RPGM - Completed - Worm Nest [Final] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Is this game bad? Well... yes, unfortunately. Unforgivably so. Which is just a dang shame. I won't go too in depth for the sake of just repeating the sentiment of all the other reviews here. Just know its... well, I'd say a garbage fire, but that would be rather disrespectful to garbage.

    The art is not great, but neither is it awful. I'd give it a two star for having decent enough art, and a decent enough idea, even if it failed unbelievably hard in the execution. And I give it one more star for being on of the very few games to feature breast penetration and impregnation. Its not all that uncommon in the hentai/doujin space, but basically unseen in the game world. And for that reason alone, it has earned itself some small manner of my praise. (Seriously, if anyone knows any games that also have that as a theme, please tell me)

    TL/DR: If you desperately want to indulge in this fetish, cheat to get to the gallery room, for anyone else, avoid like the plague.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Alright, so I played Worm Nest despite its poor rating - mostly to see if it is as bad as people say.

    I can confidently say that it is. Worms Nest is a game where you play a princess or some other noble born girl. Her patrol is ambushed and you are dragged to the lair of these worms where the game begin.

    The game is extremely repetitive. It beats most of RPGM games by several miles in this regard. There is basically only one enemy, and this one enemy will basically do the same thing to you. The scenes are also mostly the same which is really boring.

    There is not really any game play other than trying to escape the maze and fight an infinite amount of repetitive worm encounters along the way.

    The combat, of which you will see in abundance, isn't even balanced - for instance removing the worms won't actually prevent them from attaching further that round, which beats the purpose of that move. The attached worm can also still attack and damage you despite having attached itself for the H attack, which then again isn't balanced.

    If only the art was good, but no.. It isn't.

    To summarize:

    The Good:
    • There isn't anything to mention as far as I'm aware. Perhaps if you like this stuff as a fetish, but even then it would be frustrating.

    The In-Between:
    • Nothing here either.

    The Bad:
    • The Art is bad.
    • The game is repetitive.
    • The combat is boring and unbalanced.
    • There is no story to speak of.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I love all the tags, I love playing the parasite, the dialogues are also nice. It's also great that the goal is to lose the fights.
    But I deleted the game after 5 min, because it's so repetitive.
    Plus the art is not that sexy.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This was another great game (in my opinion) developed by ST Hot Dog King.

    First off, love the transformation throughout the main characters journey. Not only was it sext to see her breasts continue to grow and have her nipples be impregnated, it also was a constant reminder to keep an eye on your sex bar.

    The sex scenes were good both outside of combat and during combat. My favorite was when she had to insert her boobs into the wall, and the tentacles actually enlarged her bust, making it much more difficult for her to pull out. Though I do admit, the sex animations when fighting the huggers can get repetitive. Also, with the enemies all being the same, their is very little strategy other than, save your items for the boss.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Pregnancy? Tentacles?... please continue.
    Breast expansion? ... definitely continue, in detail.

    ...aaaaaand then that game play. I want to subtract more than 4 stars.
    ...aaaaaand it's censored, which makes me also want to subtract more than 4 stars.

    Sadly I can't, the limits of the rating system, so instead of dashed hopes leaving it with a -5 it just gets a 1.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the 3rd game from this particular dev with this fetish theme, and I am very disappointed.

    First, what this game does better than the previous games:
    - The timer you receive once you escape from combat is VERY convenient, and is a feature the previous two desperately needed.

    That's it. That's all this game did better.

    The combat rape in the previous two games served a purpose, but here it's just a "don't do this or you lose" limiter. The first two games, you actually gained a sort of resource whenever you got fucked, but here you don't have that.

    Both the "failed fight" and "game over" scenes only have one breast size, and there is no visual difference in them when your breasts have been enlargened. This is just poor by design.

    The crafting... Holy fuck, the crafting. First, clothes are useless, you can't equip them or use them, and are actually sometimes a source of a game crash if you try to make the game auto equip... Nothing. Yep, crash from naught. Because you can't use the clothes, you also can't use the clothes repair kit, so that's a bust. But the worst sin of all comes in the form of white flowers and unknown fiber. These two items are pretty damn important, but the rate you can aquire them is flat out not enough, ON TOP OF the fact that the item requirements to craft are just too high. One huge example is the fact that despite grinding my ass off, I still couldn't make the first upgrade to the (useless) basic clothing I had in my inventory even after beating the game.

    Talking about beating the game... Use a save editor. Legit. It was a struggle just to get to level 15 in my game, and even then I couldn't even kill ONE hugger in the "last" fight. Oh but it gets worse, because after that "last" fight is THE TRUE REAL FIGHT, and just give up on that, because you need to fight 10-12 extra huggers on top of the last fight, with zero heal in between, who are level ?? and for me at least, they took half the damage the huggers before them took.

    Finally, this game is 600+ MB, I don't understand how it's file size is this fucking large, because I've played games with 10x more scenes AND gameplay and be half the size.

    Conclusion: Extract the gallery and delete the game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is almost unplayable, with several functions of the game not working period, on top of constant crashing. Would not recommend playing this game. The content itself was fine, if you enjoy this fetish, there is a save file in the comments of this thread. If you however just want to play a game and check it out, don't, it is a waste of time.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Sorry, but this is game is terrible.. its totally bugged, the enemies are really annoying and the the sex scenes arent worth the trouble you haveto get through to see them.. im somewhat sorry to write a review like this after someone put his time and effort in creating a game for others to enjoy, but you cant enjoy this one..
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Grey Wolf 73

    mods used:none

    I loaded this game thinking Hey! I really like(tags): vaginal/oral sex, and big tits.
    My secret fetishes are: creampies and pregnancy. I'll really love this game!!!
    ...Not so much. The story is as thin as rice paper. The tutorials are non-existent. You go out and fight endless bugs that latch onto you and 'hug' you until your tits get huge.
    OK so what's the point of this game? If it's a sex game, it loses my interest FAR too fast. Is it a dungeon crawler? Far to little variety.
    It might get good the more you play it, but this game lost my interest too soon to tell.
    A good idea. A decent attempt. Needed a little polish to be great.
    I'll never discourage a developer from doing what they love or what makes some coin for them, so keep on making games. This game just isn't for me, but I'm sure it's someone's favorite.