loyalty.
3: Make a good first impression.
It doesnt matter if it is a 15 min or 300 hour game.
If the game doesnt impress me at the start i just unistall it and get something else.

When making something you shoud always remember.
There are always people who dont like it.
You need to cater to the crowd you are making it for.
Not the haters.

Lets take 2 games i will never play because of bad intro.
Headmaster in which the main character rapes a teenager on stage in front of the nations leaders.
There is stupid and there is why is this guy still alive.
And he was the latter.
Blackheart personal assasistant.
Blackheart games have a reputation for good sex scenes, renders but horrible story telling.
I unren that game for the scenes but you have to pay me to sit through the story.
The entire game is a case because plot say so.
From the way he manage to not only get a girl expulsed from school, talk the cops into believing the girls are in whiteness protection and him corrupting them is pretty much them just trowing themselves at him.
The entire story relies on everyone in the world but dumber then homer simpson.
It kills my desire to read the story.
I enjoyed lab rats 1 & 2 story.
I enjoyed hentai highschool+ story.
I enjoyed superpowered story even if i wanted to murder billy(The mc) for being an idiot.
At least his idioticy was intentional(I hope)
Given there are smart character in the game that arent billy.

In short.
When making a game or story.
It is important to leave an impression of something you want to come back to later.
There is mind and magic and Omnilord.
2 Games who i am waiting to be released before playing.
They left a good first impression as games you want to play once.
Not something you want to repeatly redo the first act of.

First impressions matter a lot.

Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
Yes, I am making a VN. I'm hoping the interesting premise and animations make it stand out in the first update. I'm avoiding controversial tags and am sticking with a pretty safe plot. One of my concerns is that everything's kinetic so far. It's still early, so I haven't been able to add meaningful choice menus yet. I should be able to remedy this later, but players may not feel super invested in a straight-through plot. Maybe I can think of a cliffhanger to end the first update on so people want to see what happens next.


Oct 7, 2022
It depends on your game. If it's shit it doesn't matter when u release it. When it's good it also doesn't matter

Go for your feeling if u think it's worth a first release then let's go!!!!!!!!
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New Member
Game Developer
Jul 11, 2023
There's no surefire way to make a game everyone is going to like, but after years of playing games (and having just released the first version of my own) there are a few key things I've noticed that successful projects tend to have in common:

  1. Strong premise. You're X, and you fuck Y, by doing Z. [X] doesn't matter that much, but [Y] is everything, and as long as [Y] is really good, then you can get a lot of leeway with how [Z] works. Something Unlimited has you fucking the babes from the DCAU, and Summertime Saga has a huge roster of girls-next-door and celebrity lookalikes. Neither of them has the most compelling gameplay in the world, but both have great writing.
  2. Consistency of output. There are a million v0.1 releases out there that go nowhere. Are you going to have time to release an update next week? Next month? In six months? Have a plan for a consistent release schedule and try to stick to it. If people trust that you'll be adding new content soon, then it's okay to start off with a half hour's worth of content. Just have an hour more ready to go Soon™.
In my opinion, when you're in the super-indie leagues DIYing every aspect of game development, you can really swing for the fences and do whatever you want. Release early, or release late. There's no mistake so huge you can't fix it later. If you're being really anal about quality for your first release then that's a good sign, but there's no definite metric for success here.

And if you're trying to make money, consistency of output is the big thing. You don't need the best game in the world. You need to keep making the game you want to make. Again, look at Summertime Saga. Completely original content with no built-in fanbase or recognizable characters. Idiosyncratic art style- people on 4chan hated it when it came out. Vanilla sex with relatively few kinks, especially at the start (minus the incest that got patched out later). Now it's probably the most financially successful non-Japanese VN ever made, and all because DarkCookie and his team have kept at it for years.

Good luck with your project, I hope to play it soon!

Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
Yes, I will have plenty of time to work on this. This whole game dev thing is kind of a new hobby, so I'm much more interested in working on it than doing anything else... Probably because of the naked women LOL. Should I go ahead be more active on here? I've been lurking for a while, but maybe I should begin sharing some basic information. Also, are there other platforms I should begin utilizing? Discord servers or twitter maybe?


New Member
Game Developer
Jul 11, 2023
I do a lot of lurking here, only started posting so I could post my own game threads and get feedback on that. I don't see a lot of really active discussions outside of the game threads themselves, but those are a great resource for those individual games. If you're not sure about how to proceed, there's a lot of indie devs here that'll probably have input.

I'm not sure how many Discord servers there are for this kind of thing. I'm sure a few. Twitter is mostly good for advertising I guess, but it's probably easier to reach people here or on itch.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2017
First thing first!
Your =~ 0.01 should cause a very good, very strong, first impression!
I'm not hypocrite the first thing I see in a ero-game is the graphics and the girls (even though i'm not picky about these things I still want a good-looking girl to jerk off) be 2D or 3D.
Everything else, I don't have too much details to say, but anyway, If you game have choices, but these choices means Jack shit please don't put on the game. OK!?
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Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
I'll do my best! The graphics and characters look pretty good to me, but hopefully others will agree.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
I'm avoiding controversial tags and am sticking with a pretty safe plot.
Make the game you want to make.
If you like a theme or fetish that some people find controversial then fuck them, make a game you like.

Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
I'm hoping to provide a product that will reach the widest audience possible. I'm sticking to vanilla stuff up front and might test the waters later once I'm able to create a few polls asking people what they're okay with.
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New Member
Game Developer
Jul 11, 2023
It's difficult to truly anticipate what will go wide, and what won't. Summertime Saga has plenty of other male characters in it. A lot of people are turned off by the insinuation that the girl they want in the game is getting shared with another man; others aren't. I really would just try to make whatever you want to make, and stick at it for a long time. Consistency gets the audience.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
Yes, I will have plenty of time to work on this. This whole game dev thing is kind of a new hobby, so I'm much more interested in working on it than doing anything else... Probably because of the naked women LOL. Should I go ahead be more active on here? I've been lurking for a while, but maybe I should begin sharing some basic information. Also, are there other platforms I should begin utilizing? Discord servers or twitter maybe?
Should you be more active on here? It wouldn't hurt, If you can planing on making a Patreon or Subscribestar focus on that before a pirate forum. If your start making a bit with Patreon or Subscribestar then a discord wouldn't hurt too but focus on the game for now.

Share some basic information? Sure if you want. Make a dev thread on Programming, Development & Art forum or you could share some pics to us ;)
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Engaged Member
Jun 25, 2017
I'm hoping to provide a product that will reach the widest audience possible. I'm sticking to vanilla stuff up front and might test the waters later once I'm able to create a few polls asking people what they're okay with. Mainly I'm just avoiding putting any males in the game besides the protagonist since that comes with heavy financial consequences.
So really it's just about the money rather than having your own creative freedom..


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
I'm hoping to provide a product that will reach the widest audience possible. I'm sticking to vanilla stuff up front and might test the waters later once I'm able to create a few polls asking what people are and aren't okay with. For example, any game with other men in it seems to suffer heavy financial consequences. That's why I've decided to play it safe make the protagonist the only guy in the game.
There are a lot of games that are not vanilla that have an good audience. Make the game you want to make.
If you just want to make money on a porn game go work for another dev.

Soft Whisper

Game Developer
Apr 9, 2023
Not sure the game would have a lot of financial support up front, but I don't want to include anything that would hurt it in the long run. Atm the game is exactly what I want to create, so no worries about that. I'm just worried about harsh reviews and comments. I might have to get used to some criticism when I launch.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
Respected User
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
I'm only at 200 and even getting that many took quite a bit of work. Each render takes 10 minutes to process, but that's not the real issue. I'm trying to do everything to the highest standard. I'm maybe a bit OCD when it comes to setting a scene up. I want everyone to say "Wow, what an exciting premise! None of the characters are clipping! They're all posed so well! Good lighting! Good writing! Nice animations! Etc... Etc... However, I'm concerned people will pop open version 0.1 and say "Oh... It's only 30 minutes long, 2 star rating(even though it took me quite a while to make).
Share it when you feel like it's ready to be shared. First impressions are literally everything in this space. This is the one time you aren't going to have pressure of a release date hanging over your neck, so pack as much as you feel you can in. 600 is a decent first release, but with more VNs coming out at a higher quality, it might be smart to make it a bit longer so it leaves a bit of a stronger impression with potential players. There's a few new AVNs dropping 2000+ render releases from the jump, and while the quality and Engrish are often present, it's slowly becoming the norm.

It sounds like you're working at high standard, and your English seems more than passable, so I'd probably guess that your work might be a tick above the rest. For reference, my new VN's first release was around a 1,040 renders, which is around 2.5-3 hours of playtime, depending on your speed. I'd consider my stuff on the higher-end level of the spectrum (don't want to come off arrogant or anything), and I peaked at around $750 before dropping back to around $400 after the month ended. That'd probably sit on the higher side of first releases, though, so I wouldn't expect that much. Unless you're working with something pretty high quality (hard to gauge without seeing the quality of your work.).

Not sure the game would have a lot of financial support up front, but I don't want to include anything that would hurt it in the long run. Atm the game is exactly what I want to create, so no worries about that. Harem games are right up my alley anyway. I'm just worried about harsh reviews and comments. I might have to get used to some criticism when I launch.
Money shouldn't be your focus at this point (nor should you quit your day job yet.). But I think you need to understand that no matter what you do, someone isn't going to like something about it. You can't and shouldn't worry about a vocal minority whining about things they don't like. If they have valid criticisms that seem to be repeated by others, then sure, start looking at ways to fix it, but do you. The only thing that's going to hurt you in the long run is saying you aren't going to do something and then taking it back and adding it a few releases later. You're going to attract who you're going to attract, and to that extent, it's nigh impossible to predict your audience.

Watch out for the fake harem clowns, though. They're loud and annoying (almost as bad as the Anti-NTR crowd), so just have your ignore button ready.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2017
Not sure the game would have a lot of financial support up front, but I don't want to include anything that would hurt it in the long run. Atm the game is exactly what I want to create, so no worries about that. Harem games are right up my alley anyway. I'm just worried about harsh reviews and comments. I might have to get used to some criticism when I launch.
There is always going to be an asshole commenting, people criticizing the smallest things in the game, and someone giving a 1 star review for the dumbest reasons. That's just the nature of putting out a game. Just make the game you want to make.
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