1. Given the theme of the mod, shouldn't the NTR be more focused on male students? Maybe seeing the girls get sluttier with the guys on campus outside of class and all.
I see what you mean. My initial vision was definitely to put male students the game. I’m thinking they would appear in the window peep shots, but also in little scenes with the female teacher. I would've done that for this demo, but various escalating sex scenes for 18 girls is a tall order!
But it's definitely something that should be there, I agree.
2. The thing you hint at with male students sounds like it could be its own game, with say, the player being a male student getting molested by the teacher. That could be a great femdom oriented game, and one that I don't think we've seen anything like before. Probably not your thing, and also way outside the scope of a mod(I'm assuming, but to be fair, mod makers can do some incredible stuff), but is definitely something I now want someone to try. So yeah, this is the suggestion for the whole thread.
I'd love to see a WTM spinoff featuring Angela Oppahammer, getting slutty with the male students! But for now, what I was envisioning was just MC peeping on her.
3. Would you consider any umm... overtly fantasy elements? I'm thinking of stuff like Breast Expansion, which given its DAZ models, is actually a bit more doable than it would be with the approach taken by the base game. I get if its not your thing, or if its way too difficult for your skill level at DAZ, but would be cool.
I'd definitely consider that! Breast expansion is definitely possible. Also, if you look at the body images of the various girls, you'll notice breast/ass/skin tones vary quite a bit.
In fact, I made a cheat sheet for all the girls just so I could keep it straight in my head. I'll post it here for reference.
Anyway, keep going! You've got something here.
Thanks! We'll see if I keep going with it. I was mainly just making this for myself, and I figured maybe other people might enjoy it too. My ideal scenario is that motivated people take elements from Momozono and WTM and then spin them off into their own ideas.
1. I don't feel like the after school thing, i.e., bar area, suggested makes sense? I say this because this is clearly a side project, and unless it's something you think you could do quickly, it should probably get cut. You might be able to piggy back off of stuff Ninoss adds, but otherwise, this just strikes me as too much work given you already have at least one other game I know about on your plate, and that one has Patreon backers(from what I understand). It would be really cool to interact with the other teacher, but I just don't see how there would be time for it and...
Yeah, biting off way more than I can chew is standard for me. My thinking with "hanging out" with Angela and Coach was just simple little conversations, and maybe some peeping. As for the hostess bar, my thinking was, "hey... wouldn't it be fun if there was an area where players could encounter 'graduates' of the testing program? See them in all their slutty glory?" Basically just a hall of fame spot. But you're right--it's probably more work than I got the stomach for.
Regarding my other projects, I'm still working on them. Fans have been patient, and for that I'm very grateful. I don't have a Patreon, though. I never have, but maybe someday... For now, everything I do is entirely for my own amusement.
3. More broadly, looking at this project as a way for you to improve your modeling and animation skills in DAZ, along with programming within Renpy, I'd say after you replace the videos with DAZ stuff? I would add some kind of victory condition like Examination Day's, i.e., turning the girls into sluts, and then try to bring it to a close. Heck, maybe if the player got all the girls enrolled to say, 100% Corruption, 100% Naturism, and High intelligence, for the sake of examples, they could get an epilogue ending that wraps everything up. Say something about how you somehow made the girls better workers, and insured they would have large families from their new found sluttiness, or something like that.
Wow! An ending idea. I haven't really thought that much. My current thinking:
(1) replace all the live-action stuff with DAZ stuff;
(2) build in an "escalation" structure for the peep scenes. Ideally, I'd like the morning peep scenes to change based on each characters' naturalism stat, and the evening peep scenes to change based on each girl's corruption/teacher affinity stat.
(3) Maybe some of the Coach/Angela/Hostess bar stuff previously mentioned.
But I like your idea of the ending. It'd be fun to write something about how Japan really turned its fortunes around by inculcating sluttiness in its young people.
Just tried it and tbh its not bad at all, but may I suggest adding a few new variables? and perhaps add a "capacity" function to the girls. so that for some it would be all but impossible for them to enjoy it with the coach. i.e 1-10 with 1 being ultra tight and 10 being a size queen. Then maybe let the Coach level up too, so that you can unlock a function that lets you choose how gentle or rough he goes at it? 1-10 again, with 1 being gentle, 5 being moderate, and then 7-9 being rough and 10 basically being a hate fuck.
these variables would impact each other and add a bit more depth but im not sure how difficult a modification it would be for you, as it would just alter the dialogue a bit. (for the coach part, call it "intensity" you could start off with it being random, but as he gains more sex experience, you might let it unlock more functions.)
Those are awesome ideas! I'd love to implement them. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to implement that in Renpy. I'm still trying to figure out how Ninoss has done half of his Renpy wizardry. He's super talented, and I wish I had his ability. If I did, I'd totally scale in some of the "capacity" function (for both the girls and for Coach) as you're describing.
If you have Renpy ability, go for it! I'd be happy to render/write some dialogue to match.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback, guys!
And thanks again for the great concept, Ninoss and friends. This has been a fun learning experience for me.