-Attractive models with varying body-types (Many of them Futas, so YMMV)
-Decent artwork/renders.
-Artist shows potential, however mistakes are still prominent and plentiful.
-You will be repeatedly tortured with slideshows and no means to skip nor escape them.
-You will be repeatedly tortured with "Hypno-sessions", animations which you cannot skip, over and over until you boil over with rage and regret your most recent life-choices which led you to trying this game.
TLDR; Unskippable constant slideshows will occasionally have a more interesting picture or two which will change into something uninteresting too promptly. Resist the temptation to rewatch the sequence. Aww, too late... It wasn't THAT interesting, was it? But, now rewatch the rest because, you have no other choice. You are a slave to this Dev's awful wishes to torment you. You made the choice.