interchanging love & dom points isn't necessarily the best idea. the point of having any character stats is to simulate the character having a personality, and responding in ways its personality dictates. so when you implement a system which allows getting the dom endings on love route (or vice versa) you instantly make the choices leading to that point meaningless. and people just hate meaningless choices.
a good rule of thumb is that the illusion of personality emerges from DISAGREEING with what the player wants them to do. the pushback is the main driver of it. when an object, a thing, a gadget works exactly as expected, it stays as an object with no will of it own. but when that object 'acts up', refuses to do what it should, we instantly feel it as a will of its own. a personality.
so if you make a point system, don't turn back and undo all the hard work the player put in to push that personality. the choices have to mean something, which always requires closing some paths. only meaningless choices keep all options open.
doesn't mean you have to be 100% black & white about the separation, but be very aware how gray areas dilute the personalities. a little fuzzy logic is fine, but never let the paths end identical or none of the previous game matters. people get so angry when they get to the end and it turns out all choices lead to the same place.