wtf kinda porno forum has futa porn everywhere and i get a single hit from searching Eric Stanton


Oct 14, 2021
also he probably invented femdom on top of that. ok maybe not but he was probably one of the first artists to put it into the pulp/graphic genre. IN THE MOTHERFUCKING 50s. this will not stand, this wanton ignorance of Amerikas proud cultural heritage will not stand man. heres some pics

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
this will not stand, this wanton ignorance of Amerikas proud cultural heritage will not stand man.
What pride have to do there exactly ?

Stanton brought back, to the eyes of the ignorant masses, what existed and was popular culture during centuries, when not millennium. It's all what he does, what is there to be proud of in this ?
"Hey, look, a guy almost everyone forgot about, did something that existed before his birth." Yeah, what a pride...

The first futanari in the pop culture come either (there's debate) from Hinduism/Buddhism or from the Japanese culture, both centuries ago. The first domme to become a pop icon was Ishtar, a Mesopotamian goddess, both lover and warrior. This while the first known femDom pop story, it's the folklore tale Phyllis and Aristotle, wrote in the 13th century ; and Phyllis come from the Greek mythology. It's not because, seen from modern eyes, this is now elitist content, that it wasn't the pop culture of those times.
Were there really a culture more popular than the Vedas in old India, or that religion in Mesopotamia ? Ishtar is so deep in the popular culture, that she's, with Baal, the only Mesopotamian deity to have survived through the times ; passing from a pop culture to another during more than five millennium.
Phyllis and Aristotle was told by minstrels traveling from town to town. Same, but in a different form, for Japanese tales and stories. It was, at those times, how the people entertained itself at a lesser cost, and therefore the pulp magazines of the pre-Guntenberg era.
As for the first mix of the twos, to my knowledge it goes back to Sade. Since his stories were wrote as real piece of life, the girls weren't effectively futa, but among the few dominant girls in his stories, some were wearing a strap-on time to time.

Now, all this being said, Stanton's first publication was named Phyllis...
Hmm, where have I seen this name in the last few minutes ? Oh, yeah, I remember now. Looks like Stanton took his inspiration in the Greek mythological figure that also inspired the first known femDom story. What a strange coincidence, isn't it ?


Oct 14, 2021
What pride have to do there exactly ?

Stanton brought back, to the eyes of the ignorant masses, what existed and was popular culture during centuries, when not millennium. It's all what he does, what is there to be proud of in this ?
"Hey, look, a guy almost everyone forgot about, did something that existed before his birth." Yeah, what a pride...

The first futanari in the pop culture come either (there's debate) from Hinduism/Buddhism or from the Japanese culture, both centuries ago. The first domme to become a pop icon was Ishtar, a Mesopotamian goddess, both lover and warrior. This while the first known femDom pop story, it's the folklore tale Phyllis and Aristotle, wrote in the 13th century ; and Phyllis come from the Greek mythology. It's not because, seen from modern eyes, this is now elitist content, that it wasn't the pop culture of those times.
Were there really a culture more popular than the Vedas in old India, or that religion in Mesopotamia ? Ishtar is so deep in the popular culture, that she's, with Baal, the only Mesopotamian deity to have survived through the times ; passing from a pop culture to another during more than five millennium.
Phyllis and Aristotle was told by minstrels traveling from town to town. Same, but in a different form, for Japanese tales and stories. It was, at those times, how the people entertained itself at a lesser cost, and therefore the pulp magazines of the pre-Guntenberg era.
As for the first mix of the twos, to my knowledge it goes back to Sade. Since his stories were wrote as real piece of life, the girls weren't effectively futa, but among the few dominant girls in his stories, some were wearing a strap-on time to time.

Now, all this being said, Stanton's first publication was named Phyllis...
Hmm, where have I seen this name in the last few minutes ? Oh, yeah, I remember now. Looks like Stanton took his inspiration in the Greek mythological figure that also inspired the first known femDom story. What a strange coincidence, isn't it ?
nah the chicks with dicks aka princk idea was pioneered in the us sub/counter culture by artists like stanton and was the main influence on jap stuff in the 80s. then that was reintroduced to the west as anime hentai manga bullshit.

also hermaphroditism or whatever other sexual stuff in folklore and mythology is very diff from modern sexual fetishes. sure the basic concepts are the same, maybe most of the psychology behind it as well. but aesthetically and culturally not comparable at all. saying that stanton brought back what existed before is like saying picasso brought back styles that existed before. yes all human produced art is fundamentally identical in many ways, techniques and composition patterns are constant over time, but these are just truisms. doesnt really tell u much about a specific genre or period let alone the work itself.

point is if u think a 50s brooklyn artist coming up with the idea of "50s american female archetypes but with huge dicks and dominant" is the same as roman bacchanalia ur clearly reading too much wikipedia.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
saying that stanton brought back what existed before is like saying picasso brought back styles that existed before.
Except that it's not a question of art here.

You pretended that he invented "chick with dicks", and incidentally claim that he's one of the first to have depicted domme female characters. Not that he was the first artist to put one or the other into his art. And the fact is that anyway both claims are false.
While the common representations, both written, painted and sculpted, of Ardhanarishvara (the representation of Parvati being a full part of Shiva) is to split both vertically, there's also some rare (at least in regard of what survived through history) representation that are a "chick with a dick". There's also some Dosojin, among probably other minor Japaneses deities, that are depicted with both boobs and a dick. And those are only two examples that can be found in Human history. As for femDom, as I said the first known story is now near to be 900 years old, and is probably to count among Stanton's inspiration sources.

As I implied, the only thing he did, what isn't necessarily insignificant, but yet not a reason for pride, is to place both into an explicit erotic context.

point is if u think a 50s brooklyn artist coming up with the idea of "50s american female archetypes but with huge dicks and dominant" is the same as roman bacchanalia ur clearly reading too much wikipedia.
Man, you should open some books time to time. What the fuck Romans Bacchanalia are doing as answer to a post talking about Mesopotamia, Hinduism, Buddhism, old Japan, and middle age Europe ? The only thing not too far is the secondary reference to the Greek Mythological figure that is Philly.
If you really believe that they are the sole example of debauchery in history, it's not surprising that you see Stanton as your hero.


Oct 14, 2021
You pretended that he invented "chick with dicks", and incidentally claim that he's one of the first to have depicted domme female characters. Not that he was the first artist to put one or the other into his art. And the fact is that anyway both claims are false.
While the common representations, both written, painted and sculpted, of Ardhanarishvara (the representation of Parvati being a full part of Shiva) is to split both vertically, there's also some rare (at least in regard of what survived through history) representation that are a "chick with a dick". There's also some Dosojin, among probably other minor Japaneses deities, that are depicted with both boobs and a dick. And those are only two examples that can be found in Human history. As for femDom, as I said the first known story is now near to be 900 years old, and is probably to count among Stanton's inspiration sources.
i literally said in the next sentence thats not true but he prob was one of the first to put it in the comic/pulp genre. which is modern pop culture not ancient religion. also a vertically gender-split hindu deity is not a chick with a dick. ppl who fap to chicks to dicks usually dont worship shiva. is hermaphroditism itself, or oedipal fantasy itself, a modern invention. nope, never said it was. but they are different in modernity than they were in antiquity because obviously. to conclude: stanton and/or his contemporaries did invent these concepts in the form we know and use them.

Man, you should open some books time to time. What the fuck Romans Bacchanalia are doing as answer to a post talking about Mesopotamia, Hinduism, Buddhism, old Japan, and middle age Europe ? The only thing not too far is the secondary reference to the Greek Mythological figure that is Philly.
bc those mysteries and associated rituals dealt with many of the same concepts that a swingers club or davos afterparty might but the historical, socio-economic etc context is very different. which is likely to profoundly affect how those concepts are interpreted and realised. you think a billionaire chopping wood in 2023 is doing so for the same reason, with the same motivation etc. as an algonquin chopping wood in 1650?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
to conclude: stanton and/or his contemporaries did invent these concepts in the form we know and use them.
It really looks like you'll die if not everyone agree on this, so let's say that I agree...

Among other things it will do good to my neurons.
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