Need-To-Know . . .
Are there any 'Mods', like "QoL Mods", available for this game ?
I'm really liking the graphics of the game as a whole, and the images of the Girls/Women in particular .
But, as I'm trying to learn the play of the game, I feel like I'm running a 500 meter race !
Everything is moving too fast, . . . the time of day, . . . . the pop-ups; pop-out, way too fast before one can finish reading what they say, (and I don't know where you can go in-game), to find out what they were "alerting" the player to , so it feels like, you might have missed something important .
Why must the game
progress at
break-neck speed
This reminds me of, "
The Sims" games,
when you first play them, before adding any QoL
Mods .
Someone created a "QoL"
Mod, to enable, a player to change the "speed of the time" progression in the game .
This enabled one to change the time progression, to what was appropriate, to one's
own play-style,
instead of at, the
game's original, "
break-neck/super-sonic" speed .
Some people, like to take their time while playing their games .

Why do
some games
need one to "
run-through" them ?
What's the point ?

How are you supposed to enjoy the game, running through it ?
(and miss enjoying, all that,
painstakingly/time-consuming, created artwork . . .

So, . . .
Are there any
Mods, available yet for this game ?
Especially, "QoL"
Mods, . . . Like a "
time/speed progression adjusting"
Mod ?